How to avoid stingray



How to avoid stingray


How do you scare away stingrays?

 Stinging opinion:

  Not aggressive and will not attack unless threatened, the best way to avoid stings is to move your feet when walking in the waves or shallow bays you live in, that way, 

You'll give the stingray enough time to get out of your way and not put your foot on top of one. 

How do you stay safe from stingrays?

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How to avoid stingray
How to avoid stingray

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 What to do:

 Stinging ray poison is sensitive to heat, which means that it is neutralized with very hot water.

If it is bitten, immerse the wound in as hot water as possible, and the pain will subside very quickly, 

Medical attention should then be sought because the spines can break in the wound frequently and need to be removed.

Secondary infections can occur and tetanus injections may need to be given.

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 Water needs of stingrays:

 Stingrays are very sensitive to ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate, so it is very important to understand the nitrogen cycle and maintain pure water quality.

To complicate matters further, they produce large amounts of ammonia compared to their size, 

Large aquariums, effective biological filtration and frequent water changes are the best way to maintain proper water conditions.

Most freshwater rays can be retained at a pH between 6.8 and 7.6, 

It is alkaline between 1 degree and 4 degrees (18 ppm to 70 ppm) and has a temperature between 75 degrees and 82 degrees Fahrenheit.

 Ammonia and nitrite levels should always be zero and nitrates less than 10 ppm.

Many stingray owners use RO/DI water with a trace element restorer, 

Salt should only be added to the aquarium if it is used to help strengthen his immune system against stress or disease or reduce the harmful effects of high nitrite levels.

 Always check that other fish in the aquarium tolerate salt before using it!  Use a dedicated heater to maintain the proper temperature, maintain good filtration and change the water weekly by 25% to 50% with a water changer or vacuum gravel cleaner،  And don't forget to treat your tap water with a water conditioner before refilling your aquarium.

 Stinging opinion

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 Accommodation requirements for stingrays:

 Simply put, when it comes to a freshwater stingray aquarium, the larger the better.

 Height is not critical, but length of at least 72 inches to 84 inches and depth (width) of 24 inches to 36 inches should be considered the minimum for long-term housing, 

A 75 or 90-gallon aquarium can be used for young stingrays, but a smaller than 180-gallon aquarium should not be considered for long-term adult conservation.

 The substrate should be fine sand and the decorations, if used, should be smooth and free of sharp edges.

Leave as much of the bottom open as possible for the rays to swim and be buried in the sand, 

Heaters must have a guard around them, be aligned, or be located in a sink to prevent stingrays from burning themselves on them, and the lighting must be dim with a 12-hour day/night cycle. 

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 Facts about stingrays:

  Ray and skis are flatfish closely related to sharks, all belonging to a group of fish called Elasmobranchs.

  These fish are very unique as they have no bones in their bodies – their skeleton is made up of elastic cartilage (the elastic material that makes up your ears and nose!).

  Although they look almost identical, the rays and sleds are actually different, the stingray is oval, meaning that the young hatch from the eggs inside the body, while the sleds are oval,  Which means they lay eggs - these eggs are protected by a solid, rectangular can.

  Stingrays use a superset of senses to search for food, special gel-filled pits on the front of their faces (called Lorenzini ampoules), allowing them to pick up electrical signals from other animals as they move.

  Their eyes are on the upper side of the body and their mouths and gills can be found beneath them, so in dark depths or mysterious rivers, this electromagnetic sensation is especially useful for searching for prey.

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how to avoid stingray sting

how to avoid stingray attack

how to avoid stingray 

  Many stingrays like to live alone and only come together to reproduce and migrate, 

Some of the largest raffin fish, such as manta rays and cow nose rays, never stop swimming and migrate in the thousands to feeding areas every year.

  Ravens protect themselves with venomous spines or spines in their tail.

Sleds rely on spiny bumps on their backs and tails.

  Stingrays and sleds feed on crustaceans, small fish, snails, oysters, shrimp and other small creatures.

  In 2008, a female blue-spotted ribbonbeam gave birth to a group of twins in a deep aquarium in Hull - the first in Europe! 

  Natural predators of stingrays are sharks, seals, sea lions, and other large fish.

 Electric rays are called their ability to generate and discharge a powerful electrical current to stun prey and defend against potential predators.

  Fossil records of stingrays date back to the Jurassic period, 150 million years ago.

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 The rays can vary greatly in size.  The smallest ray is the short-nosed electric ray, which is about 10 cm wide and weighs about 400 grams.

The oceanic manta ray is considered the largest radial thickness, with a wingspan of 7 meters and a weight of 2000 kg.

 Unfortunately, stingray populations are declining, and overfishing, habitat loss, and climate change are major threats to radiation, 

They are also hunted for their gills (used for feeding) for use in Chinese medicine.

At present, 539 species of ray have been evaluated on the IUCN Red List،  107 species have been classified as endangered. 

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 Frequently asked questions about stingrays:

  Is ray eaten:

 Yes, ray is eaten in some cultures and societies.

Ray meat is appreciated for its unique flavor and is prepared in different ways in cuisines around the world, however, 

It should be noted that some species of rays may be protected or at risk of extinction, and therefore local laws and directives must be verified before fishing or consuming these fish.


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 Is ray fish fatal:

  Most rays are not dangerous to humans, however, there are some species that can be dangerous if threatened or disturbed, for example, 

Stingrays have a tail containing a poisonous fork that can be used for self-defense, however, incidents involving rays and humans are relatively rare, 

They often occur only when the fish is directly provoked.

 In conclusion:

 The stingray is one of the most interesting and mysterious marine creatures.

With its unique design and ability to generate electricity, this fish remains an exciting topic of research and exploration in the world of marine biology, 

Despite the challenges of environmental threats and overfishing, the protection of stingrays remains vital to the conservation of ocean biodiversity.

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With my best wishes


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