Characteristics of the magpie



-What are the characteristics of a magpie

 and what does this beautiful bird eat?



  It is a bird that lives in various environments, including grasslands, meadows, and on the edges of dense forests.

The magpie can be easily identified by its black and white feathers, long tail, and loud voice, 

The magpie bird belongs to the same family as crows, and often builds a large nest with two entrances.

It is also a very intelligent bird.

Characteristics of the magpie
Characteristics of the magpie

This bird only lands on the ground to mate

The magpie can recognize the reflection of its image in the mirror, and solve some puzzles,

  In our article, we will learn

 about the most famous species of magpie, and the most important threats it faces, with a lot of interesting information and facts about this amazing bird.

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What do magpies symbolize?

What are magpies most known for?

Types of magpie

  Black-billed magpie

  Yellow-billed magpie

  Eurasian magpie

  Korean magpie

  Taiwan blue magpie

  Blue-winged magpie

  Iberian magpie

  Sri Lankan blue magpie

  Red-billed blue magpie

  White-winged magpie

What is the behavior of a magpie?

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 Description of the magpie:

 The black-billed magpie has a range of black and white feathers, and in addition, its wings are characterized by blue or green glowing feathers, 

The Eurasian magpie is very similar to the black-billed magpie in appearance, and the Australian magpie has black and white plumage as well, however, unlike the other two

 It has white plumage extending to the back of its neck and, in addition, its beak is black and white. 

 The magpie has small dark eyes that are always searching the environment.

It has dark feet with three thin toes pointing forward and one back.

When these birds move 

They take long, slow steps and seem to strut rather than just walk, another characteristic that has earned them the reputation of being aggressive birds.

The magpie usually grows to a length of about 19 inches, however, 

It can grow to be close to two feet in length, and the magpie weighs about 6 ounces, which is slightly lighter than the hamster you see in a pet store, 

The Eurasian magpie is the largest species of these birds, weighing up to 9.6 ounces.

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 Evolution and origin of the magpie:

 The magpie is a group of birds found all over the world.

It is known for its stunning black and white plumage, long tail, and loud sounds.

The evolution and origin of the magpie is remarkable 

Since it has a long history and has adapted to a wide range of habitats, the magpie is part of the Corvidae family, which also includes crows and jays, and this family is believed to have originated in the Paleocene,

 About 60 million years ago, and has since diversified into more than 120 species, the magpie is believed to have evolved from the ancestors of a crow-like bird, which lived about 17 million years ago. 

 The oldest known magpie fossils date back to the Miocene era, which occurred about 20 million years ago.

These fossils were found in Europe and Asia.

 Which suggests that magpies have a long history in both regions, and over time, magpie species have diversified into different species, each adapted to its own environment. 

 One of the most famous types of magpies is the Eurasian magpie, which is found throughout Europe and Asia.

The Eurasian magpie has been the subject of many myths and legends, often associated with good luck or bad omens,

 It is a very intelligent bird, known for its problem-solving skills and ability to recognize itself in mirrors. 

 In North America, the black-billed magpie is a common species, found throughout the western United States and parts of Canada, and is known for its long, wedge-shaped tail and distinctive voice,

 The black-billed magpie is an adaptable species and can thrive in a variety of habitats, from grasslands to mountain forests.

magpie personality characteristics

magpie behaviour

magpie habitat

interesting facts about magpies

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 Magpie behavior:

 A magpie flock is referred to as a parliament or tribe, and magpie herds are also called homicides, magpies and crows in the same family, therefore, there can be herds for both types of birds, and in general, 

The flock consists of a pair of magpies and their young, therefore, a typical magpie flock includes about 8 birds, and in cold regions, the magpie herds are larger, and this allows them to stay together to stay warm. 

 Living in a flock provides magpies with protection from predators such as hawks and owls, and it is not uncommon to see a flock of magpies working together to chase a predator away from the nesting area,

 The magpie also seeks shelter from predators in dense forests and forests. 

 These are aggressive birds that are not afraid to land on deer, elk and other animals to eat ticks from their fur, and they are also familiar sightings around farms, 

They steal grains, seeds and other pieces of food from inside the barn or from the land, and as a result, they are considered pests in many areas with farmland.

