Types of geese



Types of geese


 What are the types of geese:

 Goose is a species of waterfowl whose size ranges from the size of a pelican to a large duck.

 There are many types of geese, including the following:

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Types of geese
Types of geese

White-headed geese (Barnacle Goose):

 These geese range in length from 60 to 70 cm.

They live in swamps and coastal grasslands.

They feed mainly on grasses, seeds and leaves.

Their appearance is characterized by having a white face with a black line connected from the eye to the beak.

geese ausbie

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 Black Geese (Brent Goose):

 Black geese are named after the blackness that is widespread in most of their parts, such as: the head, neck, and legs.

This species lives in estuaries, agricultural lands, and low-lying coastal areas where seaweed and algae grow, and its typical length is approximately 60 cm.

geese howard

What is the most popular geese?

 Cackling Goose:

 The shape of this species is characterized by a black head and neck and a white chin strap.

Its typical length is between 56 and 76 cm.

It lives in coastal swamps, tundra, streams, and floodplains.

It depends for its food on seeds, herbs, and aquatic plants, in addition to eating molluscs, insects, and crustaceans.

geese band

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 Egyptian Goose:

 Typical Egyptian geese are between 63 - 73 cm long, feeding on seeds, grasses, plant stems and leaves, in addition to eating worms, insects, and small animals.

This type of geese lives in wet areas, lakes, swamps, sub-Saharan Africa, the Nile Valley, and rivers.

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Canadian geese (Canada Goose) :

This species is characterized by a white chin stripe and a light brown chest.

Its typical length ranges from 76 to 110 cm.

It lives in lakes, rivers, and fields, where its food source is available, including seeds and aquatic herbs, in addition to eating insects, crustaceans, and molluscs.

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 Hawaiian Goose :

Also called the Hawaiian goose, it has wrinkled sides in the neck area, a black chin and a dark ring at the end of the neck.

Its typical length is approximately 41 cm.

It is endemic to the lava plains and grasslands of the island of Hawaii.

It feeds on berries, herbs, and shrubs.

 Red-breasted Goose:

 This species was given this name in reference to the presence of chestnut red in the Al-Fakhdin and Al-Sadr regions.

Its typical length is between 53-56 cm.

Red-breasted geese feed on wheat, barley, corn, and grasses in the wooded areas of Tundra and the lakes.

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 Bar-headed goose:

This species is characterized by wide black lines on the head and extends down and behind the neck.

Its typical size is between 71-76 cm.

It depends for its food on herbs, barley, wheat, rice, and aquatic plants.

It also lives in Wetlands, cultivated fields, and lakes.

photos of geese breeds

wild geese breeds

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 Bean Goose:

 This species appears with a dark brown neck, head, and wings, and its typical length is between 68 - 90 cm.

It feeds on aquatic plants, algae, berries, grains, clover, and grazing in potato fields.

Its presence is also concentrated in wetlands, lakes, swamps, and
 fields.Arable goose (Greylag Goose) :

The underparts of the goose are grey and the belly is white, its feathers, head and neck are greyish-brown, and its typical length is between 75 - 90 cm.

It feeds on grains, grasses, and root crops, and also eats small aquatic animals found in swamps and lakes.

greylag goose

geese identification chart

The goose is a small glue (Greater white-fronted goose):

 The length of this species ranges between 65 - 78 cm, and is characterized by a dark brown color in the neck, head, and back areas.

This species lives in areas, wet grasslands, and salt marshes.

It feeds on wheat, potatoes, and herbs, and sometimes eats insects and molluscs.

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 Pink-footed goose :

This species is characterized by having a round, small head and a short neck, which distinguishes it from other species.

Its typical length is between 60-75 cm.

It lives on the banks of rivers, salt marshes, slopes, and agricultural lands in which its food is available, such as roots, leaves, aquatic plants, and potatoes.

 Chinese goose :

It is also called the swan goose because it has a long beak similar to that of a swan.

The chestnut brown color extends in the back of the neck, and its typical length ranges between 81-94 cm.

It feeds on sediments and aquatic plants in wetlands and estuaries.

 White-fronted Goose :

This species is characterized by a white front end color and gray-brown feathers.

Its typical length ranges between 65 - 78 cm.

It also feeds on potatoes, wheat, and herbs, and sometimes eats insects and molluscs.

