




 They are a group of cold-blooded vertebrate animals, which are distinguished by their ability to live in both aquatic and terrestrial habitats.

Amphibians are a Greek word meaning “double life.

Among the amphibian species in the world, amphibians are considered one of the most endangered categories of animals, due to their semi-permeable sensitive skin.

And their porous eggs, which are able to easily absorb water and air from the surrounding environment.

For this reason, these animals are easily and quickly affected by pollution in the air and water. 

Which animals are amphibians?



What are the most prominent characteristics of amphibians:

 Amphibians or amphibians are one of the five basic groups that possess the characteristics of vertebrates and belong to them.

They are distinguished from other animals in that they can live in the aquatic environment and on land, and that their skin is devoid of scales, and they may reproduce in water or on wet land.


Among the most important categories of amphibians are frogs, Toads, salamanders, salamanders, and ciclians (legless amphibians).

 Together, their number is approximately 7,400 different species that live in various regions of the world.

They inhabit all continents except Antarctica.

Amphibians can be classified within the group of frogs and toads, and one in three of all amphibian species in the world is

currently considered threatened with extinction.

What is called amphibian?

Below are the most prominent characteristics of amphibians:

 amphibians examples

Physical characteristics :

Below are the most prominent physical characteristics of amphibians:

 Walking on four legs, the amphibian often has four legs that it uses to walk on land or push its body into the water, and some of them - such as salamanders - also have a tail.

 The wet skin of amphibians has moist skin that helps them absorb oxygen dissolved in water to breathe while they swim or dive in ponds and rivers.

Their skin also helps them retain water when they emerge from it.

amphibians vs reptiles

These animals need to keep their skin moist all the time, and therefore they remain in places as close to water as possible.

Possible, even after it matures and fully grows.

 The skin of amphibians is often toxic, with glands capable of producing foul-smelling or toxic chemicals, and may have bright colors that are considered a warning sign to their enemies.

 It is characterized by its small size.

Amphibians are considered smaller than all other vertebrates, such as birds, fish, etc.

In most cases, the length of an amphibian does not exceed fifteen centimeters, and its weight does not exceed sixty grams.

The smallest frog in the world is no larger than the size of the fingertip in an adult human.

 However, there are some large amphibians, including the Japanese giant salamander, which is a creature that inhabits freshwater rivers in Japan, and after its full growth, its length

may reach more than one and a half meters.

amphibians definition

What is a amphibian easy definition?

Biological and behavioral characteristics :

The most prominent biological and behavioral characteristics of amphibians are as follows:

 They are cold-blooded.

Amphibians are characterized by being cold-blooded.

This means that their body temperature changes in response to the temperature of the surrounding environment, as their body temperatures always mimic the environment around them.

This stems from the amphibians’ lack of the ability to warm or cool their bodies internally.

Therefore, when it cools, it is forced to search for sunlight to warm itself, so it becomes active, but if its temperature rises too much، She must search for a shady shelter or an underground burrow to hide in.

What are 5 characteristics of amphibians?

 They are considered carnivorous animals.

Amphibians are considered carnivorous animals.

They feed on insects and other small invertebrates.

From this standpoint, these organisms are considered of great importance in maintaining the balance of ecosystems (by preying on smaller organisms).They are also considered of great benefit to humans, because they get rid of Many agricultural pests and organisms harmful to crops.

 Some large amphibians, such as American calf frogs, can prey on somewhat large animals, such as snakes, birds, and rodents such as mice and rats, and may devour other amphibians of their own species, or from other species.

Most amphibians benefit from their long and strong tongue to catch their prey and attract it to it.

On the other hand, amphibians have many enemies in nature.

Snakes, birds, and many mammals are able to devour amphibians, and hence they rely on camouflage to hide from them.

 Breathing through the skin Amphibians breathe through the skin.

Both the circulatory system and respiratory system work with the skin membranes to provide skin breathing.

Amphibian skin contains various glands located in the spongy layer of skin, which in turn support the vital physiological functions performed by frog skin, including: Breathing, ion regulation, and water transport.

 The exchange of gases, water, and ions between amphibians and the environment occurs through a wide network of skin capillaries.

 In addition to percutaneous breathing, amphibians also use different combinations of gill and pulmonary breathing strategies, for example using the buccal pumping mechanism, in which air is exchanged between the lungs and mouth.

 Toxin-secreting glands The skin of amphibians has an immune system, which is the first line of defense against pathogens and harmful factors in the environment that may disrupt skin functions, or may cause skin or systemic diseases, leading to the cessation of basic physiological functions and ultimately the death of amphibians.

 The skin of amphibians contains toxic glands that release toxins.

