What is the most beautiful type of peacock?



Types of peacocks

Man has known it since ancient times, and kings raised this beautiful bird in their gardens.

Because of the beauty of its colors and distinctive shape.

 It feeds on grains, fruits, herbs, insects and worms.  It has strong feet, sharp claws, good eyesight, and its body size is close to the size of a rooster's body.  

The peacock has many

What is the most beautiful type of peacock?
?What is the most beautiful type of peacock

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colors and types, and its types include:

 the Indian or blue peacock, which is the most colorful type.

It lives in the countries of India and Sri Lanka, and has a beautiful blue body and a crown on its head.Among its famous types are also:  The white peacock, the Congo peacock, and the green peacock are native to the Indonesian island of Java.  It has been classified as an agricultural pest in India; Because it destroys agricultural crops there

What is the rarest type of peacock? 

 The peacock is one of the birds with beautiful bright colors, known for its tail with beautiful feathers, especially those found in male peacocks, in addition to the brightly colored heads of peacocks, We all see the peacock with many bright colors, but this is not the only type of peacock in the world.

Rather, there are other 

types of peacocks that differ from the beautiful blue peacock in

color and shape, but perhaps not  Other types of peacocks enjoy the same fame as the blue peacock .

  Types of peacock birds

 There are only three species of the peacock family, two of which are found in Asia and the third species is of African origin.

The African species is called the Congo bird, because it originated in the Congo Basin ،  One of the species that originates in Asia is the blue (Indian) peacock .

 It is believed that the Indian peacock is now found in abundance in Bangladesh, but it is still popular in Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka as well

 These birds initially lived in forests and rainforests, which is their most comfortable habitat, and when domesticated, they lived for 50 years, But in the wild, it lives for only 20 years because life there is

more dangerous .

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1-Indian peacock :

The Indian peacock, or blue peacock as it is known, is the most distinctive type among the peacock bird species, and the original homeland of the Indian peacock birds is in India, Sri Lanka, and some parts of East Asia, 

The male Indian peacock is the owner of a long tail with beautiful dazzling colors, which he uses during courtship and mating rituals.

The male Indian peacock is also distinguished by its colorful blue head and the crown above its head ,، 

As for the female Indian peacock, she is usually brown in color with a green or blue head and a short tail .

 The green peacock, which is also called the Javanese peacock, is native to the Indonesian island of Java in Southeast Asia,

  The green peacock is similar to the Indian peacock in that it has a long tail with bright colors, but it tends towards the green color.

This type of peacock also uses its feathers during courtship rituals .

peacock types with pictures

types of peacock colors

how many types of peacock in the world

green peafowl 

 The heads of the green peacock are bright green instead of dark blue in the Indian peacock, and this is what distinguishes them from the Indian peacock birds, 

Female green peacocks are also green, unlike female Indian peacocks, which are brown, 

The difference in shape between the male green peacock and its female is the tail, which is distinguished by its length in the male from the female, and the green color in the male green peacock is brighter and brighter than the female.

rare peacock breeds

peacock adaptations wikipedia

 2-The white peacock :

 The white peacock is the product of some mutations and the selection and mating of some breeds of Indian and green peacocks, which resulted in the emergence of the third type of peacock, which is the white peacock, 

It is also famous for its long tail, but its colors are all white 

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3-Congo peacock :

 This type of peacock was recently discovered and is native to Africa, specifically the country of the Congo, 

The Congo peacock is characterized by beautiful bright colors, just like the Indian peacock and the green peacock, but it has a relatively smaller tail compared to the Indian peacock and the green peacock .

javanese peacock

Information about peacock

 The difference between male and female:

 One of the main differences between male and female peacocks is their size, with males reaching twice the size of females . 

 The large colored peacock's tail is called the train, and a common feature among all peacocks is the bare spot of feathers around their eyes, which can be observed in males and females as well .

 The average running speed of a peacock can reach 10 miles per hour (16 km/h), and it often flies over trees to protect itself from predators .

All peacocks have a crest over their heads, however their shape and design can vary between different species .

 Peacocks do not enjoy living alone and tend to stay in small groups because they are social birds .

 The baby peacock is called a chick .

 Although the peacock is not an endangered species, the African Congo bird is currently listed as a vulnerable species .

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 The importance of the tail for mating:

 The beautiful tail of the peacock is likely to attract the attention of females, who choose their partners based on the size, color and quality of the feathers.

 The peacock shows its beautiful, shiny feathers during the spring breeding season .

 In addition to showing its feathers, the male peacock during the breeding season does as much as possible to attract females.

It also makes a loud noise to keep other males away, and the male peacock changes its feathers every year ،  So it always stays bright .

 If the peacock's tail is not shiny enough to attract females, it covers it with small crystals to impress .

 The peacock has been kept captive for 2,000 years around the world for entertainment or religious purposes .

 Peacocks are not seen much in Asia as they are wary and ashamed of their surroundings due to their frequent hunting.

However, peacocks are protected in India for religious reasons .

 The female peacock usually lays 6 eggs at one time, and in occasional cases she may lay more than that, and she usually lays eggs in the afternoon .

 Anatomy of a peacock

 - Peacocks have a unique anatomy that makes them beautiful birds.

Male peacocks weigh about four to six kilograms, while females weigh about 2.75 to four kilograms ،  Males are about six to seven feet tall, while females are three to 3.5 feet tall.

 - The peacock's body is full of wonderful brown feathers in the front and back.

The male peacock displays wonderful greenish feathers, and the peacock's tail consists of 60?  From the length of the bird, beautiful tails are a distinctive feature of the male peacock.

  Peacock behavior

 The peacock is a social bird, and it loves interacting with humans and getting attached to them.

However, these birds are very aggressive and do not agree to the entry of a stranger or even a new raft into their lands ،  She only crosses peacock areas with her parents, because other peacocks can threaten her life.

 Young peacocks tend to play and love chasing each other around the bush by bending their heads down and holding their necks parallel to the ground, The notable fact is that while peacock play always follows one 

direction, that is, clockwise, and as soon as the peacock feels tired, it suddenly stops moving at a normal pace, 

They also like to play in the sun, and these birds usually travel in groups of eight to ten.

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 The reason why peacock feathers are unique:

 Peacock feathers have structures resembling microscopic crystals, which tend to reflect different wavelengths of lights based on their spacing, and it is small crystal-like structures that create fluorescent colors.

With my best wishes



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