the flying snake



Facts and information about the flying snake


Flying snakes: 

It is a small group of one of the types of snakes that live on trees and are widely found in regions of Southeast Asia.

These snakes always seem unnoticed due to their constant presence on trees, where these snakes can jump from one tree to another , It uses undulating movement while jumping so that it can push itself forward and into the air, so that its body turns into a concave shape in waves that push itself from back to front so that it can change its direction and turn in the air .

Flying snake

Information about the snake

Facts and information about the flying snake

Facts and information about the flying snake

It is known as the tree neighborhood because its advantage is to fly from one tree to another, to simplify itself and become more like a strip.

If it wants to land on the ground, it descends in a spiral motion...The attempts that made an effort to transport this type of snake to other areas have failed, and all the snakes that were transported have died.

What do flying snakes eat?


Facts and information about the flying snake: 

One of the most famous facts and information about the flying snake is that there are 5 types of flying snakes that can be seen in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, the Greater and Lesser Sunda Islands, Maluku, and the Philippines, as well as in parts of China, India, and Sri Lanka.

The flying snake is a diurnal animal, which means that it hunts during the day.

Types of boa snake

These snakes are Eaters of meat, they will hunt birds, lizards, bats, frogs and rodents. 

There is not enough information about these wild animals, but it is believed that they rarely leave the tree in which they live.

This means that you will most likely not encounter any snake on Earth.

The size of these snakes varies depending on their species.

The smaller ones are about 2 feet long and the larger ones are about 4 feet in length.

Although these snakes are venomous, they have small, prominent hind fangs that make them harmless to humans.

What is the scientific name of the flying snake?


Forests, gardens, and jungles


South and Southeast Asia

Life span:





450 grams- 1 kg


It is often green, but depends on the different species, and the flying snake can appear black, red or yellow

What are the 5 flying snake?

Main food: 

Lizards, birds, bats, rodents, frogs.

Organisms that feed on these snakes:

There is no

Maximum speed:

26-33feet per second

Number of types:


How far can a flying snake fly?

What does a flying snake look like:

The flying snake belongs to the snake, and it is often green in color, but some of it can be red or yellow.

The adult flying snake has solid yellow scales on its abdomen, and it also has spots of red lute scales on the forehead in addition to the back.

The flying snake has a tail.

It is very long, and its body will flatten when it slips from trees، Research conducted by scientists has proven that a flying snake can change its body shape, which helps it slide into the air.

where are flying snakes found

Facts and information about the flying snake 

Because these snakes are able to fly in the air, they do not look cute.

These snakes can reach 61-122 cm in length, and longer snakes are known as golden tree snakes.

Gray wolf 

Snakes can move at a speed of 40 km/h in the air and remain in the air for a few seconds.

Isaac Newton and his friends analyzed the flying snake's flight movements by tracking its glide movements, and it usually weighs about 0.4 to 1 kilogram.  

Flying snakes cannot be purchased as pets and raised at home, because some of them can be hostile and require suitable wet conditions to help them fly.

Instead, they can raise tree of paradise snakes .

Flying snakes can also emit toxins.

These toxins affect small

prey, but they can also bite humans if they feel threatened.

flying snake venom

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Home of flying snakes: 

There are 5 types of flying snakes, and there is no specific number for the total number of flying snakes in the world, but their number is considered constant.

These snakes usually live in the forests and jungles of South and Southeast Asia, and they are widely found in India, Sri Lanka, and southern China, and they can They are also found in Vietnam and Cambodia.

how do flying snakes fly

flying snake scientific name

Flying snakes live mainly in forests and jungles, and sometimes they can be seen in gardens.

They spread across South and Southeast Asia, and are known for their ability to slide from one tree to another in the air.

These snakes prefer to live alone, although they can be social if necessary and can live up to 10 years in the wild.

They reproduce like other snakes.

Mating between flying snakes occurs in June.

Flying snakes are ovate and lay about 6-12 elongated eggs.

flying snake name

flying snake interesting facts

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Interesting information about the flying snake:

These snakes don't actually fly, but they do glide

By using the hard scales in their stomachs, snakes can climb the tree vertically by pushing these protrusions on it to reach the tree.

When they reach one of the tree branches, they bend their body in the shape of the letter J, and when they want to choose a place to land, they throw The snake has its body up and out of the branch.

When moving through the air, the flying snake moves and flattens its body in order to help it slide and move in a sliding and zigzag pattern to help in the process of landing and heading correctly.

Flying snakes fly from one tree to another to hunt, and remain hidden from the eyes of hunters

Flying snakes hunt during the day, and it is believed that they fly from one tree to another at a lower height in order to catch their prey.

In addition to providing the energy necessary to land on the ground, the sliding process helps protect the snakes also from hunters who want to eliminate them, or predatory creatures.

Flying snakes can glide much better than other flying animals

Since snakes do not have hands or legs, they can glide better than many other flying animals, such as flying squirrels.

Studies conducted by researchers have shown that flying snakes radically change their bodies and perform many zigzag movements in the air, which produces movements.

Air forces enhance the actual gliding movement.

are flying snakes poisonous

Flying snake 

The tree of paradise snake can be raised at home:

The tree of paradise snake is about 3 feet in length.

These snakes are common as pets raised at home in Europe, and although this seems strange, because this type of snake is the best type capable of slipping and flying than other types.

A flying snake can travel more than 100 meters in a single flight

Flying snakes can travel wide distances in the air even though they do not 

have wings.

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Flying snakes have an internal guidance system:

Thanks to the ability of flying snakes to glide in the air, flying snakes can control some situations in the air and choose their destination. 

Flying snakes use their tail as landing gear.: 

If snakes have enough space and decide to land on the ground, they drop their tail down first, almost like their landing gear to soften and control their landing.

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Flying snake sliding is very fast: 

The average measured speed of a flying snake in midair ranges from 8 to 10 meters per second.


With my best wishes


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