extinction of the woolly mammoth



extinction of the woolly mammoth

 When and why the woolly mammoth became extinct:

 There are some different theories about why the woolly mammoth became extinct, and the only thing everyone is sure of is that they died, and most of them died about 10,000 years ago, however, 

A few isolated populations remained on the islands, living on St.

extinction of the woolly mammoth
extinction of the woolly mammoth

Paul Island, part of Alaska, until 5,600 years ago, 

They lived on Wrangel Island in Russia until about 4,000 years ago, and it is a little easier to determine the cause of extinction for small islanders، 

Mammoths have become extinct on St.

Paul Island because their habitat has shrunk due to sea level rise, potentially reducing the amount of fresh water available. 

 Mammoths on Wrangel Island appear to have been killed by a catastrophic event, which may have been human access to the island or changes in climate, 

Their disappearance occurred around the same time that humans first arrived on the island, and this pattern appears in some other mammoth populations, for example, in what is now Alaska and the Yukon,

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Mammoths became extinct 1,000 years after humans, and experts believe that habitat shrinkage due to climate change is putting populations in a downward direction, and thus

 Human activity and hunting likely determined his fate.

 What was the cause of the mammoth?

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Who hunted mammoths to extinction? 

 Woolly mammoth ivory:

 Ivory extracted from woolly mammoths is a popular commodity to this day, partly because it is illegal in many places to trade or sell elephant ivory 

So people use mammoth ivory instead, climate change and human activity reveal more and more skeletons and mammoth tusks, especially in Siberia, a lucrative market has formed 

Mammoth ivory is mainly exported to China, where expert craftsmen carve it into beautiful and traditional designs and shapes.

 Early humans and Neanderthals used mammoth ivory to make tools, and even used mammoth bones as building materials.

They also used woolly mammoth ivory to make spear heads

Scientists believe that reintroducing woolly mammoths into the Arctic tundra could return them back to grasslands and preserve permafrost.

Did woolly mammoths go extinct because of climate change?

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 Animals similar to the woolly mammoth:


 Smaller than the woolly mammoth, it appeared about 25 million years ago and may have been the ancestors of the mammoth.

What destroyed the woolly mammoth?


  Wedge brutes:

  Giant animals with four fangs that resemble a modern elephant. 

  Asian elephant:

 This is the closest living relative of the mammoth and has several different lineages living in Asia today.

  African Bush Elephant:

 A modern species of elephant that lives in central and southern Africa.

 what caused the extinction of the woolly mammoth

what was the ultimate cause of the extinction of the woolly mammoth

what caused the extinction of the woolly mammoth

what was the ultimate cause of the extinction of the woolly mammoth

  African forest elephant:

  A subspecies of the African bush elephant, these elephants live in forests and grasslands in Central Africa. 

Gray wolf 

 Facts about the woolly mammoth:

  The woolly mammoth wasn't exactly huge:

 Despite its name, male woolly mammoths can grow to between 9 to 11 feet (2.7 to 3.3 m) 

It is not much longer than its closest relative that exists now, which is the Asian elephant.

The male woolly mammoth weighs about 6 tons, which is about 2 tons more in weight than Asian elephants today.

  You can tell the age of the woolly mammoth by its fangs:

 The age of trees can be known from their rings, and the rings found in the tusks of woolly mammoths almost indicate the age of the mammoth, and the layers can provide knowledge of the age of the mammoth even today 

Thick rings indicated that woolly mammoths were healthy and growing rapidly, while thinner rings meant that woolly mammoths were growing at a slower pace.

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  External woolly mammoth hair can grow up to a foot or more:

 The outer woolly mammoth hair could grow up to a foot or more with a short inner hair layer.

The woolly mammoth lived in the Ice Age, so keeping warm was a must, 

Mammoth hair can reach a length of 35 inches (90 cm), while the lower layer, which will be more curly and thinner than the outer hair layer, contains hair up to 3 inches long, 

The hairs we found were orange but there is a possibility that burying them underground for a long time changed their color.

  The woolly mammoth was an important part of the lives of

early humans:

 During the Pleistocene era, which began 1.8 million years ago and ended 10,000 years ago, woolly mammoths were used by early humans for a variety of purposes.

Woolly mammoth meat was used as food، 

The mammoth coat was used in clothing, its bones and fangs helped humans build their huts, and the woolly mammoth had a prominent feature in early human art, 

We found individuals carved from woolly mammoths.

The giant appeared 158 times in the Rovinac Caves in France.

what was the most likely cause of the extinction of the woolly mammoth

woolly mammoth reason for extinction

woolly mammoth

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  We have discovered many, many woolly mammoths over the


 By the late 17th century, descriptions of frozen woolly mammoths were widespread in Europe, although complete skeletons had not been recovered, and in 1799 a mammoth hunter discovered a frozen giant, 

This allowed it to melt so it could reach the canines, and this specimen was later collected as the most complete skeleton of the time in 1808. 

 Since then, many woolly mammoths, including young ones, have been discovered in many places around the world, including Michigan, 

In 2019, an international research team rebuilt the last mammoth, and it is believed that its extinction occurred on the remote island of Wrangel in the Arctic Ocean، 

They believe that harsh weather, isolated habitats, and perhaps encroachment by prehistoric humans contributed to the death of animals.

