Interesting facts about elephants



Interesting facts about elephants



Male elephants become fully developed when they reach the age of 10 – 14 years, but most of them do not mate until after the age of thirty.

One of the reasons for this is that females do not want to mate with young males, in addition to that large males chase young males in their twenties.

It prevents them from mating.

Interesting facts about elephants

Interesting facts about elephants

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After their full development, females remain with the family, and begin mating after the age of 12 years، She may have become a mother when she was between 13 and 14 years old.

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The female carries her fetus for 22 months and usually gives birth to one baby, and may sometimes give birth to twins.

The weight of the baby African elephant at birth ranges between 115 and 145 kg and rises about 95 cm at the shoulders.

The baby newborn Indian elephant weighs about 100 kg and reaches a height of 85 cm.

Walid Al-Fil can walk an hour after his birth.

The mother stays next to her baby to protect him for several years.

The baby initially depends mainly on his mother’s milk.

He raises his proboscis above his head while breastfeeding so that he can reach the mother’s breast.

When the baby reaches between 3 and 4 months, he begins to depend on His food depends on herbs and other plants.

Males remain with their mothers until approximately 14 years of age, and elephant bodies grow throughout their lives، Therefore, it becomes more large over time.

A fully developed male in his forties is twice the size of a female in the same age.

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The elephant has a temporal gland on each side of its head, halfway between the eye and the ear.

This gland swells approximately once a year and a strong odor emerges from it.

These secretions dye the elephant’s face.

This gland is active for two or three months a year, which is the period during which the elephant is in a state of turmoil.

Frenzy occurs in elephants after the age of 25 years.

Why are elephants so special?

In captivity, elephants are extremely dangerous during a period of frenzy if they are provoked, and they attack everything that approaches them, from animals to humans and other elephants.

Therefore, they must be tied up or placed in fenced enclosures during this period.

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Zoologists have recently begun to understand the role of frenzy.

Frenzy occurs when the concentration of the male hormone testosterone rises more than its normal rate.

Frenzy gives some males an advantage over other males that do not have this property.

Because agitated males are more aggressive and have the ability to protect the female, which makes them desirable for females.

The female elephant mates with the male during his period of agitation, and the females are ready to mate during the period of sexual arousal known as the estrus cycle، Which lasts four days.

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Protection from enemies 

The huge size of elephants, in addition to the thickness of their skin, helps protect them from most animals.

Lions, crocodiles, snakes, and humans are considered among the most important enemies of elephants.

Full-growing elephants are rarely exposed to enemies, but their young are more vulnerable to this.

Speckled tigers and tigers sometimes kill young ones, and when a herd of elephants faces danger, fully-grown elephants form a circular ring around their young. Elephants also terrorize their enemies by setting their ears and tightening their bodies as if they are trembling.

If an animal tries to attack an elephant, it successfully defends itself, blessing it and mashing it to death.

Elephants may use their fangs in the event of an attack on their enemies.

How will you describe an elephant?

It is easy for fear to creep into the ranks of elephants.

Any strange sound, such as the sound of a rifle, is enough to cause panic throughout the herd.

Elephants may attack the source of the sound or flee away from it.

If the elephant is frightened or provoked, it sets its ears up, making it appear dangerous.

During an attack, elephants attack their enemies with their fangs and hoses.

They also crush their enemy by puddling on him, and may use their hoses to make a sharp crying sound known as trumpeting.

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Life period 

Most elephants live in herds that include a number of fully developed elephants with their young.

The herd is led by an elderly female called the head of the family (the leader mother).This photo shows a herd of African elephants feeding on pasture in an open grassy area in Kenya.

The leader mother stands in the middle of the photo.

Wild elephants live until the age of 60, while those in captivity live for more than 65 years.

Many elephants die after their teeth fall out.

Because they become unable to chew food.

Some people believe that elephants go to a special place to die called elephant graves.

This belief arose, because elephants tend to live in tree areas and places that contain soft, easily digestible plants. When elephants die, their bodies rot and their fangs remain.

When people find ivory, they believe that they have discovered a cemetery for elephants.

People also find the remains of elephants in tree places where fires sometimes break out by hunters, and lead to the death of a large number of elephants.

elephants habitat

elephants ear plant

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Elephant protection

Elephants are the only organisms of the order Proboscis that are still alive.

At one time, this group included more than 350 species that possessed long proboscis.

The oldest known proboscis lived in Africa and Asia about 50 million years ago.

Other proboscis included mammoths and mastodons, and each of these two species closely resembles Elephant.

Wildlife experts currently agree that elephants are exposed to great danger, and that they must be protected in order to survive.

Man has destroyed many of the natural environments of elephants by using them for settlement and agriculture.

Many peoples of Africa and Asia have allocated lands to protect the environments of elephants and other wild animals.

These lands are located in national parks and in areas known as reserves.

Many wild animal life experts fear that the area of land allocated for this may be insufficient to protect many wild elephants.

Fishermen - especially those searching for ivory - pose a threat to the lives of wild elephants.

The laws prohibit hunting elephants in national reserves and parks, and also specify the number allowed for hunting.

In fact, it is difficult to implement such laws, so thousands of these elephants are killed annually illegally.

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The number of elephants in Africa declined significantly during the 1970s and 1980s.Wildlife protection groups joined forces to stop this decline.

In 1989, the Commission for the Protection of International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora imposed a complete ban on the ivory trade.

This body is managed by the United Nations.

In any case, it is difficult to control the ivory trade as long as people buy its products.

By the 1990s, India had 18,000 elephants, and since 1991, Indian authorities have begun a massive project to protect the Asian elephant from extinction.

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