The most important types of wasps



The most important types of wasps

What is the most toxic wasp? 

Wasps are one of the most diverse creatures in the world.

This class of insects includes more than 100,000 species around the world.

While most people believe that wasps are aggressive insects that live in large colonies, the vast majority of wasps are peaceful and solitary creatures.

Although they are related to bees and ants, wasps are distinguished by their slender, soft bodies that contain little hair، They also have a waist that connects the abdomen and chest.

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The most important types of wasps
The most important types of wasps

What are the types of wasps? Are they in danger of extinction? How can we get rid of them? We have a lot of information about wasps, follow us.

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types of wasps and hornets

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Evolution and origin of wasps:

The evolution and origin of wasps can be traced back to the Jurassic period,

 about 150 million years ago, when they are believed to have evolved from a common ancestor with other Hymenoptera such as bees and ants.

The wasps underwent a process of diversification, which led to the development of different subfamilies and genera, each with distinct characteristics and behaviors.

Such as hunting, garbage collection, and social behavior, and it is believed that the development of their venomous needles, which are used for hunting and defense, has played a major role in their survival and success over time.

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types of wasps nests

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Types of wasps: 

 Yellow jacket wasps

 Paper wasps

 Hornets (Vespa spp.)

 Mud stapler wasps

 Cicada killers wasps

Tarantula hawk wasps

Large black wasps

European wasps

 Common wasps

 German wasps

 Giant Asian hornets

 Bald-faced wasp

 Black and yellow clay wasp

 Blue clay wasp

 The hornet is the killer of the eastern cicada

 European paper wasp

 Great golden driller wasp

 Red wasps

Sand wasp

 Velvet ant wasp

 Western cicada killer

 Western paper wasp

 Black and yellow Argiop wasp

 Black and red clay wasp

 Black and yellow garden spider wasp

 Common eastern bumblebee wasp

 Eastern yellow jacket wasps

 European paper wasp

What is the least aggressive wasp?

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Description and behavior of wasps:

Many species of wasps, especially yellowjacket wasps, have yellow and black markings, which is why many people confuse them with bees, and although yellowjacket wasps get their common name from their appearance, some subspecies have different colors that include Almost all colors.

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types of wasps photos 

These insects can also be brown, metallic blue, bright red, with more brightly colored members belonging to the stinging wasp family.

Paper wasps, which are usually brown in color, are one of the most common species in North America and resemble large wasps and yellowjacket wasps.

Semi-social creatures that live in small colonies but do not have a working class.

Wasps' bodies are characterized by a pointed lower abdomen and petiole, which is a narrow waist that separates the abdomen from the chest.

In appearance, they are much thinner than bees.

They also have biting mouthparts and antennae consisting of 12 to 13 parts.

Most species have wings, and in stinging species, they have Only females have a stinging needle, which is essentially a modified egg-laying structure that pierces the victim and introduces poison into them.

types of wasps in michigan

types of wasps in georgia 

In the Northern Hemisphere, these insects become more aggressive from August to October, as this is the time when their food supplies change, and the young queens leave the colony to find new mates, which is also the time when they are more likely to attack humans, and wasps also secrete pheromone.

When threatened, that's why you should never hit this insect after being stung, because this action will attack other wasps.

types of wasps in washington state

types of wasps in hawaii

types of wasps in louisiana

Wasp species range in size from just over half an inch to 1.8 inches, and some of the largest members are solitary wasps such as cicada killers and stunning blue-orange tarantula hawks, both of which can be up to 1.5 inches long.

The hangman has the most painful and deadly sting of all species.

Wasp in the world, Central and South America are home to this species, a type of yellow-brown paper wasp.

However, the Schmidt-Sting Pain Index also lists the warrior wasp attack as level 4 pain, and is described as pure, intense, and wonderful pain that can last up to two hours.

Most people recover after being bitten by these insects, but those who are allergic to the poison They can suffer significant side effects, even death.

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Wasps' habitat:

All wasps build their nests, and although their houses are similar to those built by bees, they are made of paper.

They make their homes by chewing wood fibers and turning them into pulp through the hard lower jaw and then secreting the pulp in the form of honeycombs.

Other types are used, Such as potters or construction wasps, called mud wasps, make clay to build their homes, which look like long pipes.

Favorite places to build houses include basements, sheds and other dark and cold areas where you have likely seen a hornet's nest.

Thread-waisted hornets have more diverse nesting habits, which you will find in wood stems and eloquent plants as well as in mud houses.

Spider wasps build their habitat in Wood cracks or rotten rocks.

Wasps food:

These insects are omnivorous and plant-eating, meaning they eat all kinds of food.

Like bees, they prefer sweet foods such as nectar, honey, fruits, tree sap, and human food.

Like bees, they often play a role in pollinating plants during their search for food.

However, they also eat Almost all pests that harm crops, including grasshoppers, aphids, flies, larvae and even bees as well as other garden pests، Making them invaluable partners in the spread of fruits and vegetables, wasps often travel up to half a kilometer from their nests when foraging.

Predators and threats facing wasps

Wasps are subject to predation by many different animal species around the world, including birds, reptiles, and amphibians, and are eaten by at least 24 species of birds, but they tend to hunt solitary species.

Other insects on which they feed include praying mantises, dragonflies, and flies.

The thief, and even other wasps, and some mammals such as mice, rats, skunks, raccoons, weasels, wolverines, and badgers are also vulnerable to occasional wasps attacks to eat this insect.

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Reproduction and age of wasps:

The life cycle varies slightly between each species, with ages ranging from 12 to 22 days.

Yellowjacket wasps have a typical life cycle shared by many other social wasps.

The life cycle begins when the fertilized queen begins building her house, which is usually small at first.

The first eggs hatch into the workers, and once they reach maturity, they continue to build while the queen lays the eggs and the additional workers hatch.

Queens can lay eggs continuously because they store sperm after mating with the male in the fall.

They frequently use sperm to grow their colony but usually run out of stored sperm by the end of summer or early fall.

New males in the colony develop from unfertilized eggs that The queen lays it at the end of summer.

Male wasps leave to mate with new queens, after which they usually die, and female workers begin to die in late summer and early fall as well.

Only married queens remain to survive the winter, and the mated queens will then find a place for the winter and remain dormant until spring.

When the cycle resumes, most queens live only one season.

Many, but not all, wasp societies have a caste system consisting of one or more queens, a few males, and working females.

The productive colonies are found in one or more layers of leaf cells made of chewed plant material mixed with saliva and vomited by the insect.

In some species, queens devote the rest of their lives to laying eggs and never come out again.

The workers feed the larvae a diet consisting of chewed insects and other foods, and the larvae are particularly preferred.

In the fall, the workers build larger cells for the new queens.

The larvae in these cells receive larger amounts of food.

At the same time, the older queens begin They lay male eggs, where the males mate with the new queens who will be the founders of next year's colonies, and when the founding queens die، Female workers begin to act intermittently until they all die at the beginning of winter.

Solitary insects have a much different life cycle.

In general, a solitary female mates and then prepares and provides one or more houses for her offspring.

Each of them contains cells for its young.

The eggs hatch and the larvae consume the food provided without leaving the cell.

After pupation, new adult wasps appear and search for Partners.

Males in most species are shorter and die after mating, and the female continues to cycle.

What is the most aggressive wasp?

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Are wasps in danger of extinction:

More than 110,000 species of these insects have been identified, and scientists believe that another 100,000 species are waiting to be identified.

A recent study discovered 186 new species of wasps in the rainforests of Costa Rica, so the wasps are not in danger of extinction any time soon. 


With my best wishes


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