What are the basic information about cats?




 What are the basic information about cats


 Information about cats :

 Cats have thirty-two muscles in their outer ears to control.  Do not distinguish the sweet taste of food.  She has three eyelids in her eyes.

  They have more than a hundred different vocal tones, which is superior to dogs with only ten vocal tones.  Adult cats cannot digest lactose, so you should avoid feeding them milk and its derivatives.  Cats are about thirty-five years old.  Cats are animals that clean themselves by licking their fur, 

and in this way they obtain vitamin C. 

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What are the basic information about cats?
What are the basic information about cats?

The cat has six times more visual acuity at night than it can see humans.  In China, cat meat is considered one of the most delicious types of meat served at tables.  Cats have flexible bodies that help them jump from high altitudes without getting hurt.  Cats are considered one of the most intelligent animals, have great quick wit, and can distinguish the tone of anger from the tone of joy from the tone of sadness.

 Cats have a very sharp sense of hearing, as they hear high-frequency sounds, about sixty-five kilohertz.  Cats are repulsed by the smell of citrus fruits, such as lemons and oranges.

  Cats have thirty teeth, and their baby teeth are replaced with permanent teeth.  The normal rate of a cat's heartbeat is about one hundred and ninety-five beats per minute, and it breathes twenty to forty times per minute.

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 Cat names:

  Cats (scientific name:

 Felis catus) are called the house cat or domesticated cats.

They are from the Felidae family, which is considered the smallest member of this family, 

All domestic cats are characterized by low, drooping bodies, long tails that help with balance, and specialized teeth and claws that adapt them to an active hunting life.

Cats are also characterized by being essentially carnivorous, graceful, and remarkably strong,

It is characterized by the development of its large brains, in addition to the fact that cats are called digitigrade, meaning that they walk on their toes, unlike other mammals such as horses and dogs, 

Cats walk by moving the front and back legs on one side, then the front and back legs on the other side, because the vertebrae of the spine are held together by muscles instead of ligaments, The cat can also shrink, lengthen its back, bend, and swing in a way that is similar to humans.

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  Cat beavior :

 Cats are considered one of the most distinctive animals suitable for hunting and devouring prey.

All cats have round heads, small snouts, large eyes, sensitive hairs around the mouth, pointed ears, wide jaws with long teeth, and strong molars, 

Cats also have five toes on the front feet and four on the back feet.

The fifth toe is placed at the front of the foot and does not touch the ground while walking, but it is used to catch prey.

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  Cat diet :

 Cats communicate with each other by marking trees, fences, and furniture using their claws or droppings.

These posts aim to inform other cats about cat homes that serve as a home, Cats are also characterized by the development of the digestive tract to the point that it has become suitable for raw meat. 

In addition, the cat has a rough tongue that helps it clean and eat animal bone meat on its own, 

Although cats' meals vary with human whims, they can make their own hunting successes.

Facts about cats

Information about cats in English 

 Types of cats :

 Domesticated cat :

 From the Atabian breed, it is called the "Bast" cat.

It is distinguished by the density and length of its hair.

It is very pet and does not show any aggression.

 Abyssinian cat:

 It is one of the smartest types of cats.

 The Shirazi cat is distinguished by its long hair and its love of laziness and lethargy.

 Siamese cat:

  He is distinguished by the beauty and sweetness of his voice.  The Manx cat, without a tail, is characterized by its calm nature.

 Himalayan cat:

  It is a hybrid cat that results from the mating of a Siamese cat with a Shirazi.

  Balinese cat:

  It is a hybrid cat resulting from the mating of a Siamese cat with a Himalayan cat.

 Apis cat:

  He is a cat that lived extensively during the time of the Pharaohs, and he has many statues.

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  Burma cat:

  He is distinguished by his golden eyes.

  Russian cat:

  One of the very quiet cats.

 Country cat:

  It is characterized by its very calm nature.

 Eczotic cat:

  It is a very elegant and expensive cat. 

Cats sleep :

 Cats are characterized by the fact that they sleep for a long period, as the number of hours they sleep is estimated at about 16 hours per day.

Cats are carnivores, and this is considered hard and tiring work for them, It consumes a high amount of energy during attempts to catch prey, and therefore this work must be followed by long periods of rest.

It is worth noting that most domestic cats do not spend their day chasing prey, She only eats from a special bowl, and yet she spends her day. 


Baby cat

Article about cats 

sleeping.  Cats' sense of taste :

 Cats lack the precision in their sense of taste that enables them to perceive the taste of sweetened foods, and therefore offering them a piece of cake or candy is of no use

 does not give any reaction when it tastes something sweet.

The cat

Information about cats for kid.

  Cat language:

 Cats are characterized by having a somewhat complex language and a quantity of different sounds that they use in order to communicate with each other, with other animals, or with humans, 

Cats tend to communicate with humans through meowing, and meowing may mean many things, including hunger, or the desire to get attention.

It is noteworthy that each cat has its own voice and meowing،  So that the sound of one cat and another is not similar.

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 Cat dreams :

 Cats can dream, and this is one of the amazing things that cats have in common with humans.

They dream like humans dream, when they enter the stage of deep sleep،  The explanation for this is that cat brains produce the same pattern of waves that the human brain produces during sleep, and therefore it is necessary to realize that sleeping cats are safe and dream even if they make sounds.

information about cats

  Other facts about cats :

 There are many other facts about cats that should be known.

، Essay about cats 

  Among them are the following:

  Cats have approximately 30 sharp teeth in their mouths.

 Cat eyes have a reflective layer, known as tapetum lucidum, which amplifies light, thus seeing something better, and is 6 times clearer when the light is low.

  Cats share with dogs that they contain the third eyelid, which is the membrane located in the inner corner of the eye, and is considered an additional protective device for the eye.  The cat's ear contains approximately 32 muscles, while the human ear contains only 12 muscles, and therefore the cat's ear muscles help it determine the location of prey.

 The cat has a thorny tongue.

  Cats cannot concentrate and see objects approaching them 30 centimeters or more; This is because she has big eyes.

 Cats do not prefer milk, nor any dairy product.

 Cats raised at home live longer than those on the street.

information about cats

With my best wishes



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