What is a woolly mammoth


What is a woolly mammoth

 The woolly mammoth is one of the most magnificent prehistoric animals, perhaps because it became extinct only 4,000 years ago, and the remains and tusks of this woolly mammoth are found throughout Eurasia and North America almost every day,

Its closest living relative is the Asian elephant, whose DNA holds the key to efforts to bring the woolly mammoth back from extinction.

The woolly mammoth is famous for its long, curved fangs, and mammoth ivory remains a popular commodity among humans today,

When and why did the woolly mammoth become extinct?

What killed the woolly mammoth?

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What is a woolly mammoth
What is a woolly mammoth

 The development and history of the woolly mammoth:

 The oldest representative of the mammoth genus is the South African mammoth, which appeared in what is now South Africa during the Early Pliocene about 5 million years ago, 

These large terrestrial giants carried the same spiraling, twisted fangs of their heirs, the steppe mammoth, and the woolly mammoth began moving away from the steppe mammoth about 800,000 years ago in East Asia, 

Which made the Asian elephant its only living relative.

 Steppe mammoth relatives traveled to North America via the Bering Strait land bridge, starting 1.5 million years ago, and eventually, the Columbian mammoth and many other species evolved,

Some of them inhabited North America as far south as Mexico, and woolly mammoths adapted to the cold climates of the north, while Colombian mammoths and other smaller groups of species adapted to warmer climates, and the species is believed to have interbred.

Can the woolly mammoth be brought back?

 The woolly mammoth is the most recent ancestor of the first identified mammoth, with a habitat that eventually covered most of Eurasia and North America, 

Some woolly mammoths survived approximately 3,700 to 4,000 years ago on Russia's Wrangel Island and on the remote Taimyr Peninsula on mainland Siberia, 

The body of a mammoth was exhumed in Siberia in the spring of 1902 by a mission sent by the Russian Academy of Sciences, an antique engraved illustration.  From the United Nations Universe and Humanity, 1910.

 When was the last woolly mammoth on earth? 

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 Mammoth species:

 South African mammoth:

  The oldest mammoth species of the mammoth genus appeared about 5 million years ago in the early Pliocene era in South Africa and East African countries, with a concentration in Ethiopia, 

He already possessed ancestral traits including twisted spiral canines and torso.

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  African mammoth:

  The second oldest mammoth species first appeared about 3 million years ago during the late Pliocene, and finally about 1.65 million years ago during the early Pleistocene, 

Fossils have been found in Chad, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia.

Gray wolf 

  Colombian mammoth:

 This type of mammoth inhabited the Americas as far north as the northern United States and as far south as Costa Rica during the Pleistocene era.

It was one of the last types of mammoths to end with the woolly mammoth.

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 Cretan dwarf mammoth:

 It is the smallest mammoth ever found.

Skulls of this species have been found on Mediterranean islands and have been proposed as the basis for the ancient Greek myth of the giant, 

This mammoth lived in the late Ice Age on the island of Crete. 

   Imperial Mammoth:

 Another type of mammoth existed during the Pleistocene era and inhabited the Americas from the northern United States south to Costa Rica.

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 Jefferson mammoth:

 This mammoth inhabited the American West and Midwest during the late Pleistocene epoch. 

  Dwarf mammoth:

 The dwarf mammoth or Channel Islands lived on three of the Channel Islands in California, United States during the late Ice Age. 

woolly mammoth habitat

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  Southern mammoth:

 Another Pleistocene mammoth, it roamed Europe and Central Asia.

  Steppe mammoth:

 The steppe mammoth was present in most of northern Eurasia during the Early and Middle Ice Age, approximately 1.8 million to 200,000 years ago, and evolved in Siberia from the southern mammoth.

 Woolly mammoth:

  The woolly mammoth lived during the Pleistocene until its extinction during the Holocene, and this mammoth wandered across Eurasia and North America and was perhaps the last in a series of mammoth species that lived 4,000 years ago.

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 Description of the woolly mammoth:

 The woolly mammoth was the same size as African elephants today, males were between nine and 11 feet high at the shoulder, and females were slightly smaller - 8.5 to 9.5 feet at the shoulder،  Males could weigh up to 12,000 pounds, females weighed 8,000 pounds, and the newborn woolly mammoth weighed 200 pounds.

 Woolly mammoths were covered in fur, likely keeping it warm in the winter environments in which they inhabited, and genetic testing revealed that woolly mammoths ranged in color from blond to dark brown or black, however، 

They are unsure whether there is an evolutionary advantage to this coloring, and preserved woolly mammoth hair is often orange when found, but researchers believe it is due to land conditions that alter pigmentation، 

What is most interesting is that genetic researchers who were used to determine the color of animals are still present in animals today, including humans, and this gene causes red hair to appear in humans، 

In some other animals, it causes yellow or blonde hair. 

