Why did the Prophet love cats



Why did the Prophet love cats


Cats :

It is one of the animals that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, spoke about and was keen to clarify its status and rulings in Islam.

He loved it because it is one of the rafts that enters homes and eats food.

It is not unclean in origin, but rather pure.

It can be raised in the home and treated as one of the household’s belongings, and this is what The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said in the hadith of our master Anas bin Malik, where he said: “ia Anas، The cat is one of the household's belongings.

It will not filth anything, nor will it defile it.”.

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Why did the Prophet love cats

Why did the Prophet love cats

facts about cats in islam 

For these reasons, the Messenger did not forbid any companion from owning a cat.

This Abu Hurairah always carried a cat with him, so he was called Abu Hurairah.

If this indicates anything, it indicates that it is one of the beautiful creatures that does not harm, but rather has many benefits.

However, if anyone decides Raising a cat, he must take full care of it without neglecting it.

This is a woman who entered a cat that she imprisoned and did not feed.

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Is there a reward for raising cats:

Yes, there is a reward for everyone who takes care of cats.

If someone decides to buy a cat and raise it and take care of it, Islam and rulings say that this person has a great reward because cats have a wet liver, and what is meant is that they are among the living things that if someone performs a service to them, then this service is written in his scales, as the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: ” In every wet liver there is a reward ”، That is, in every animal that is cared for and worked to care for and treat when it becomes ill and to feed it, there will be a great reward on the Day of Resurrection.

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The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said:

God has written benevolence over everything”, and benevolence is the thing that a person can do towards any person or thing without asking him to do so, in anticipation of reward only without waiting for anything else or in return, so benevolence to cats, who are spirits, is one of the things with The great reward if a person can do it.

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What did the Messenger tell us about cats:

There are many hadiths that the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, told us about cats.

Islam is a comprehensive religion.

If you want to know anything about anything in life, you can search the Qur’an and the Sunnah and you will find it.

Even cats are not excluded.

The Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, told us in many hadiths about cats, and among these hadiths are:

Why are cats so important in Islam?

The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: A woman entered Hell in a kitten that she tied up, but she did not feed her or let her eat from the ground’s poppy.

This hadith is a warning to those who raise cats.

They must take care of them and take full care of them without neglecting them, otherwise they will leave them.

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This is the Messenger’s talk about cats as household belongings: 

On the authority of Anas bin Malik - may God be pleased with him, that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to him: O people, the kitten is one of the household’s belongings.

He will not squander anything, nor will he defile it.

If a woman sent a horse to Aisha, may God be pleased with her, and she found her praying, she advised me to put her down, and Harrah came and ate from her, and when she left, she ate from it.Where the kitten ate and said: The Messenger of God prayed over him.

Abu Qatada entered upon Kabsha bint Ka'b bin Malik (who was the wife of his son Abdullah) and she poured him a ablution, and a kitten came to drink from it, and the vessel listened to her until she drank.

Kabsha said: He saw me looking at him, and he said: Are you surprised, my niece? She said: Yes.He said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: It is not impure, but rather it is one of the rafts, or rafts.

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Benefits of raising cats in Islam:

We learned to give.

We learned empathy.

Get paid.

Not unclean.

Cats have a place in humans because they are part of the life, that is, they have a wet liver, and raising them on it is a reward.

But it has other benefits such as: 

We learned to give:

Cats are beautiful creatures that take the human heart quickly.

They are giving creatures and love those who take care of them and provide them with care.

Therefore, raising cats teaches humans to give and give without waiting for anything in return for these grants.

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We learned empathy:

Sensing others and providing them with support are among the things that humans have urged us to do.

Not to mention a animal that cannot speak or ask for help, so raising a cat at home trains humans to empathize with animals and with others in general. 

Obtaining wages: 

The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: There is a reward for every person with a wet liver, and this indicates that providing assistance to animals also has a very great reward from God, to the point that there is a woman who entered Hell in a cat that she imprisoned, and a man who entered Paradise in a dog that he gave him water.

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Not impure:

Cats are not as unclean as an eye, so they can be raised at home.Rather, the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, said about them that they are household goods, so it is not permissible for us to neglect them or leave them.

Benefits of raising cats:

Overcoming loneliness.

Feeling responsible.

Reduces stress.

She is long.

Low costs.

There are many reasons why people tend to raise cats more than any other animal such as dogs.

 Among the benefits of raising cats:

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Overcoming loneliness: 

Cats are very sociable organisms, so you will feel with them that they are one of your daughters and you want to fulfill all your requests and everything you need for them, so if you feel lonely, try to own a cat and you will definitely be happy.  

Feeling responsible: 

If you are one of the people who have not taken responsibility since childhood and want to feel it, then the cat will definitely make you feel that way, because the cat is a responsibility just like a child, as you must put food and drink for it twice every day, and you must clean it and play with it 

Reduces stress: 

Petting cats and caressing them in the hair is one of the things that reduces stress, as this reduces the level of cortisol in the blood and its percentage.

If it increases, stress increases, and hearing cats purring also reduces stress. 

It's a long life: If you want to have a friend who stays with you all the time and stays for a long life, you must definitely think about raising a cat.If cats don't get sick, they are long until they reach twenty years of age.

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Low costs: 

As for raising dogs or other animals, raising cats is somewhat low-cost, and cats can keep themselves busy for a long time, unlike dogs that need someone by their side at all times. 

Ruling on raising cats at home, Ibn Uthaymeen:

Ibn Uthaymeen permits raising cats based on the hadiths of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace.

Cats are not unclean even though their urine and feces are impure, but they are pure and their beds are pure.

If they put their mouth in food, we can eat this food without abstaining from it.

This is because the Messenger said about them that they are pure and their beds are pure, and they can eat, drink, and perform ablution - which requires pure water - from their place.  

With my best wishes


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