Tarantula spiders



Tarantula spiders


What is tarantula (toxic spider):

 A large, hairy poisonous spider from the Theravosida family.

 Its disc causes pain and inflammation, but not strongly.

 Its species include lions, American spiders, and European spiders.

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Tarantula spiders
Tarantula spiders

Describe it :

 Large spiders covered with hairs - known as tarantulas - are spread throughout the world except Antarctica.

These spiders belong to the wolf spider family, and are known

in English as "Tarantulas"  (Tarantulas) is named after the Italian city of "Taranto", from which the name of these spiders is derived.

Are tarantulas poisonous?

What happens if a tarantula bites you?

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 Imaginative weave and mysterious questions:

 The name tarantula spiders has been linked to many frightening stories - and sometimes fictional ones - that gave them a horrific shape in human ears.

When the peasants discovered them in the city of Taranto, they believed that they had a poisonous and deadly bite, 

Which eventually led them to devise an unconventional antidote to recover from the madness that results from her bite.

This antidote was a dance known as "Tarantella," but it appears that these bites were caused by other creatures, as the tarantula found in this area had no significant danger.

 These spiders rarely leave their places, as the female always remains close to her young, while her adult male only travels to search for his partner, which raises the question: How did these spiders spread in this way globally?

Recently, an international team of scientists searched for the ancestors of tarantula spiders, which strike more than 100 million years ago, and the study was published in the journal PeerJ on April 6/ This April.

Tarantula spiders rarely leave their places (pixabi)

tarantula spiders

What is the tarantulas deadliest enemy?

What makes a spider a tarantula?

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Rare fossils:

 According to the report published by Live Science, tarantula fossils are extremely rare, as there are only two well-preserved fossils One is in Mexico - which dates back to about 16 million years - and the other is in Myanmar, which dates back to 100 million years. 

Due to the scarcity of tarantula spider fossils, researchers have collected any fossil data for the suborder Mygalomorphs, which includes a large group of large spiders that live on Earth, including tarantulas, The fossil record of this group is very rich.

Scientists also relied on databases of RNA molecules that encode (produce) protein to build the family tree of these spiders.

Once the tarantula family tree - which included 29 species of tarantula and 18 other species of large, rattel-shaped spiders - was determined, scientists drew a chronological map of that spider tree, relying on  The fossils in their hands, which ultimately enabled them to know the time and place where these spiders appeared and spread to different regions of the world.

Rutile-shaped spiders have a rich fossil record compared to the tarantula spider (Wikipedia-Ver)

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Chronology and spatiality:

 According to the press release published by Carnegie Mellon University in response to the study, 

Scientists have discovered that tarantulas first appeared 120 million years ago - that is, during the Cretaceous period - in what is currently known as the Americas, which were part of the giant continent of Gondwana at that time.

It is possible that the ancestors of ancient tarantulas spread across the land mass of the Americas until they reached Africa, Australia, and India, 

The team found that the ancestors of tarantulas that appeared in Africa date back to about 112 million to 108 million years ago, and the ancestors of tarantulas appeared in India 108 million years ago.

With the separation of the continent of Gondwana, India separated from Madagascar 95 million to 84 million years ago and drifted to attach to the continent of Asia approximately 58 million to 35 million years ago, bringing these spiders with them to the continent of Asia.

 The tree tarantula strain spread in Asia 20 million years after the burrow-dwelling tarantula strain (Pixabee)

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 Different breeds:

 However, the ancestors of the tarantula that spread in India were distinguished into two breeds with a different lifestyle, as the first breed inhabited trees, while the other breed preferred to live in burrows.

Both breeds spread in Asia, but the first to spread was the breed that hides in burrows, 

While the tree lineage - also known as the Earth Tigers - followed it 20 million years later.

This second spread by the tree strain indicates that spiders were highly adaptable to their new environment, which contradicts what some studies had previously thought. 

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Discovering two new species of spiders  A warning of the danger of their extinction: 

 Scientists have discovered two new species of tarantula spiders on the slopes of the Andes Mountains in South America, and both appear to be threatened with extinction.

"Newsweek" magazine said that researchers from the University of San Francisco de Quito in Ecuador documented spiders found in trees in the wilderness of the west of the country.

According to the study, which was published in the scientific journal ZooKeys, a new type of tarantula was identified in late February of this year, at the foothills of the Cordillera Occidental Mountains, 

It is one of the two main mountain ranges in the Andes.

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Newsweek reported: 

"Although this new species, called Psalmopoeus chronoarachne, has recently been discovered, 

Available evidence indicates that it is seriously threatened with extinction due to human activities in the region, such as mining and agriculture".

The scientific name of the species is based on the Greek words for "time" and "spider".

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 The source explained:

 "It was given this name because it showed defensive behavior (fleeing quickly), the moment it was found".

Tarantulas are a variety of large spiders that are often hairy, found mainly in warm regions around the world.

To date, more than a thousand species of tarantulas have been identified.


With my best wishes



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