Information about scorpions




Information about scorpions and their types


 Some of us may feel terrified of the scorpion because of its poisonous sting that could kill a person.

Although there are more than 2,000 species of scorpions, most of these types of scorpions are poisonous, their poison is not

very dangerous to them  Man, where poison is present at the end of the scorpion's tail, and today, through your website, Magic of the Universe, we present to you information about the scorpion, its types, reproduction, and food, as well as the interpretation of seeing a scorpion in a dream .

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Information about the snake

Information about scorpions
Information about scorpions 

 Black Scorpio:

 The scorpion lives in dry areas and high-temperature areas, where the scorpion always hides between rocks and cracks to escape the burning sun and high temperatures.

The scorpion emerges from its burrow during the night and disappears throughout the day, 

The scorpion has four pairs of legs and has a curved tail at the end of its body and the end of the tail, which is very thin like a needle.

This is what the scorpion uses to bite its victims, as the poison present in the scorpion’s body is localized in the tail 

The length of the scorpion ranges from 9 mm to 20 cm .

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 Information about Scorpio:

 There are about 1,500 poisonous species of scorpions, including about 25 poisonous species capable of killing humans 

The scorpion has a weak vision and has no sense of hearing or sense of smell.

Rather, the scorpion relies on sound vibrations to know the location of its prey, 

The scorpion feeds on insects, spiders, small lizards, and frogs.

It also feeds on scorpions of the same species .

What is the basic information about scorpions?

Types of boa snake 

 Scorpio's method of hunting prey : 

After determining its location, it depends on the fish using a rodent, then it plants its tail needle in the prey and empties its poison into it.

This poison helps it quickly digest the prey, and the amount of

poison that the scorpion empties depends on it  The size of the prey and the amount that the scorpion can store range from 0.5 mm to 2 mm, and after the scorpion empties its venom, it takes two or three days to form a new venom

What is the type of scorpion?

 Types of scorpions:

 The scorpion always lives alone, and the scorpions do not meet except during the mating season.

The male scorpion begins to flirt with the female, and the duration of the female scorpion’s pregnancy ranges from several months to a year and a half, and the female gives birth at one time  Between 25 and 35 small scorpions, and the mother helps them with her eight legs to carry them on her back.

The baby scorpions remain on the mother’s back for a period ranging from one to two weeks, as she takes care of them and feeds them from the prey she hunts, 

Scorpio matures after about 6 months and Scorpio lives for up to 25 years .

Scorpion classification

Scorpion season1

Yellow scorpion:

Scorpion poison : 

 Scorpion venom has a greater effect in mammals.

Scorpion venom causes severe pain to a person infected with the venom due to some compounds found in scorpion venom.

It may also affect the nervous system and cause numbness in the body and the occurrence of disorders in  Breathing, the most painful time of a scorpion sting is the first hour of the sting, and the person begins to improve until the pain completely ends after two or three days .

 It is worth noting that there is a lot of research being conducted on scorpion venom to benefit from it in treating some malignant brain tumors, especially the poison found in yellow scorpion venom .


Morphology of scorpion

 Scorpio and its types:

 Types of scorpions : 

There are many types of scorpions, as we mentioned before, and we will briefly present some of the most famous types of scorpions :

  Yellow Scorpio : 

It is also called the tractor scorpion, and it is the most toxic type of scorpion in the world.

This type of scorpion lives in the desert regions of Asia, Africa, Australia, North and South America. 

The length of the yellow arab is about 3 cm.

You can learn more about the yellow aqrab .

 Black Scorpio : 

  This type of scorpion is also a toxic type, but its venom rarely kills a person, but it is possible to kill a young child or an old man due to the body’s weak immunity 

The length of the black scorpion is about 9 cm.

The black scorpion lives in North

Africa and the Middle East .

  Arabian Scorpio :

 It is a small scorpion, light yellow in color, with a weak venom.

It is often found in wild areas where waste and wood are widespread .

Scorpion film


Scorpio sign 

 Nebo scorpion :

 This type of huge scorpion reaches a length of 13 cm and its color ranges from blackish-brown to olive-brown.

As for its edges, their color is yellow, its venom is weak, and it lives in mountainous areas .

