Weapons of alien animals (1)



Weapons of alien animals to defend themselves(1)


Another means of defense is jumping.

The closest example of this is monkeys and monkeys, which resort to escaping by jumping from one tree to another.

There are some animals that have a terrible ability to jump long distances that can reach six meters in one jump.

Even animals Small animals that appear weak can surprise us, for example a frog. This small creature can jump a distance of about 90 cm, despite its small size.

weaponized animals

weapons alien isolation

Weapons of alien animals (1)
Weapons of alien animals (1)

Stealth in animals.. the most famous weapon

Another important animal weapon is the ability to hide from the eyes of enemies.

Hiding methods vary between changing the colors of the skin to become like the environment in which the animal lives, and using one of the body’s organs to hide.

The closest example of this is the land and sea turtle, where these animals resort to The weapon of castles and fortresses when they sense danger, and they immediately enter their shell to be safe from any harm. 

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Another weapon of defense is changing skin colors.

The most famous animal famous for this weapon is the chameleon, which is one of the desert animals that is distinguished by its superior ability to change the colors of its skin.

This happens through its transparent skin, as it contains underneath layers of pigment cells colored in red.

Yellow and black.

When these cells shrink or expand, the color of the chameleon changes, as its nervous system stimulates the colored cells. Dark colors dominate the surface of the skin when they feel angry, while pale colors and yellow spots appear in fear.

This wonderful and strange weapon at the same time helped the chameleon survive, especially since its movement is slow, making it prey for animals and birds.

weapons of self defense

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Electric shocks 

One of the strangest weapons found in the animal kingdom, specifically in the world of seas and oceans.

There are types of fish known as “ tremor” that infect whoever touches them or tries to catch them with an electric tremor, forcing the aggressor to get rid of them immediately.

As well as the electric “grith” fish found in South America, where It can emit amazing electric shocks against its enemies. 

Stinging and poison.. are the most important weapons of animals

The most well-known weapon is the stinging weapon and venom characteristic of snakes.

This venom is made in special salivary glands that open in a canal that passes inside the snake's tooth instead of the oral cavity.

It is secreted during the sting only when pressure is placed on a special reservoir located at the base of the tooth, while some snakes can spit out the venom skillfully، Therefore, it disperses into small droplets in the form of a wide cone of about four meters.

In this procedure, it combines the force of pressure on the poison reservoir with the energy of movement, as it pushes its head forward forcefully.

self defense weapons against animals

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High blood pressure 

There are many wonders in the animal kingdom, and man has always been amazed by the great amount of knowledge that many animals possess.

There are some types of animals that realize that a high blood pressure can be exploited to fill the excess on the head and various parts of the body, so they resorted to this in order to increase the size of their body.

Its straightness and color change give the animal a look that scares the enemies, so they do not approach it. 

The closest example of this is the “Texas” lizard, where this lizard uses a high-pressure weapon for blood in its head’s blood vessels as an effective weapon to defend itself.

When it senses danger, it presses a muscle in its body called the “ holding muscle ” on one of the large blood vessels, and the pressure pressure rises inside the arteries and veins of the head. This is consequently reflected in the pressure of the small blood vessels in the eye membrane, which explode and a stream of blood from the eye rushes directly onto the enemy’s face, fleeing away.

Meanwhile, the lizard is able to escape away and hide in a safe place. 

What weapons do animals use?

Which body parts do animals use as weapons? 

A deserted area.. the strangest animal weapons

The strangest weapon that animals possess is this strange weapon.

But it is a collective weapon and does not belong to a specific animal.

This weapon is owned by the “marmoth” animal, which is an animal approximately the size of a rabbit, and lives in gatherings in the mountains and on the slopes.

Despite its small size, which makes it easy prey for many animals, this strange animal enjoys complete safety thanks to this strange weapon. In each colony of these animals, a member of the group carries out the task of monitoring, as he remains standing at the top of the mountain or slope in which they live to monitor the appearance of eagles that feed on members of his group. 

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As soon as one of the eagles appears, it releases a whistle to alert its group.

From here, all the animals go to hide inside the burrows.

Even when the eagles come, the area seems completely deserted to them, so they leave quickly.

After their departure, the observer waits until he sees them moving away to release another whistle, announcing the disappearance of the danger, so the animals return to their lives.

Naturally, what is strange about this animal is its whistle. The marmoth whistle is characterized by its intense sound, which can be heard more than three kilometers away from all directions.

This whistle is the farthest-range animal sound on the face of the Earth.

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Herd solidarity

On the occasion of talking about the solidarity of members of one group of animals, we refer here to another method and another defense weapon used by “hair animals in order to defend themselves and their young.

This weapon is represented by the gathering of members of the herd to form a circle surrounding their young.

When the wolf comes, which is considered their enemy.They surround him inside this circle and then beat him with horns and hooves until he escapes from their clutches.

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The weapon of thorns is the most powerful weapon of animals 

As for the most prominent weapons of animals in defending themselves, and even the most powerful type of weapons is the weapon of thorns that the hedgehog possesses.

All forest animals do not dare to approach it, as its body, which is about 75 cm long and its weight ranges between 7 – 13 kg, is covered with sharp thorns that range in length.

Usually between one and ten centimeters, and their number reaches about twenty-five thousand. These spines disappear between his hair in relaxation between specialized muscles directly under the skin.

When danger is felt, the muscles push the spines and they become in an upright position. 

From here, the hedgehog turns into something similar to a ball covered with thorns, some of which may reach a length of about 18 cm.

If the tooth of a thorn penetrates his enemy’s body, it settles on it.

The more he tries to extract it, the deeper it goes.

Each thorn has dozens of small needles facing back on its surface.

Therefore, its entry increases with each movement.

It is strange that these thorns, which represent a deadly weapon for the hedgehog, also help it swim skillfully. It is hollow and filled with air, which is why it helps it float and move above the surface of the water, even though it moves slowly on the surface of the Earth. 

Smell weapon

The scent weapon is one of the most important weapons for animals to defend themselves.

This weapon can be placed in second place after the thorn weapon possessed by the hedgehog.

As for the one who possesses this weapon, it is the American “ skunk.

It is a beautiful animal that is so confident in itself that it warns its enemies before using its weapon. Then he turns his back on his enemy and throws an oily liquid consisting of a mixture of ammonia, carbon disulfose, and sulfuric acid through glands under his tail.

The smell is worse than any poison.

If this liquid splashes into a room, its smell does not fade for several months. 

As for dogs, they faint and become sick, while humans discover this smell more than a mile away.

If they inhale it, they suffer from respiratory diseases.

It is enough for them to inhale a billionth of a gram of this liquid in order to notice the presence of its smell.

Despite this, the American skunk does not rush its steps if it chases it.

The strongest animal on Earth, where it waits to approach it up to a distance of five meters and then warns it to hit its feet on the ground. Then he raises his tail, and if the aggressor animal does not move away, he throws away that liquid that cannot withstand.

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Knowing the weapons of different animals to defend themselves is a great pleasure, especially when we realize that these weapons are possessed by most animals, whether predatory or meek.

Had it not been for animals possessing these weapons, these animals would have perished and become extinct a long time ago.

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With my best wishes


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