It is endemic to estuaries, salt marshes, and wet grasslands.

goose identification

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 Emperor goose:

 This species is characterized by a white neck and head, a short beak, a thick bluish-gray body, and a white tail.

It feeds on grasses and seaweed, in addition to crustaceans and molluscs that are available in its habitat, such as: grasslands, salt marshes, and mudflats.

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 Rose's Goose :

This species has two feet, two legs, and a small reddish-pink beak.

Its feathers are white with black tips.

Its typical length ranges between 57-64 cm.

It feeds on grasses, buds, and grains.

It lives in wetlands, polar tundra, and agricultural fields.

 Snow Goose:

 This species is found in nature in two colors:

Either in snowy white, the tips of the wings are black or blue, and the tips

 are white.

The length of this species ranges between 63-79 cm, and it is endemic to wetlands in which aquatic plants, insects, and roots are available.

geese breeds and characteristics

Chicken breeds

 Canary bird and Red canary and Atlantic canary 

 Andean Goose:

 This species is characterized by the predominance of white color in its body, with the exception of the tail and wings, which are colored black, and the stems are reddish-orange.

Its typical length is between 75 - 80 cm.

This species feeds on sediments and aquatic plants that grow in wetlands.

Kelp Goose :

The shape of this species varies depending on the sex of the bird.

The male appears completely white, while the female appears with a dark brown neck and head, and the limbs are white.

The typical length of this species ranges between 55-65 cm, and it feeds on seaweed mainly in fresh lakes and rocky coasts.

 Blue-winged Goose:

 The name of this species indicates that it has blue wings with a stocky brown and gray body.

It lives near swamps, grasslands, and freshwater lakes.

This species feeds on grasses and small reptiles, and its typical length ranges between 60-75 cm.

 Cape Barren Goose:

 This species is characterized by its size, as it reaches a length of between 75 - 100 cm.

Its feathers are characterized by a pale gray color, and its wings have black spots.

It feeds on herbs, such as spears and tusk, in addition to clover grasses and barley, which are widespread on the sea islands.

 Lame Goose :

The plumage of the lush goose is black and white, characterized by a small beak, orange legs, and ranges between 75 - 90 cm in length, and its food source is based on small invertebrates, roots, rice, and aquatic plants, and the species is endemic to 

floodplains, freshwater, and the Orinoco Goose (Orinoco Goose):

 This species lives in swamps, forest lakes, savannah areas, and wetlands.

It is characterized by a gray neck and head, chestnut-brown wings, and reddish-pink feet and legs.

Its length varies between 61-76 cm.

It feeds on larvae, molluscs, and insects.

 Spur-winged Goose :

This species has a large reddish-pink beak, and its facial skin is exposed in the front area of the eyes.

It is between 75 and 115 cm long.

It feeds on seeds, aquatic plants, and grasses.

It sometimes eats small fish and insects, and lives in floodplains, grasslands, and wetlands.

 The best types of geese for breeding:

 It is easy to raise geese at home; They feed on plant foods, which makes them a profitable investment.

Despite this, they need good health care, and the goal of raising geese can be determined, including choosing the best type to raise them.

 As follows:

To produce eggs, geese do not produce eggs throughout the year, but rather seasonally, and goose eggs have many benefits.

It is similar to chicken eggs in terms of quality, nutritional value, and taste.

 Among the types of geese that are a good source of egg 


 Kuban geese, which produce approximately 80 eggs, Chinese geese, which produce up to 70 eggs, and large gray geese, which produce approximately 40 eggs per season.

 For meat production in relation to meat production:

 It is possible to choose geese that have a rapid growth and maturation rate and good resistance to diseases.

Among these types are: the small glue goose, which grows within three months to weigh from 3.6 to 4 kg, although it does not require special care.

 In terms of shape:

 In terms of shape, Egyptian geese are considered the most satisfactory, and this is due to their beautiful and attractive color in different shades of brown.

 Geese are considered birds that bring good benefit to farmers.

It raises their income rate as a source of production of meat, eggs, and rich fats.

Not only that, but its soft feathers can be used to produce clothes and bedding.

The geese are distinguished by their rapid adaptation to families in homes, and their sharp voice is considered a good warning to protect the home and its owners.

They also have the ability to live in coastal areas and humid water areas, which are characterized by hot climates، It also depends on grasses and herbs for its food.

Therefore, it is considered useful if you want to get rid of it.


With my best wishes


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