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magpie prey

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 Habitat and habitat of the magpie:

 Magpies live in various places around the world, including North America, parts of Europe, Africa and Asia as well as on the islands of Southeast Asia, and they need a temperate climate to survive, 

The magpie lives in grasslands, meadows and on the edges of forests, These birds search for food in

 open areas of the land, but they live near dense forests so that they can easily seek shelter from predators, 

Its nesting areas are usually found in shrubs or trees that grow near rivers and streams, and this gives birds easy access to water without being far from their young. 

 Some magpies that live in the northern regions move slightly south when the cold weather season begins, for example 

The black-billed magpie that lives in Colorado's Rocky Mountains may move to a lower altitude when the weather gets cold, however, they do not stray far from their habitat year-round, 

Most of the time, these birds do not migrate.

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 Is the magpie threatened with extinction:

 It is estimated that there are more than 5 million black-billed magpies living in North America, and their official conservation status is less alarming,

  Their population is stable although these birds face some threats, for example, some farmers consider them pests because they steal seeds and grains from around barn yards, 

A farmer can put poison to kill magpies that have invaded his property, and a few magpies in other parts of the world are classified as endangered, for example, 

The number of magpies is decreasing due to habitat loss, and juniper forests are being cleared in Africa where they live. 

 In addition, the Javan green magpie is critically endangered, and the magpie population is declining in Southeast Asia due to being hunted by humans to sell as pets,

  Scientists believe that there are an estimated 19 million pairs of Eurasian magpies, and their conservation status is less alarming and their population is stable, 

The Australian magpie also has a less important conservation status and its population is increasing. 

 Magpie food:

 What does a magpie eat?  The magpie is considered a calcha, so it is not limited to eating plants or animals, and eats any food source that is more abundant in the environment at that time, Grasshoppers, berries, nuts, beetles, larvae and rodents are all on the list, and these birds sometimes steal eggs and even chicks from the nests of other birds. 

Therefore, the magpie is sometimes called nest predators

In addition, magpies are known to follow coyotes or foxes as they go out hunting, so that the birds can steal some meat from the animal killed by these predators. 

 Magpie predators:

 The magpie has many predators including domestic cats, dogs, foxes and owls, and also, it can have eggs as well as chicks stolen from its nest by raccoons, hawks, weasels and mink 

The magpie is a bold bird that is not afraid to spend time around humans and residential neighborhoods.

It steals food from garbage cans and may try to eat from the bird feeder, 

This activity makes it vulnerable to dogs and cats in the area. 

 Reproduction and life cycle of magpies:

 The black-billed magpie's breeding season extends from March to July, and male magpies try to attract the attention of females by showing glowing white feathers on their wings, and once the male and female become a breeding pair

 They remain together until one of them dies, and if one of the spouses dies, the other magpie may find another companion, but this is not certain. 

 Male and female magpies build a nest together, and these birds make unusually large nests out of sticks, grass, threads, hair, vines, and mud.

The average width of the nest is 20 inches and its length is 30 inches،  Interestingly, the magpie's nest has an umbrella or roof made of sticks in addition to two entrances, and sometimes these birds build their nests at a height of 30 feet in the branches of the tree،  The female magpie lays 6 to 9 eggs per group.

The eggs take 16 to 21 days to hatch, and each egg is just over one inch long،  While the female sits on the eggs, the male magpie searches for food to feed his mate.

The little magpie is called a chick, and once it leaves the nest and begins to explore its environment, it is known as the chick.

These birds are born blind and without feathers, and in the first week of life,

 Chicks grow a layer of soft feathers and open their eyes around the tenth day, and both male and female magpies take turns bringing small insects and other foods to their chicks

  Young magpies leave the nest when they are approximately 25 days old.

The young magpie stays with its parents in the herd for about two years, then they are taken out of the herd to form another group. 

 The average lifespan of a black-billed magpie in the wild is 3 and a half years for a male and 2 years for a female.

Instead, the magpie can live in captivity until the age of 20 years،  The oldest recorded magpie is the Eurasian magpie, which lived for 21 years and 8 months.

As the magpie gets older, it can develop many respiratory problems like other birds, It can also confront parasites such  

as ectoparasites and lice that can contribute to shortening its life.


With my best wishes


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