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 Bringing back the woolly mammoth:

 Bringing the woolly mammoth back from extinction is not an easy task, 

The two ways scientists thought to address this problem were either through cloning or modifying Asian elephant genes using genes from woolly mammoths (mystic mammoth genome sequencing in 2015).

 The process of cloning a woolly mammoth was the first way scientists thought they would return a mammoth, and in 2011, there was a team of scientists from Japan, Russia, and the United States working together to clone a woolly mammoth, 

The plan was to use DNA extracted from a mammoth carcass kept in a Russian laboratory and insert it into the egg of an African elephant, and the goal was to create a huge embryo in this way by 2016.

 There has been no significant progress in this approach, and one possible reason is that the freezing process has not stopped cell death.

It may slow down the process but for a few thousand years it continues to break down cells 

Ten thousand years of radiation in a frozen sample in which there is no metabolism that breaks down into small parts, George Church, a professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School, told the Washington Post 

And the DNA will never work again.

 The Church was involved in the process of restoring mammoths, and also, albeit in a more reactionary way than direct cloning, relying on sequenced genomes 

The church project seeks to bring an agent species to the mammoth, one of the species that shares some of the characteristics and functions of the woolly mammoth.

To achieve this, the church team carefully places the genes of the woolly mammoth in the cells of Asian elephants 

As of 2018, they have made more than 40 changes to the Asian elephant using gene editing technology.

 Woolly mammoth genes have mostly focused on those that allow the agent species to thrive in cold weather, specifically mammoth hemoglobin, which allows blood circulation even at low temperatures 

And woolly hair to protect against the elements and develop more fat for insulation, and once these features appear sufficiently in stem cell-derived tissues, researchers will begin experiments to create embryos 

They hope to place these embryos in an artificial womb, eliminating the need to use an Asian elephant as an alternative to this mystical agent.

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 Can woolly mammoths be brought back from extinction:

 In addition to the scientific questions of returning an organism that was extinct 10,000 years ago, there are ethical questions about the process and purpose, for the Church and for others  The issue of restoring the mammoth from extinction is part of the fight against climate change, and returning the woolly mammoth to its historic field, especially the tundra and forests in northern latitudes, could return these areas to grasslands  Russian ecologist Sergei Zimov argues that turning back pastors like mammoths will lead to a cycle in which grasses can overcome the tundra plant.

 The reason for this is that grasslands are likely to trap carbon from the atmosphere better than other land types especially tundra, and in addition 

Grasslands may enable permafrost to freeze during the winter months and isolate during the summer months, a way to prevent any captured emissions from being released.

 Of course, this is just an assumption because we cannot know for sure how a new creature of the woolly mammoth behaves, or how we ultimately care for it as it matures, and in addition 

As Helen Belcher, a cell biologist writing for the BBC, explains, it will take a long time for the woolly mammoth to achieve this goal.

 Belcher wrote, even if all the technical hurdles involved in bringing back the woolly mammoth tomorrow are overcome, it will take more than half a century to create a single viable herd 

But there won't be enough room to do the job, and instead, by then, if the current proposals are to be believed, the Arctic ice has already melted

What's more, Siberia's ecosystem may have changed a lot and may not be able to support new arrivals of woolly mammoths.

 The return of the woolly mammoth has some benefits, albeit indirectly, as Belcher believes that the techniques used in trying to bring back the woolly mammoth can help living species 

Especially those that are threatened with extinction or near extinction, which ultimately makes the project feasible 

The organization is already working on ways to help the North American bipedal mongoose survive years of inbreeding 

Bringing woolly mammoths back from extinction could lead to more biodiversity, but some environmentalists fear the result could be a failure in efforts to keep the species alive. 

why it became extinct

what would happen if we brought back the woolly mammoth

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 Frequently asked questions about woolly mammoths: 

  When did the woolly mammoth live:

 The woolly mammoth lived between 800,000 and 4,000 years ago.

 How big was the woolly mammoth:

  The woolly mammoth is nine to 11 feet high and weighs up to 12,000 pounds.

  Why is the woolly mammoth extinct:

  Experts believe that the cause of its extinction is a combination of the end of the last ice age and human activity, i.e.hunting.

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  Was the woolly mammoth a dinosaur:

 No, the woolly mammoth was a mammal.

  Was the woolly mammoth an elephant:

 Yes, the woolly mammoth is an extinct species of elephant, and they are in the same scientific family classification as the elephants that live today.

 Were there other types of mammoths other than the woolly


 A: Yes, there were several other types of mammoths, the most famous of which were the dwarf mammoth, the Colombian mammoth, the steppe mammoth, and the African mammoth.

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how did the woolly mammoth go extinct

  When was the last woolly mammoth found:

  One surprising fact about the woolly mammoth is that it was still around when King Tutankhamun ruled the Egyptians, about 3,600 years ago.

  What are the differences between elephant and woolly


  The main differences between woolly mammoths and elephants are their appearance, history, species and habitats.


With my best wishes


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