Tomato frog



Tomato frog


Tomato frog:

 It is the only one in the Dyscophinae family, endemic to Madagascar.

Its common name comes from its bright red color.

When a tomato frog threatens and the predator catches it in its mouth, the frog’s skin secretes a thick substance that reaches the predator’s eyes and mouth, which causes the predator to leave the tomato frog to free its eyes.

It has a toxic resinous substance that sometimes causes allergies in humans.

Allergies do not kill humans, and frogs only secrete them when afraid


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Tomato frog
Tomato frog

What can live with a tomato frog?

Age of tomato frog :

It can reach from 6 to 8 years, in adults colors may vary from yellow orange to deep red, tomato frogs reach sexual maturity in 9-14 months, females are larger than males, and can reach 4 inches in length, can Males reach 2 to 3 inches in length

The color of most female tomato frogs ranges from reddish orange to bright dark red.

The bellies are usually more yellow, and sometimes there are black dots on the throat.

Males are not as brightly colored as females.

They are also on the list of endangered species.

They are born in the rainy and nocturnal season.

They tend to eat small insects and invertebrates

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Weight of male tomato frog :

Up to 41 grams, female weight 230 grams, male length 60-65 mm, female length 85-105 mm, tomato frogs are born in February or March after heavy rains, females lay from 1,000 to 15,000 eggs on the surface of the water, tadpoles hatch from these eggs.

Small black and white, about six millimeters long


Tomato frogs endemic to Madagascar were found in the northeast of the island.

The exact distribution of this species is unclear.

Tomato frog breeds live in shallow ponds, swamps, and slow-moving water areas.

These frogs are found from sea level to heights of About 200 metres

What is special about the tomato frog?


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Tomato frog is classified as :

As the lowest threatened (NT) on the Red List (IUCN), listed in Appendix I of the Convention, and declining as a result of habitat degradation, pollution and over-collection of these brightly colored amphibians for the pet trade, the tomato frog was quickly listed on Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Species.Endangered (CITES)

Do tomato frogs like to be held?

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What is famous for :

The tomato frog is famous for its eye-catching yellow and orange colors.It can inflate itself as a warning as well as to deter any predator, including snakes.

When its body is inflated, it tends to resemble tomatoes and becomes almost impossible to swallow.

It can also release toxic secretions through its skin when threatened.

The tomato frog has a yellowish-white underside and sometimes also has black spots on its back.

Unlike some other species of frogs، Its front feet are not exposed, the adult tomato frog is 2.5-3.5 inches long, and its average life expectancy is 6-8 years.

tomato frog size

tomato frog behavior

tomato frog scientific name

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Behavior and mood of the tomato frog:

The tomato frog uses its distinctive sounds throughout the evening when it is most active, and you can expect the tomato frog to spend most of its time in a hole (preferably hiding under leaves and mud in its native habitat).

Like most frogs, the tomato frog does not like to handle it, although it It wouldn't hurt your pet to move it from one barn to another (like cleaning a cage).

 However, frequent handling can cause great stress on your pet.

If a tomato frog begins to secrete white substance from its back, this means that you have stressed your pet (which it does when it feels threatened), and it will also need to make sure to wear gloves when handling your frog, as anything on your hands can be absorbed into their skin (from Soap to lotion), potentially harming your pet.

Tomato frog 

tomato frog food

tomato frog lifespan

Tomato frog dwelling:

Potential tomato frog owners should know that these frogs live (and reproduce) in freshwater ponds.

The tomato frog is found exclusively in Madagascar along the island's eastern rainforest belt, and lives in rainforests and swamp forests in the wild, where it is attracted to slow and even stagnant ponds.

And other waterways, it can also be found in rivers and swamps, as well as in rural and urban areas.

In order to create the tomato frog's preferred environment, you'll need at least a small 10-gallon tank plus a plate of shallow water (it doesn't require a lot of water), and you should also have a thermometer to monitor temperature, humidity, and plant decorations (it can be either Live or fake), as well as places where the tomato frog hides such as cork bark flats, branches, and hollow tree trunks، The larger the pelvis, the better.

Due to the fact that it is a terrestrial animal, the tomato frog generally benefits from a greater amount of horizontal (rather than vertical) space.

This frog likes to hide in burrows, so its substrate must be at least two inches deep.

When breeding, female tomato frogs lay hundreds of Black and white sticky eggs on the surface of the water, and tadpoles will appear after about 36 hours، They will develop for about two months before reaching sexual maturity between two and four years of age.

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You may want to use a small heating pad or sun lamp to help keep the environment warm enough for a tomato frog although this will depend on the room temperature you keep the frog in, and be sure to keep the temperature between 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit, because anything higher or lower can cause the frog to become injured or even die.


The tomato frog is very easy to care for as a nocturnal species, and does not require any special lighting, but its habitat must be high in humidity, and the full-spectrum bulb must be more than enough to keep any plants alive, and will not affect your pet frog, keep in mind the use of light Low strength on the day and night cycle.

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The humidity level within your tomato frog habitat should also be maintained in the range of 65 to 80 percent, and this can be done by misting each day as well as using a high-quality hygrometer.


Because of its tendency to burrow, it is recommended to use a soft substrate (think farm soil, eco-soil, or other coconut fibres) when harboring a tomato frog, and try to target at least two inches of depth to give it enough digging space, and topsoil can also be used as long as it is free of pesticides.

Insects, fertilizers and safe for amphibians, keep in mind that digging a frog may cause the roots of any living plant to be exposed and, as a result، Many tomato frog owners choose fake plants instead of real ones.

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Food and water:

Tomato frogs primarily eat insects such as beetles, flies, mosquitoes, insect larvae, and worms.

These frogs are considered ambush predators, which means that they hunt mainly at night.

Since it may not be possible to provide your frogs with the insects they normally eat in the wild, many owners Tomato frogs will supplement their primary food source (such as cockroaches) with calcium supplements and vitamins، Some other potential food sources include mealworms, waxworms, superworms, and pinky mice.

Your tomato frog will need clean dechlorinated water as any toxins can be absorbed into the water through its skin.

The frog prefers soft to medium water hardness with a neutral pH level, and despite the fact that it is an amphibian, the tomato frog actually does not He can swim well.

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Common tomato frog health problems:

The most common disease affecting frog populations in Madagascar is mycosis fungoides (known as chitrid fungus), which is caused by a fungal disease and this disease poses a great danger to the species. 

tomato frog adaptations

tomato frog poison

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Choose your tomato frog:

The tomato frog has become one of the most common types of frogs, and for good reason, it is relatively easy to care for these hardy frogs, and by providing for their needs, they actually make wonderful pets.

Keep in mind that these are individual creatures that can exhibit cannibalistic behaviors of their own species, and should generally be kept.

It has only one in each container, and you may be able to house two tomato frogs together provided they have plenty of space to move around and create their own burrows، If you are a first-time tomato frog owner, you may want to start with a younger frog that is kept in captivity, which is less likely to carry parasites or dormant diseases.

With my best wishes


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