




Sponges are primitive, multicellular aquatic animals, belonging to the phylum Porifera or Sponges (scientific name: Porifera).

The number of their species reaches about five thousand species.

sponges in the ocean

They live in all seas and are found attached to the surface from tidal areas to depths of up to 8,500 m or more.

98% of sponge species live in the sea, while members of one family, the Spongillidae family, live in fresh water.

Adult individuals lack a nervous and muscular system and do not show any clear movements of different parts of the body.



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Types of sponges:

Sponges are divided into three subgroups:

Glass sponges:

Glass sponges, whose scientific name is (Hexactinellida), have a skeleton consisting of fragile spicules, similar to glass, and made of silica.

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sponges belong to the phylum

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Common sponges:

Common sponges, whose scientific name is Demospongiae, have vibrant colors and may grow to be the largest of all species, constituting more than 90% of all living sponges on Earth.

sponges animal

Limestone sponges :

Limestone sponges are the only group of sponges that have spicules made of calcium carbonate, and are usually smaller than other species.

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Properties of sponges :

Below are the most prominent characteristics of sponges:

Size :

Most sponges are a few centimeters in size, and some of their shapeless species may be less than one centimeter in size.

In contrast, tractor-like, pipe, or branched species may reach one or two meters in length.

The diameter of large circular masses may range from one to two metres, and the sizes of one species may vary depending on age, environmental conditions, and food supply.

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External shape :

Sponges differ greatly in their external appearance, as some of them have a shape similar to shrubs or trees, and protrusions similar to the fingers of the hand emerge from them, while others may be shapeless, such as the common sponge order, some of whose species may also have a clear spherical shape, and others may have a shape similar to With a fan or cup.

Some calcareous species of the genus Scypha may have a tubular cyst-like shape, with an opening at the top, and members of the genus Hexactinellida have a cylindrical shape.

Color :

The color varies between sponges; Deep-sea sponges are neutral or brown, while shallow-water sponges usually have bright colors ranging from red, yellow, to orange, to violet, or sometimes black, and most lime sponges have a white color.

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Body composition :

The body of sponges is similar in shape to a bag, which is perforated with many small holes or holes, which allow the movement of water, gases, and food to and from it.


names of sponges

types of sponges in the ocean


The body consists of three layers:

Outer layer:

Composed of flat epidermal cells in the figure.

The middle layer: composed of gels and amoeboid cells, which move between the layers.

The inner layer: composed of flagellar cells and collar cells .

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Sponge reproduction :

Most sponges reproduce sexually, and asexual reproduction may also occur, and they are considered hermaphrodites.

That is, each animal has both male and female cells, while some species may be hermaphrodites sequentially or sequentially.

That is, it has male and female sex cells that develop at different times in the same animal.

Sexual reproduction occurs through the production of eggs and sperm, and fertilization occurs through the transfer of gametes or gametes to sponges via the water stream, forming a larva that settles on the surface to which it will contact for life.

While asexual reproduction occurs through budding, which occurs through the separation of part of the sponge from it, or the narrowing of the heads of one of the branches, so that this small piece grows into a new sponge, or through the production of buds . 

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3types of sponges

common sponge species

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Sponge feeding method :

Sponges feed by filtration; They draw water through pores around their entire body wall toward the central cavity lined with collar cells, which have rings of tentacles or tentacles that surround the flagellum.

The movement of the flagellum creates a current that keeps water flowing through the central cavity, and out of the opening at the top of the sponge called the nozzle .

When water passes over the encircled cells, food is captured by their rings and once absorbed, it is digested in the food gaps, or transported to the amoeboid cells located in the middle layer of the body wall for digestion. 

The composition of sponges is very simple, as their bodies do not have any organ dedicated to the gas exchange process, and they do not have any difference between internal and external breathing, as their breathing process begins when water is drawn through small pores called ostia, and distributed throughout the body of the sponge.

This is followed by the process of recycling water through cells called swollen cells.

Which have flagella whose function is to push and move water from the inside and outside, which results in the sponge obtaining food and oxygen, in addition to getting rid of waste and carbon dioxide gas.

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Benefits of sponges :

Sponges provide several benefits, the most prominent of which are the 

Sponges constitute a natural resource due to their ability to grow and renew after harvesting.

Raising sponges provides sources of income for developing countries.

Natural sponges are characterized by their absence of toxins and that they do not have any effect that causes allergies, unlike artificial sponges that are made from petroleum materials and treated with toxic substances.

Marine sponges have the ability to naturally exfoliate and remove dead skin from the body.

Sponges are distinguished by their high ability to absorb, create distinctive foam when used in cleaning, and are suitable for sensitive skin.

Sponges reproduce sexually by forming eggs and male gametes.

Sponges are able to obtain food through the filtration process, and they also breathe through the exchange of gases through the simple diffusion property, by absorbing oxygen and getting rid of carbon dioxide.

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Sponges have several benefits, including:

Creating sources of income in developing regions, and providing a sponge free of toxic substances that is suitable for sensitive skin, as natural sponges can be extracted from the seas to use them and benefit from their properties.

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