Comparison between lion and tiger




Comparison between lion and tiger


lion vs tiger who is the real

They are two mammalian predators that are considered among the largest felines in the world and are characterized by strength, rigidity, and enormous mass. They are considered two main predators.

Lions and tigers can be easily distinguished just by looking at them, and you notice a great similarity between them in most behaviors until there is a difference between them.

Information about the snake

Comparison between lion and tiger

Comparison between lion and tiger

Comparison between lion and tiger

What is the difference between lion and tiger? 

Size and shape:

The lion and tiger are among the largest cats in the world

Who is more powerful lion or tiger?


How much does a lion weigh:

The lion is the second largest feline in the world after the striped tiger, as the weight of the male lion ranges between 150 to 250 kilograms, while the female weighs between 120 to 180 kilograms.

What are the similarities between lions and tigers?

  Tiger and raise a tiger  

How much does a tiger weigh:

The weight of the tiger ranges from 180 to 320 kilograms for the male, while the female weighs between 120 to 180 kilograms.

What are the different characteristics of lion and tiger?

     Characteristics of the tiger animal 

How tall is a lion:

Regarding body length, the length of a male lion is between 170 to 250 cm, while the female is between 140 to 175 cm. 

How tall is a tiger:

The length of the male tiger is between 260 to 330 cm and the female between 230 to 275 cm.

Siberian tiger and the Bengal tiger 

How high is the lion:

The height of an adult lion ranges from 1 meter to 120 cm.

How high is the tiger:

The height of the tiger ranges from 70 to 120 cm at the shoulder.

Life cycle:

The lifespan of lions differs relatively significantly from that of tigers

difference between lion and tiger behaviour

difference between lion and tiger and leopard

How long does a lion live:

The average life cycle of a male lion is 12 years, while a female is approximately 15 years.

tiger vs lion fight to death

siberian tiger vs lion size comparison 

How long does a tiger live:

The average life cycle of a tiger is between 15 and 20 years.

Bite force:

In the animal kingdom, there are many animals whose display force is greater than the bite force of lions and tigers, but this is not a measure of the animal's strength

How strong is a lion's bite:

The bite force of lions is 295 kilograms per square inch.

How strong is a tiger bite:

The tiger's bite force is 475 kilograms per square inch.

With these numbers, the force of a tiger bite is almost twice the force of a lion's bite.

can a lion kill a tiger

difference between tiger and leopard


When talking about speed, these animals do not like to run a lot, but their speed is okay

How fast is the lion:

The lion's speed is 80 kilometers per hour.

tiger vs lion weight in kg

How fast is a tiger:

Tiger speeds range between 50 and 65 kilometers per hour in short bursts. 

Distribution and habitation:

Where does the lion live:

Lions live in both Africa and Asia, but most live in sub-Saharan Africa, while the majority of lions in Asia live in zoos, and only a few live in the wild. 

Where does the tiger live:

Tigers are endemic in most of Eastern and Southern Asia in the forests of India and Siberia, and forests are the original habitat of tigers, not lions, as is widespread and common.

Gray wolf 

Fishing food:

How to hunt a lion:

The lion does not take care of hunting, but rather the lioness, as most of the prophecies are hunted at night, which makes it difficult for the prey to see them, but they also hunt during the day at times. As for prey, lions prefer to hunt zebras, Thompson's gazelle, pig, waterbuck, buffalo, giraffe, and others.

How to hunt a tiger:

Tigers are an animal that hunts alone most of the time at night, and they hunt only a few times during the day. Tigers prefer to hunt deer, buffalo, wild boars, fish, birds, reptiles and other animals.

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Behavior and nature of living:

How do lions live:

Lions are social animals together, consisting of groups called a group consisting of lions, females, and relatives. Lions spend most of their time resting, spending about 20 hours of sleep idle and often active at night. 

How do tigers live:

As for tigers, they are animals that live completely alone. But keep baby tigers with their family so they can rely on themselves, and then they go out to face life on their own . 

Pregnancy period and number of cubs:

Duration of pregnancy of a female lion:

The period of bearing prophecies is approximately 110 days, and in a number of forms from 1 to 4.

 ?What are 5 characteristics of a lion 

Duration of pregnancy of a female tiger:

The gestation period for Ant-Tiger ranges from 105 to 110 days, and in a number of forms from 2 to 4 cubs.

Which is stronger, the lion or the tiger:

The animal is strong and does not outperform each other.

But trainer Bert Nelson, who witnessed fighting between animals, said that tigers surrender faster than lions, but this is not a measure that lions are stronger than tigers, as some trainers say that a tiger may outperform a lion at times and vice versa, as it depends on the animal’s experience, ferocity, and method.

In fighting in order to outperform the other, but they keep this animal a symbol of strength in the animal kingdom, where the tiger, tiger, and lion remain the king of the forest.


With my best wishes


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