Honey badger



Honey badger



The honey badger belongs to the weasel family, and is called by several names, including: skunk, rattle, while it lives in a wide range of Africa, southwest Asia, and the Indian subcontinent.

Honey badger
Honey badger

It is found in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Kuwait, Syria, Yemen, India, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, and Afghanistan .

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The honey badger is found in a wide range of habitats, including tropical and subtropical green forests, open forests, riparian forests or grasslands.

But it does not prefer to live in arid desert areas, as it needs habitats with burrows, rocky crevices, or other places.

They can take shelter in it .

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Honey badger shape

It is a medium-sized animal, measuring 60 – 70 cm in length and weighing 8 – 12 kg .

The male is larger than the female, and they have a large skull, small eyes, neck, and muscular shoulders .

The fur is dark black below, with a bright gray or white upper cloak .

The front feet are strong and large, and have long claws that are useful in catching prey and running .

The honey badger belongs to the weasel family, and is called by several names, including: skunk, rattle, while it lives in a wide range of Africa, southwest Asia, and semi-Asia

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The honey badger is active at night and can be seen during the day.

While it lives a Bedouin life full of movements in search of food, it travels alone, and males travel longer distances than females.

Males define their areas with urine and secretions from the scent glands, and defend their areas fiercely in front of other males .

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The courage of a honey badger

This animal is known for its great courage, as it defends itself fiercely against any animal that attacks it.

It does not care about the size and strength of the aggressor.

Cases have been recorded of it fighting lions, leopards, and hyenas in defense of itself.

It also attacks ungulates when they approach its burrow, such as a buffalo and horses, while the bites of snakes and bees are not affected ، It has very thick skin and is rarely pierced by snake and bee bites .

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The honey badger is considered a carnivorous animal, as it feeds on eggs, small rodents, snakes, birds, and frogs.

It also feeds on fruits, roots, and beehives, and loves to eat beehives because there is honey and larvae inside them.

If food is scarce, it resorts to eating carrion and dead animals . 


The honey badger does not have many predators, and lions and leopards tend to kill only the elderly and the weakest.

Thick, loose skin makes it difficult to catch young.

The unique color of the honey badger, with its black body and white head, also mimics the color of the cheetah cub, making it less vulnerable to any predator .

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Honey badger reproduction

It reproduces at any time of the year.

The male dances and makes sounds to attract the female, and the female mates with one or two males.After that, the gestation period begins, which lasts 50 – 70 days.

The female gives birth to her young in a burrow and gives birth to 1 – 2 young, and the young are born blind and naked, completely covered in black, and the female alone takes care of the young .


Caring for children

The young remain in the burrow for three months, during which the mother transports the young from one burrow to another approximately every three days.

When the young reach three months, the mother begins to take them with her and feed them meat, and the young remain with their mother for a long period of up to 12 – 16 months.

Females reach sexual maturity faster than males, as it takes only 12 – 16 months

While males take 2 – 3 years.

While honey badgers can live in the wild 7 – 8 years .



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Facts about honey badger

His favorite food is honey, and it was given this name because he steals honey from traditional apiaries in the mountains and valleys and extracts honey from them .

He has an anal cyst with a suffocating smell that helps him calm bees when they raid beehives .

Because of the hardness and softness of their skin, it is very difficult to catch with dogs.

It is difficult to penetrate their skin, and the skin is loose, allowing them to twist and turn on their attackers when caught

With my best wishes


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