German Shepherd dog



German Shepherd dog or German Shepherd 

 The advantages and disadvantages of this breed 

The German Shepherd Dog, or the German Shepherd Dog as it is called, is always at the top of the most popular dog breeds in the world for many reasons, including its calm and confident behavior, including its intelligence and speed of learning, and its idealism as a police dog, an assistant for people with special needs, or as a service dog in general.

As we will know later, in addition to many other wonderful features that we will talk about in this article in detail shortly، With its majestic size, erect ears, and clever dark eyes, the German Shepherd has achieved legendary status among dog breeds as the perfect dog.

What is the real name of German Shepherd?

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German Shepherd dog
German Shepherd dog

History of the German Shepherd Dog:

German Shepherd dogs originated in Germany, as its name suggests, beginning in the nineteenth century by crossing different grazing breeds.

The German Shepherd dog breed underwent strict selection and the breed advanced rapidly until it reached its current form.

The German Shepherd breed moved to the United States of America.

In 1908, but during World War I, the growing popularity of German Shepherd dogs as they were linked to the enemy was affected، The German Shepherd Dog was used in World War I to detect mines and provide German soldiers with food and other necessities in the trenches.

After World War II, there was a division between German Shepherd breeds that originated in Germany and those that originated in the United States, and the police and army departments in the United States began importing German German German Shepherd dogs, because German Shepherd dogs that were crossed in the United States were failing performance tests.

They suffer from hereditary health conditions, and in the past few decades، Some American breeders began to refocus on breed abilities rather than just appearance, importing emerging dogs from Germany to add to their breeding program.

How do I write German Shepherd?

German Shepherd

Physical characteristics of the German Shepherd dog:

The weight of the German Shepherd Dog ranges from 34-43 kilograms, and there are no significant differences between both the male and female German Shepherd dogs.

The height of the male German Shepherd reaches 25 inches, while the female German Shepherd reaches a height of 23 inches.

The German Shepherd dog features a rough double coat that can It is characterized by all colors except white.

Its fur usually requires rapid brushing every few days or so to help remove hair loss, but it falls out profusely once or twice a year.

During these periods, frequent brushing helps control the amount of hair loss, and the German Shepherd dog needs to be bathed every time.

Period, it is important to trim or grind his nails every month if they are not worn out naturally، Because very long nails can cause pain and structural problems.

The average lifespan of a German Shepherd dog ranges between 7 and 10 years.

Germaine Shepherd dogs are dogs with a balanced shape, but at first glance they give you an impression of strength and lightness at the same time.

They have a good muscular appearance, their ears are erect, their tails are thick, and the Germaine Shepherd dog has strong jaws.

This dog's bite is very strong, and as for its facial expression, it is full of confidence and alertness in movement، They have long legs that enable them to take a long step while

walking or running. 

Is it German Shepherd or German Shepherd dog? 

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German Shepherd Dog character:

The character of the German Shepherd Dog is isolated, but it is not usually aggressive.

They are dogs with special characteristics.

They do not form friendships immediately, but once they do, they become very loyal to their families.

They are considered one of the types of dogs that have great loyalty to their owners and are very afraid when they feel anxious.

On her loved ones, if she becomes friends with this dog, make sure that this friendship will last a lifetime, but when they are threatened, they can be strong and fierce، Which makes them excellent guards.

Why do they say German Shepherd dog? 

But be aware that, on the other hand, it needs many emotional needs and constantly seeks to attract the attention of its owner.

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It needs to be part of the family’s daily activity.

The character of the German Shepherd dog is very playful and gets bored quickly, so he always needs dedicated time to play and do various activities, otherwise you will find him barking.

All the time when bored, German Shepherd dogs do not make friends with strangers easily.

This highly intelligent, trainable breed thrives on getting a job to do - any job, a German Shepherd can be trained to do almost anything, from alerting a deaf person to ringing the doorbell to extracting avalanche victims, through to working in the police, herding, detecting Drugs, search and rescue, and guarding, but like every dog, the German Shepherd needs early socialization، That is, exposure to many different people, sights, sounds, and experiences when they are young.

Socialization helps ensure that the German Shepherd puppy grows into a good dog.

The German Shepherd dog is compatible with other pets and is good at dealing with children. 

German Shepherd puppy

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Due to the high energy level found in German Shepherd dogs, they need a lot of regular exercise, and German Shepherd dogs need more than just daily walking, meaning that they need to walk long distances, run, or participate in agility training competitions, and their headquarters must be His residence is an open place that allows him to move and run when he is bored.

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German Shepherd dog training:

Early socialization lessons and puppy training are vital, and continuous obedience training will help ensure that the puppy grows into an adaptable and polite adult.

The German Shepherd Dog is a very intelligent companion and exceptional worker, and consistency and positive reward-based training will lead to excellent results.

It is a very emotional dog, so He is happiest when he lives with his family, and the best time to start training your little puppy is 8 weeks, when he can understand simple commands, such as sitting, staying، Get down, come, you have to be patient and learn that increasing training over time will lead to great results.

Make it your goal to train your dog for 3-6 sessions per day for no more than two or 3 minutes at a time, for a young puppy.As for an adult dog, the duration of the session is between 3-5 minutes, and know that the time will be determined based on the dog’s attention and temperament.

Here's a quick guide to the steps to properly train a German Shepherd:

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 Work on different orders, but not all at once: 

German Shepherd dogs get bored, especially with the frequent orders you do all day...Every day, change your orders during different training sessions to keep him excited about your training for him.  

 Keep sessions short: While puppies are smart, they get distracted easily, reduce session time if you see your puppy growing uninterested or the adult German Shepherd doesn't want to willingly participate anymore.

Train in different places: Train in different areas to help your dog learn how to deal with distractions, but first, start in quieter places to grab their attention and stay focused.

Use rewards to increase their engagement: Use rewards of all kinds, food rewards, games, or praise are all rewards that motivate your dog to perform, and don't be stingy with your rewards at the beginning of training.

This slows the dog's understanding of his performance, which motivates him.

It ended on a positive note: End your session on a positive note with something your dog knows so he can succeed, this keeps your dog excited to train him and keeps the sessions happy and optimistic.

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With my best wishes


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