It is worth noting that some types of toxins are found in amphibians only, and are generally used for self-defense against predators،

 Mucous glands also secrete mucus to maintain skin moisture, permeability, and elasticity, which is essential for maintaining amphibian balance.

They have eyes and good vision.

Amphibians differ from other animals in terms of vision, as they have developed eyes that contain eyelids, glands and associated canals.

They also have muscles that allow them to be present both inside and above the head, and allow them to perceive depth and see the true colors of objects.

Amphibians have the ability to distinguish between different wavelengths of light waves, and realize that these differences are differences in color gradation.

It is worth noting that amphibians do not have retinal points (small points located in the macula, which provide clearer vision), but their visual field is High sensitivity.

The amphibian's retina also contains four types of photoreceptors, which explains its sensitivity to colors more than humans, and enables it to notice subtle changes, but it often finds it difficult to distinguish colors when seeing a fixed object and trying to observe it.

The ability to sense light energy Amphibians also have the ability to sense light energy using structures other than the eyes.


Reptiles meaning

Mammals meaning


For example, amphibian skin acts as a sensitive organ for this energy, often replacing the need for vision.

 It has an advanced hearing system.

Amphibians also have an advanced hearing system, which is adapted in a way that suits their environment.

Amphibians have what is called an amphibious papilla, which is an organ composed of sensory tissue, which is considered sensitive to low-frequency sound.

Which enables them to hear low sounds.

 An experiment was conducted on salamanders, in which they were trained to come to food using a low-frequency tone of voice.

A group of salamanders responded to a sound frequency of 244 Hz, while other groups responded to a sound frequency of 218 Hz.

 Amphibian life cycle :

The following is an explanation of the life cycle of amphibians:

Laying eggs underwater Amphibians lay their eggs underwater and take care of them until they hatch and are able to live on land.

 Hatching eggs and living underwater Amphibians usually live the early stages of their lives completely under the surface of the water, like fish, as they have gills that help them extract oxygen from water molecules.

When they grow and complete their growth, their gills are replaced by lungs, and then these animals become inclined to spend most of their time on land.

After puberty, they return to the water again to lay their eggs in it later.

 The young eat their food.

The larvae initially feed on algae and plant materials, and they may be carnivorous (in the case of salamanders), preying on small aquatic animals.

Changing the composition of the young, these larvae need a few weeks or months to complete their growth.

They gradually lose their gills and replace them with lungs.

When the lungs are complete In young people, they can breathe out of the water, develop hind legs, and then front legs to help them walk، Her eyes and entire digestive system also change to make her able to live on land instead of water.

 Coming out to land After larval bodies develop, they go out to live on land instead of water.


Fish meaning

The environment in which amphibians are found :

The environments inhabited by amphibians vary somewhat, and the following are the most prominent environments in which they prefer to live:

Wet places generally prefer wet places, and therefore they are usually found around bodies of water, including ponds, lakes, and rivers.

Tropical regions Some amphibians can live in tropical forests, where they rely on moisture coming from rain to find shelters for themselves and their eggs.

Examples of amphibians that live In tropical regions; Tree frogs live in the forest, where trees stick and never leave.

 Dry areas Some amphibians are found in arid and dry environments, where they hide underground throughout the hot months of the year.

When the rainy season comes and ponds and swamps form, these amphibians gather around them very quickly to mate and lay eggs.

The larvae grow quickly before the swamp dries up and the environment returns to its previous state.


Species meaning

amphibious life:

Amphibians go through two distinct stages of life: the larval stage and the adult stage.

Most amphibians lay eggs, which in turn hatch and the larvae emerge from them.

Then these larvae turn into adult amphibians, for example, frogs.

During the larvae, stage frogs consist of gills and a tail that enables them to live under them.

Then the small larvae begin to lose their gills and the lungs begin to grow, and at the same time their limbs begin to grow and lose their tails, and in the end these larvae begin to grow.

 They become adult frogs that spend most of their time on the ground.


amphibian body temperature:

Amphibians, like other reptiles, are cold-blooded creatures, which means that they cannot produce enough internal heat to maintain a constant body temperature.

Their bodies, for example, when it is cold outside, the body temperature of the amphibians decreases, so they lie in the sun.

To raise their body temperature, and when their body temperature drops, these creatures enter a hibernation-like state, so they wake up only for short periods to drink ، When it's hot outside, amphibians hide during the day and only come out at night.

Amphibian extinction:

Amphibians face the risk of extinction.

According to the latest statistics, 160 species of amphibians have already become extinct, and more than 1,800 species are threatened with extinction.

Habitat loss and degradation, pollution, climate change, and various diseases that affect amphibians are among the most important causes that threaten the lives of various amphibians.

Examples of amphibians:

Here are some examples of amphibians:



The turtle.




With my best wishes


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