Gray wolf 

 Information about Scorpio : 

  The scorpion does not go looking for its prey or even chasing it for several minutes at its full speed, but it just waits, and with the help of the scorpion's sensory hairs on its legs 

It can perceive the vibration of small animals that are part of its diet, and then the scorpion rushes to hide or camouflage while waiting for the victim to get close enough to attack it .

  The scorpion feeds on many animals, ranging from insects to small mice.

It can also eat other scorpions, and the meat-eating behavior of its species is common among them, which is a form of predation for them, The scorpion's predators include the tarantula spider, the giant hornbill, and the mouse-like shrew . 

 The poison of some scorpion species can be so dangerous that the infected person may need to go to the hospital, but it may also help save human lives, 

Heart disease treatments have received some improvements and results with the introduction of scorpion venom into some medications, and some people believe that everything is actually treated through nature .

 Let's pretend to control the bad reputation of scorpions and imagine that one day science will discover that the poison secreted by these scorpions has a definitive cure for cancer or other incurable diseases, Then we realize that we have destroyed millions of these creatures simply because they are considered malicious, dangerous, and hateful, and without that being inevitable, this is likely to happen,   

This is the time when we will start hoping that it is not too late to understand the value of these scorpions .

  Scorpions are creatures that suffer from irregular human encroachment.

Scorpions are sold in markets as pets without any considerations.

Humans also destroy their environment, chase them as food, and cook them alive, Humans do not have poison, claws, or fangs, but humans are certainly the most dangerous living creatures of any other creature in the world .

  According to scientists' research, which showed that scorpions have lived on Earth for more than 400 million years, but their evolutionary records still have many questions that need to be answered, The history of ancient scorpions is still considered a mystery, but some believe that scorpions came from aquatic animals that slowly adapted to terrestrial life . 

  Sometimes the scorpion is described as an insect, and this is a wrong description.

In fact, the scorpion has two large, strong pincer-shaped foot tentacles،  The scorpion is also distinguished by its long tail and the scorpion, which it uses to inject poison.

In addition, the scorpion has eight legs, and the external structure and sensory hairs help it survive in the difficult natural environment .

  Scorpio's colors vary greatly.

Scorpio may be red, yellow, or black, and it has different sizes ranging from less than 0.6 inches to 7.8 inches 

However, the size and color of the scorpion does not reveal much about its danger or the level of toxicity of the poison it produces, and some believe that large and black species of scorpions are the most deadly, 

But what is strange is that small red or yellow scorpions are the two species that often cause the greatest health problems in humans, and the Indian red scorpion, 

The Arizona bark scorpion are examples of the types of scorpions you should avoid .

  Scorpio can adapt to a wide range of living spaces ranging from rainforests to arid lands in places such as North America, Africa and Asia, especially in India and the Middle East, 

Scorpio loves to stay in dens, caves, trees, and any place that provides him with darkness and protection, and Scorpio prefers to move without anyone noticing him instead of attracting attention, Thus it avoids predators and also achieves greater success in obtaining its prey .

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Seeing a scorpion in a dream :

  Scorpio in a dream indicates worry and distress from a sleeping person . 

  Scorpio is a man who sleeps among people .

  Scorpion sting is a virtue that a person becomes .

  If the scorpion hits him, the enemy will backbite him or something bad will happen to him .

  The burning of scorpions in his house is the death of his enemies .

  If he eats scorpion meat cooked or grilled, he will receive money from an enemy gossip, such as a permissible inheritance, and if it is raw, then it is forbidden .

  If he sees a scorpion in his shirt or shop, then he is an enemy and is important in his livelihood and gain .

  If he sees her on his bed, then he is an enemy and they are among his family.

  If he sees scorpions in his stomach, then their enemies are his workers .

  And if you leave his anus, they are his enemies among his grandchildren, or enmity will occur between them .

  Whoever eats a raw scorpion backbites a sinner .

 Scorpio indicates a man who does not know his friend from his enemy .

  Scorpio is a weak enemy who is backbited .

  Whoever sees that he killed a scorpion will defeat his enemy .

 Whoever sees that he has a scorpion in his hand that stings people, then he is a person who backbites people and irritates each other.

  Whoever sees something like a scorpion and not a scorpion, then he is a man whom he thinks is his enemy and not his enemy.

  The scorpion fork is the mouth of a gossip man.

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With my best wishes


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