information about rooster



The most important facts and information about the rooster



Animal name:

 The male chicken is called (the rooster) and the female is called (the chicken), and its scientific name is (Gallus gallus).

What are some interesting facts about roosters?

information about rooster
information about rooster


It has a round appearance and is less than 70 cm long

Weight: It weighs approximately 2.6 kilograms on average.

information about rooster

What are the special features of rooster?

Animal characteristics:

 Cocks are usually larger than chickens and have a larger crest on their heads compared to chickens.

They are often brightly colored.

Chickens can fly, but because they are heavy, they can fly a distance of 60 meters.

They also have a bad sense of smell and taste, but their sense

of hearing is good.

facts about rooster

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Average age:

It may live up to 30 years.

Types of rooster

There are many types of roosters, including the following:

facts about rooster

Brahma rooster:

 This type of rooster was known as the King of Chickens, and it was the largest breed that existed until the appearance of the Giant Geisserie.

This type of rooster is gentle and is not known to be aggressive.

It is also docile and slow to mature and grow.

What is special about a rooster? 

Dick Welsamer:

This type of rooster has amazing feathers, especially in sunlight.

It is friendly with humans, and very good with ladies.

It is also always alert to anything abnormal; It leaves the barn after everyone leaves; In order to maintain their safety.

Dick Java:

This species no longer receives much attention, although it is one of the oldest breeds in the Americas, and comes in three colors: white, black, and mottled, and it is one of the large, gentle roosters.

Its average size is 4 kilometers.

What makes a rooster unique?

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Dick Sprite:

This species has human interaction and many characters, and they talk almost non-stop, and they can also protect their chickens, and you must deal with them regularly from the beginning so that you do not think that their safety is threatened.

Polish rooster:

 This species is not known for its aggression, and appears shy and very persistent if the feathers overlap and prevent it from seeing well.

It is also fairly good at caring for chickens and sounding the alarm, but it cannot be relied upon to keep predators away.

rooster information

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Rooster personality traits:

There are many characteristics that a rooster has, including: 

Roosters are able to express more than 30 different sounds and have strong hearing; It uses special sounds to attract chicks when laying eggs, and it also issues warning sounds when predators approach, as well as highlighting its interest in other chickens.

Roosters have a sharp protrusion that protrudes on their feet, which they use for self-defense against all predators.

The rooster can cause great harm by using it.

Sunlight affects the reproductive process of roosters and the production of testosterone.

Roosters sit on a high place to sleep throughout the night so that the birds remain safe from predators on the ground.

It also helps supervise the area surrounding the chicken cage.

The roosters help find food for the herd, and they do not eat the food they find.

Instead, they examine the food and then tell the chickens of its presence by eating.

The rooster gently knocks and moves its head up and down while picking up and dropping the food.

Rooster sometimes spend a lot of time hanging out in nesting boxes with chickens; They are very social with their chickens, but a rooster who spends a lot of time alone in the nesting box may be sick and in need of a vet.

information about rooster

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Tips for dealing with him:

There are several tips that you should follow when dealing with a rooster, including: 

Make sure to interact with the rooster and build bonds between it and its owner.

You should pay attention to wounds and injuries that may affect your rooster to avoid serious infections.

Protect your cocks from new cold.

Keep your rooster's nails and feet in good condition; They are their primary weapons, and since roosters can sometimes become aggressive.

You should avoid staring at the rooster or walking directly towards it.

You should not show fear of the rooster.

Rooster feed:

Essential foods

information about rooster

There are necessary foods that a rooster needs: 

High-quality food containing 16-18% commercial protein, which exists in the form of granules or crumbs, must be provided.

They should be provided with ground oyster shells to ensure the roosters get adequate calcium.

Roosters can be fed leafy vegetables such as lettuce and Russian turnips.

You can eat some grains such as fresh corn, cooked rice, and sunflower seeds.

Foods that are not suitable for roosters:

There are foods that are not suitable for roosters that should be avoided:

information about rooster

Raw potatoes can be toxic to chickens.

Avoid overfeeding meat roosters; It can become aggressive.

Avoid feeding her sticky foods such as herbs.

Avoid sugar; It is not healthy for roosters.

Avoid feeding her solid pieces of food; It is possible to suffocate. 

Number of meals:

The amount and number of meals a rooster eats varies depending on several factors, including age and size. 

The amount of feed a rooster eats per day is approximately 120 grams.

It is preferable to feed the roosters twice daily, and look at the remaining food to determine if it needs less or more.

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Rooster health:

The most common diseases that affect roosters:

In this article, we will talk about the most common diseases that can affect roosters : 


 This disease comes in two forms: wet and dry.

In the wet form, the disease appears in the form of lesions that appear around the mouth and secretions from the bird’s eyes, while in the dry form it occurs in areas not covered with feathers.

The bird appears wart-like lesions that heal within about two weeks.

Infectious bronchitis:

Chickens can catch a cold just like humans, and it is contagious; If a herd is infected, the level of food and water consumption will decrease, egg production will decrease, and this disease is accompanied by secretions from the bird’s eyes and gills, and the bird may have difficulty breathing.

facts about rooster

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Bird paralysis or Marek's disease:

This disease usually affects chickens between 12 and 25 weeks, and leads to blindness or partial paralysis.

It is also a form of bird cancer, and it is contagious even if the bird survives it.

He will remain a carrier of the disease for life.

Newcastle disease:

It is a respiratory disease in which difficulty breathing, secretions from the nose, and blurry eyes appear, as well as a decrease in the level of egg production.

Sometimes the disease may develop.

Birds suffer from a sprain in their neck and paralysis of their legs and wings, and the bird infected with this disease is likely to die.


It is a parasitic disease that affects the wall of the chicken intestine, and its symptoms appear in the form of bloody or watery diarrhea, weight loss, and accumulation in the feathers.

This disease can be prevented by keeping the food areas and cages clean and dry.  

Other information about the rooster:

Rooster reproduction: Here is some information about rooster reproduction:

Chickens can produce fertilized eggs year-round, but increase egg production in the spring.

More than one rooster must be available in the herd to obtain a higher fertility rate; One rooster can mate with 4-5 chickens.

You must wait two to three weeks after the mating process in order to produce fertilized eggs.

How much sleep does a rooster need: The rooster only needs eight hours of sleep each day in order to maintain its health, and roosters sleep less in summer than in winter.

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Rooster adaptation methods:

 There are several methods followed by the rooster that help it adapt, as follows:

The roosters can never hide their feelings; they act according to her.

Roosters have beaks that adapt to the way they eat and feed.

Roosters have feathers that keep their body heat even in cold areas.

Social hierarchies are separated by gender; Individuals of higher social rank can attack lower-ranking people with their beaks to access food and other materials.


With my best wishes


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