 The woolly mammoth had long hoses, like elephants, and huge, curved fangs.

Researchers believe it used its fangs in a similar way to modern elephants.

It could use its fangs to fight and use its proboscis to handle objects and aid in the search for food، 

The main difference between woolly mammoths and modern elephants is their ears, they had much smaller ears, were more likely to reduce the chance of frostbite, and besides their fangs, they had four large molars to grind their food, 

His molars will be replaced six times throughout his life.

woolly mammoth vs elephant

woolly mammoth revival

woolly mammoth diet

 What does a woolly mammoth eat:

 Woolly mammoths likely lived on a diet based primarily on grasses and sedges, which are grass-like plants with flowers, however،  Evidence preserved in mammoths' stomachs shows that they also ate flowers, shrubs, tree material, and algae, and various specimens show that what mammoths ate depended on their location. 

 Some evidence suggests that young mammoths may have eaten waste to promote the growth of their vital intestinal area that would help them digest plants as they grew and stopped drinking their mother's milk, 

Since the woolly mammoth was so large, it needed to eat a lot of food, and experts believe it had to eat nearly 400 pounds of food every day,

He could have spent up to 20 hours a day searching for food. 

woolly mammoth coming back

woolly mammoth predators

woolly mmmoth extinct

 Home of the woolly mammoth:

 The woolly mammoth lived in a type of environment called the mammoth steppe or tundra steppe, and this region is found in the northern regions of what we now call Asia, Europe, and North America,

There are actually two groups of woolly mammoths that experts are looking for to see if they should be two different subspecies.

The first group became extinct about 45,000 years ago and remained near the North Pole, 

The second group became extinct about 12,000 years ago, and skeletons of this species were found as far south as Shandong Province in China and Granada in Spain.

 The woolly mammoth may have arrived in North America by crossing the land bridge over what is now the Bering Strait more than 300,000 years ago, 

Researchers consider the woolly mammoth to be one of the most successful mammals of its time because it was present in many places, and they estimate that its habitat covers more than 3,3301,000 square kilometers, 

Other types of mammoths have been around for millions of years, and woolly mammoths began to differ from other types of mammoths about 800,000 years ago, and they became extinct in most places about 10,000 years ago، 

Except for isolated groups on islands that became extinct 4,000 years ago.

 Woolly mammoths probably did not have many predators, however, young mammoths and weak or sick animals were vulnerable to wolves, cave hyenas, and large predatory cats of the era, 

There is some evidence that humans may have hunted woolly mammoths, but it is not clear how widespread this was, and there were other smaller, easier-to-hunt animals available to humans at the time, 

What is more common in mammoth skeletons is that humans excavate the remains after they have already been killed by a predator or died of natural causes.

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  Threats facing woolly mammoths 

 The threats to woolly mammoths were also environmental.

They were sensitive to long winters when food was difficult to find, evidenced by their fang growth rings that slowed in the winter.

One study of mammoth remains in North America found that the most common time of their death was in winter or spring when food was difficult to obtain. 

 Climate change is also likely to pose a threat to woolly mammoths, and the recent decline in woolly mammoth numbers occurred at the end of the last ice age, however, 

Experts believe that the decline in woolly mammoth numbers may also have contributed to the warming of the environment, and they no longer eat trees, especially birch trees, which have an effect that absorbs and warms the sun's rays, therefore.  Birch forests grew more easily and could have warmed the environment by 0.2 °C.

This doesn't sound like much, but it had an impact.

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Discoveries and fossils of the woolly mammoth:

 Mammoth skeletons are very abundant, and simple research reveals many articles about finding hundreds of giant skeletons in one place or another, and in 2020, 

Nearly 200 skeletons were found at a construction site in Mexico City, and specimens are abundant, however, there are some notable specimens that have helped scientists learn a lot about the woolly mammoth, 

There are two woolly mammoth remains that can be found, skeletons or fossils, and actual remains, and many woolly mammoth remains have been found frozen, however, 

One mammoth was found in Poland with preserved soft tissue, and it was naturally mummified in an oil spill.  

 Early 18th-century frozen mammoth remains were chopped up and sold to the highest bidder, and in the 19th century, some were fed to dogs!  Fortunately, since then, scientists have found many well-preserved frozen specimens to study, and some of the most useful frozen mammoths are mammoth calves, 

These samples give us an idea of how mammoths grow and how to take care of their young, for example, by studying these samples, 

Scientists believe that calves were cared for for 2-3 years before moving on to a vegetarian diet 

One frozen mammoth found in 2013 still had liquid blood in its abdomen, leading researchers to believe its blood may have had some anti-freezing capabilities.

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