the Canadian goose



the Canadian goose

 Canadian goose:

  With a black neck and white chin strap, the overall size, bill size and brown color are variable across subspecies, and are found in any open habitat or wetland, 

From city parks and golf courses to pristine swamps and arctic tundra, usually in flocks or family groups, and often seen in flocks mixed with talkative geese،  Especially in central and western North America, the Canada goose is often larger, with a longer neck, and a longer beak than the babble, although caution is taken that there is some overlap between Canada's smallest and largest goose, 

It is abundant and widespread throughout the United States and Canada; Rare in Mexico, it has been widely introduced and spread in Europe.

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What is so special about Canada goose?

the Canadian goose
the Canadian goose

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 Quick facts about the Canadian goose: 

  Common name:

 Canada goose

  Scientific name: Branta canadensis

  Type: bird

  Diet: herbivore

 Group name: herd

  Average weight: up to eight kilograms

 Average wingspan: 127 to 173 cm

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Why is called Canada goose?

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 Physical characteristics and behavior:

 Although Canadian geese are easily recognizable due to their black heads, white cheek spots, and long black neck, there are actually several different subspecies of Canadian geese, 

Which means that geese in one region may look different from another, and although not all scientists agree on the number of Canadian goose breeds, most believe there are 11 breeds.

 The most well-known behavior of Canadian geese is their habit of flying in "V" formations when migrating, and when each bird flaps its wings, it creates a small upward current, which gives a boost to the bird flying behind it, 

Ultimately, these benefits are added, and migratory geese can reach speeds of more than 100 kilometers per hour when the winds are suitable, and in these conditions they can travel a distance of 1,000 kilometers per day.

Canada Goose

Canada goose Jacket

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 Description of the Canadian goose:

 The Canadian goose is characterized by a black head and neck, and a white neck ornament that distinguishes it from other geese.

Its body feathers are brown in color, and there are at least seven subclasses of this type, 

However, it is considered difficult to differentiate between them due to mating between birds.

The length of an adult Canadian goose ranges from 75 to 110 cm, and its wingspan ranges from 1.27 to 1.85 metres, 

Adult females are slightly smaller and lighter than males, and it is not possible to visually distinguish between them.

The weight of an adult male ranges from 2.6 to 6.5 kg, 

While the average weight of females ranges from 2.4 to 5.5 kg.

 Home of the Canadian goose:

 The Canadian goose is a North American species.

It breeds in Canada and the northern United States, and migrates south during the winter.

There are some geese that follow the traditional migration pattern, 

But there were also large flocks who settled permanently in southern Florida.

The Canadian goose moved naturally to Europe and was also introduced in the 17th century, 

The species was moved to New Zealand in 1905, where it was protected until 2011.

Canada Goose Prix

Canada goose logo

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 Nutrition and diet:

 The Canadian goose is mostly considered a herbivore, as it feeds on grass, beans, corn, and aquatic plants.

It can also eat some small insects, crustaceans, and fish, in urban areas, 

Canadian geese can forage in garbage cans or take food provided by humans.

Canadian geese are vulnerable to predation by animals such as raccoons, foxes, wolves, bears, crows, and gulls,

Adult Canadian geese in Canada are also hunted by humans.

 Unlike many other waterbird species, Canadian geese feed mostly on land, and in spring and summer, they feed mostly on the leaves of herbaceous plants, 

But they also eat a wide variety of flowers, stems, roots, seeds and berries.

During the winter, Canadian geese in the fields often feed on corn

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Greater white fronted goose

 Canadian goose reproduction:

 The Canadian goose begins looking for a mate when it is two years old.

The Canadian goose is considered monogamous, but may look for a new mate in the event of the death of the first partner. 

Females lay between two and nine eggs in depressions, such as beaver lodges or above water, on a high surface.

 Both parents incubate the eggs, although the female spends more time in the nest than the male.

The eggs hatch about 24 to 28 days after they are laid, 

Young Canadian geese can sit, walk, swim, and forage immediately after hatching, but they are vulnerable to predation by predators, so their parents are strongly protected.

the canadian goose

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Canadian goose migration:

 Most Canadian geese migrate seasonally, breeding in the northern part of their range in the summer, then flying south in the fall and returning home in the spring،  The goose migration is characterized by their formation of a V-shaped group formation while flying at an altitude of up to 1 km.

The Canadian goose flies in front, and when it gets tired, it returns to rest and one of the geese takes its place.

 The Canadian goose usually migrates at night to avoid predators and take advantage of the calm air and cool the atmosphere.

Thyroid hormones are raised during migration, which boosts metabolism and helps adapt the body to changing conditions. 

The Canadian goose is considered among the most harmful birds as a result of collisions with aircraft, and many accidents have been documented when aircraft collide with the Canadian goose, due to its large size and ability to fly in flocks.

the canadian goose

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