




 It is one of the most common mammals in the world.

It is similar to the rest in style and way of life, except for some differences and secrets that are difficult to find except when monitored for long periods.

Many researchers spend rare studies on it.


They rely on spending periods of up to several weeks and months to track their life cycle.

It is one of the most mysterious animals and has the ability to isolate its surroundings from any movements it faces in the forest. 

However, it is active in many tropical regions, and some of its subspecies lives in North America. 

The deer is found frequently in warm areas, while it adapts to cold nature if it is cut off from the paths of life.

This animal is characterized by brilliant intelligence, which makes monitoring it very difficult.

Some teams track its movements on forest nights using infrared imaging techniques.   

More than 30 million white-tailed deer live in the United States.

This is a large number compared to forests dominated by urban character, where residents can see some deer through kitchen windows and balconies as they cross streets and parks. 

Residents react to the appearance of deer in a routine manner that is not for the purposes of scientific research.

Some drivers may intend to see deer crossing public and fast streets.

Therefore, deer can be considered a pet creature that is unable to harm in some cases.  

However, it may pose some danger to residents living in rural areas, as it is possible to defend the surrounding environment by attacking some cars or passers-by on the road.

How can I make a deer feeder?

 Monkeys and the Camel 

Its different composition:

God gave deer eyes in an ideal way, as they were placed on the side of their cheeks.

Thus, it can detect a large area of the diameter of the circle, reaching 310 degrees.

It can detect its way from the front and back, especially when it is exposed to pursuit and danger. 

It does not have many teeth because it eats specific types of food.

Therefore, it is characterized by its short teeth and its concentration in the lower jaw.

Thus, it lacks teeth in the upper part of its mouth, with some fangs deep in the mouth. 

Deer are characterized by their beautiful and unique horns.

They do not contain creatine minerals like other animals.

Therefore, they use them to bring the branches of distant trees closer together and smash them on the ground, thus making it easier to eat their foods.

They prefer to eat foods from trees rather than grasses on the ground. 

The male's horns are characterized by their large size and are dangerous to humans, while the female has smaller horns.

The deer's forces are concentrated in its feet.

It is able to kick a person with a strong blow that can quickly kill him, causing damage and fractures to its body. 

Thus, this animal is considered one of the fastest animals in running, as some predatory animals are not able to hunt it except in special cases, including: 

Very fast black.

To look back a lot.


Therefore, it may actually be difficult to catch it from wild animals.

However, it falls an easily accessible victim to the crocodile, which is characterized by treachery and surprise while hunting.

Hyenas may be able to catch it only when surrounded from all sides, only to find it difficult to evade and escape from it.

Omar Al-Ghazal:

The deer spends its life in periods ranging from 10 - 25 years.

It finds it difficult to reach its twentieth year due to being killed by predators.

It falls victim to large eagles, wolves, or even African lions,

which are full of brutality.

What is the best thing to put in a deer feeder? 

Characteristics of a deer

The deer is characterized by agility and beauty.

It has great energy to integrate into the entire surrounding environment.

It is adept at hiding itself without others seeing it.

Research has indicated the features of its face and eyes that portray it as a very shy creature. 

But in reality, it is an animal that seeks to protect itself and follow the surroundings of the region with its queens of caution.

It surrounds itself with an aura of protection that enables it to survive.

This was demonstrated by its evasion in the face of danger.  

Male deer found in North America are characterized by thick horns near the ears.

Their horns have a velvety membrane that preserves their bones.

They are characterized by a beautiful and attractive appearance. 

Therefore, it takes approximately 5 years of birth to grow. 

Deer birth is concentrated in the summer of May every year.

Every female gives birth to her child in the spring.

In the first days of birth, the infant practices standing exercises while breastfeeding until he is free from the weakness of his feet and then begins to walk around near his mother. 

Female deer intend to give birth in isolated forest areas in order to provide sufficient safety for their young.

Therefore, they may leave their children in this place searching for food and water. 

Therefore, female deer exercise after giving birth by running to maintain the fitness they lost. 

Female deer have a great trick in distracting predators from their young's area.

They drag the stalk away from their safety zone, while they excel at escaping without feeling tired or exhausted. 

The female depends on changing her breastfeeding positions relative to her young in order to rest their feet.

She may reverse the direction of the breast by reversing her standing. 

However, the breastfeeding process is characterized by standing to exercise the infant and strengthen his body muscles, thus preferring to choose easy lands instead of rugged ones.

What type of feeder is best for deer?


Words used by the Arabs on the horse

Antelope scent:

The infant is called an antelope and has a unique scent, especially at birth hours, which is a natural protection against predators that hides the smell of blood and flesh in his body. 

Predators rely heavily on the sense of smell, especially when finding prey in a way that the senses of hearing and sight cannot.

Thus, God has provided self-protection for all young.  

What is the purpose of a deer feeder?

deer processing

deer antlers

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deer skull

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Deer tours in the forests:

The antelope remains under incubation for two weeks, after which it joins the herd.

They make live tours in the forest in search of life and tour frequently during sunrise.

Males and females usually walk on the same tours, unlike other animals, such as the lion, which leaves its family after checking on its cubs. 

Antelope and deer are characterized by a strong sense of hearing, which enables them to cover 50 square meters of the roaming basin.

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deer feeder

This is a small percentage for some other animals, but it is good in cases of sense of danger.  

White-tailed deer are concentrated in the Manitoba region of North America.

They live their normal lives in their forests, although they lack some predators.

However, the presence of snakes and some bears threatens the safety of their presence, especially small antelopes. 

For example, black bears are frequently found in these areas.

While deer infer the presence of danger through the winds that accompany the smell of this type of animal, predators may not realize the deer's intelligence in determining the smell. 

However, the bear in its case cannot run quickly while surprising the prey, using trickery and intelligence to hunt.   

Despite the large numbers of antelopes, their presence in abundance in the lakes enhances their devouring by crocodiles.

They are not able to escape from it except in rare cases, as it causes severe damage to their bodies.

Unfortunately, they may be used to pass through these lakes, especially during seasonal migrations.

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With my best wishes


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