Pregnancy symptoms in cats



Pregnancy symptoms in cats


Pregnancy symptoms in cats: 

Your cat will often not show symptoms of pregnancy until after some weeks, and the reason for this is that the symptoms of pregnancy in cats are mild and unclear, but you can certainly make sure that she is pregnant with the vet, but if you want to be patient a little, after two to three weeks you will be able to detect and notice some physical and behavioral changes that

tell you that your cat is pregnant.

How do cats act when they get pregnant?

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Pregnancy symptoms in cats
Pregnancy symptoms in cats

 Among these changes:

Dark nipples : 

One of the most prominent physical changes seen in female cats during pregnancy is dark nipples.

The cat's nipples become darker in color and larger, and you may notice some milk or milk secretions, although the cat never begins producing milk until after birth.

How do you confirm pregnancy in cats?

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Morning sickness : 

One of the behavioral changes that a pregnant cat may appear to have is morning sickness.

Just like humans, cats may become nauseous and may not become infected.

If this behavior

becomes frequent, show your cat to the vet.

How can you tell if your cat is pregnant?

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 Bloated belly :

Another physical change that appears on the cat's furniture during pregnancy is the light abdomen.

After approximately 30 days, the pregnant cat's abdomen begins to swell and turn, as the pregnant cat gains a total of 2-4 pounds during her pregnancy, depending on the number of kittens it carries.

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Nesting :

Another behavioral change that also appears in a pregnant cat is nesting; The cat often begins nesting two weeks after its pregnancy.

It chooses a quieter and more comfortable place and prepares a blanket area in preparation for birth.

You may notice that it now behaves more like a mother, becoming more affectionate towards you and hostile towards other animals. 

Estrus cycle in cats 

 Ensure that cats are pregnant : 

Positive ultrasound As mentioned previously, the way you can ensure that your cat is pregnant is to go to the vet, as ultrasound can be performed as early as 21 days in pregnancy, but it is often difficult to count the number of kittens.

Unlike X-rays, which take 40-45 days for kittens' skeletons to appear، Do not worry about using X-rays on the pregnant cat, as the amount of radiation is very small and it is safe.

Cat pregnancy calculator

Breeding cats

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Pregnant cat care: 

A pregnant cat needs care according to its apparent physical and behavioral changes, and you can take some things into consideration when caring for your pregnant cat, including: Maintaining calm, you must provide the cat with the necessary comfort as much as possible, meaning avoiding violent play with it because it is going through a difficult period in which it needs calm, and ensuring that it continues to obtain On a healthy diet and plenty of water.

Toxoplasmosis in pregnancy

Dystocia in cats 

 Regular veterinary examinations : 

Make sure to periodically examine the cat to ensure its health and the health of its young, and adhere to the doctor’s instructions.

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 Preparing the birth nest as birth approaches: 

The cat begins to search for a quiet and safe place to give birth.

In turn, prepare something special for it, such as a box lined with a towel in a suitable place, encourage it to use it, make sure that children or dogs do not reach that place, and make sure that food, water, and a litter box reach the cat with ease.

What does a pregnant cat belly feel like? 

 Non-interference during labor: 

Imminent birth is characterized by milky secretions from the cat's nipples, and its temperature usually drops to less than 38.9 degrees Celsius.

Once the birth begins, the cat may begin to purr.

Remember that in most cases the cat is fully capable of going through the birth process on its own, but your presence will reassure it.Stay close to intervene when necessary.

If you know that there are still kittens inside and it took three hours؛ In this case you should take her to the vet.

The mother licks her cats as soon as she is born to stimulate her breathing.

If the mother cat is exhausted and cannot do this or is busy with another birth, it seems that it is up to you.

Bring a wet towel and wipe on the kittens just as the mother does when she licks her young.

The mother usually chews the umbilical cord.

If you do not do this, you should help by cutting the rope 2.5 cm from the cat's body. Now, once the cats are cleaned and delivered, they will immediately crawl into their mother's breast and begin the feeding process.

Cat reproduction:

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When does a female cat reach puberty: 

Cats certainly become able to reproduce at puberty, as cats begin to reach puberty at approximately an early age from the age of six months, and it can vary slightly depending on the time of year, As for the female cat, she is able to mate and become pregnant when the estrus cycle occurs or the cat’s heat cycle, which is

where puberty or sexual maturity occurs, as the estrus cycle continues at a rate of up to six days, and each cycle is separated from the next by an average of three weeks.

Pseudopregnancy in cats 

 As for the signs of estrus:

 Most of them are behavioral, so cats become very affectionate and require attention.

They rub their owners or pieces of furniture and roll on the ground constantly.

Some female cats urinate continuously when they are in heat or estrus, as urine contains both pheromones and hormones that attract male cats to mate.

The breeding season is from February to December, while in the Western Hemisphere it starts from March to September.

 Most females require three to four times to mate within 24 hours for ovulation and pregnancy to occur.

One mating takes only a minute or two, and it is possible for females to mate with several other cats at the same time.

Therefore, young cats are likely to have different fathers, and the duration of pregnancy lasts approximately 64 to 71 days.

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Advantages of owning a cat at home :

Does the cat need a large space in the house:

Cats are unique, distinctive creatures that are easy to acquire and care for.

In this part, we will present the most important advantages of

owning cats that will encourage you to make a decision

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 It is as follows:

 Cats clean themselves, the cat owner should not take them outdoors to urinate or defecate and they do not have an unpleasant odor.

 You do not need a lot of space in the house because cats are small in size .

Cats are very soft and unobtrusive pets so it's a good idea for their owner to have them sit on their lap.

Get rid of insects, the cat is a natural and skilled hunter.

Accompanying a cat is very fun and entertaining for its owners.

Cats may live a long life as some of them may reach their thirties, and this is an advantage.

Because the feeling of losing a pet after keeping it is very difficult.

Cats can be trained and taught some things quickly.

They can be alone for a few days without making a recommendation for them.


With my best wishes


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