Elephant traits



Elephant traits


Asian elephant

The elephant is characterized by a strong memory that has been aware of things and places for many years, and it uses this memory to access water resources during periods of drought that may extend for years in Africa

A strong sense of smell that enables him to smell the wind to identify water sources, as well as enemies, despite their rarity, so elephants are not afraid, even lions.

Elephant traits

Elephant traits

Elephants love to wallow in mud and silt and sprinkle dirt on their backs, as this protects them from the scorching heat of the sun and prevents annoying insects from appearing

The gestation period for a female elephant is two years or 22 months, and she is very affectionate towards her son.

The older female, the leader of the herd, defends all the young in the event that they are exposed to danger.

Rather, the young are the responsibility of the entire herd, defending them even if they are not their children.

Elephants may give birth to twins, as this situation requires the support of all members.

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The herd to take care of the young.

What personality type is a elephant?

It rarely happens that a female gives birth to twins, which means small birth weight and additional responsibility in caring for two young people who resemble young humans in their desire to play and ignore dangers.

They spend their time playing and getting to know the surrounding creatures, and the large female and the rest of the females take care of and protect her whenever necessary.

It's that.

What are elephants survival traits?

Male herds are less disciplined, cooperative, and interconnected than female herds.They wander separately from female herds, but they communicate with them in subsonic communication and are less complex than female herds.

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elephant traits

The elephant spends three-quarters of the day chewing plants that are poor in nutritional value.

Therefore, this food poverty is replaced by compensating for the quantity.

Elephants strip forests, as they eat 200 kilograms of plants daily.

Therefore, the elephant replaces mill molars 6 times in its life due to their frequent consumption .

The elephant produces a huge amount of dung, reaching 136 kilograms, on which the dung beetle lives

The elephant fears fire and loud sounds, so when elephants attack farms, Asian farmers rush to carry torches and knock on plates.

The elephant is not afraid of the mouse as is common, and this is an old and baseless story.

When elephants feel close to death or exhausted, they go to places of water, and they may die there, and with the accumulation of bones, what is metaphorically called the elephant cemetery becomes very emotional regarding the dead, and their tension and fear appear if they see the skull of another elephant, just like a human.

elephant traits

What do elephants symbolize? 

Elephant life

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Elephant family

Males and females live separately most of their time, while females and their young, called calves, live in combined family units at a rate of 10 members in each unit.

One family consists of three to four fully developed females and their young, which range from newborn young to calves that are 12 years old.

The older female leads the family and remains the head of the family، While male elephants leave the family when they are fully developed and maintain weak relationships with other males of the family, and may visit the family from time to time.

The elephant clan in an area consists of members of independent families and males with whom it shares life in the same area.

The number of members of the group ranges between several hundred and several thousand, living together on a patch of land in search of food.

Elephants move to long distances in search of food in semi-arid areas.


The elephant clan confines itself to a small area in rain-fed places with dense plants, whose area reaches up to 250 km².

elephant traits

Elephants cool their bodies by bathing and especially love to wallow in muddy water.

After it dries, mud protects their bodies from the sun's rays.

Elephants need muddy water to cool because their skin does not contain sweat glands.

Wild elephants eat for 16 hours a day, bathe in the waters of lakes and rivers, and wallow in muddy water.

After muddy pigeons, they may be covered in dirt that protects their skin from the sun and insects.

Elephants communicate with each other in different ways, including feigning posture, movement, suggestion, smells, and special sounds.

Elephants make many rattling sounds, each of which has a different meaning.

When a young elephant makes a hoarse sound, for example, or a loud rattling due to fear, the mother emits a low buzz that calms it down.

It reassures him.

Other sounds made by elephants as a means of communication include squawking, growling, growling, whining, and squeaking.

elephant traits in humans

elephant traits personality


Elephants eat herbs and aquatic plants, as well as the leaves, roots, bark, branches, and fruits of trees.

They also like to eat leaves high in trees.

Therefore, they use their heads to uproot small trees until they get their leaves high.

The elephant can uproot a tree that is 9 meters high and about 60 cm in diameter.

Elephants tear the bark of trees with their sharp fangs, dig with them in search of roots, and uproot shrubs with them.

Elephants in particular love bamboo, pulp fruits, coconuts, dates, maize, peaches, and sugarcane.

Elephants do not eat the meat of other animals.

The huge, fully developed wild elephant eats about 140 kg of plants daily, while it eats half of this amount in zoos or circuses.

Because its food is more beneficial, wild elephants drink about 150 liters of water daily, but they can tolerate thirst for up to three days, and may walk a distance of 80 km in search of water.

5characteristics of elephant

Where elephant live


The elephant's huge foot helps it walk and run, but with a little noise.

Elephants usually walk at speeds ranging between 5 and 10 km per hour, and they can also walk long distances.

Family members walk when making a long trip at a speed of 16 km/h.

The elephant can run when frightened or angry.

At a speed of more than 40 km/h, but for a short distance.

The elephant walks and runs in varying steps, and is unable to jump due to its weight and leg structure.

Elephants usually wallow in mud, and swim at least once a day, where they are good at swimming.

They are also known for their ability to swim to islands in lakes and seas.

While swimming, elephants float their hoses above the surface of the water.

25amazing facts about elephants

8characteristics of an elephant

African elephant 

An infant elephant stays with its mother until full-grown.

Male baby elephants leave their mothers when they are about 14 years old, while female babies stay with their mothers until they die.


With my best wishes


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