Types of reptiles



Types of reptiles

found in the world and the history of their development



Lizards, dinosaurs, crocodiles, turtles and snakes all belong to that ancient class of animals known as reptiles, and there are many diverse reptile species that include more than 10,000 different species.

Although land vertebrates dominate the planet, reptiles still occupy every system.

Environment beyond the far north and south.

What are reptiles? How did they evolve over the years? What are the most important main types of reptiles? How do they reproduce? With us you will learn the answers to these

questions, let's go.

What is the description of a reptile?

What makes a reptile a?

Types of reptiles
Types of reptiles

What are reptiles:

The reptile's body is covered with dry scales, and most reptiles have four legs that enable them to move easily on land.

Lives and snakes can flow easily and quickly even though they have no legs.

Preserving scales and the ability to move quickly allow reptiles to live away from water, and many of them live in dry places.

What are the characteristics of reptiles?

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Types of reptiles

Another phenomenon that enables reptiles to live away from water is their

 way of breeding.

Most reptiles lay eggs that have a hard skin shell that keeps the small animal inside them.

There is no need for the egg to be surrounded by water or moisture and it can be placed wherever it is on the ground.

Some reptiles give birth to their young alive.

Instead of laying eggs، Although reptiles can live on land, some reptiles, including turtles, crocodiles, and a number of snakes, prefer to live in water, except for reptiles that lay eggs that go out to land to lay eggs, and the majority of reptiles live in hot tropical regions of the world.

Reptiles hunt other animals for their food, and the sense of sight of reptiles is very important and they can usually see with colors, and many of them have an improved sense of smell.

Snakes track their prey in a way that tastes some dust particles that indicate the smell of their prey.

Hearing in reptiles is not acute, although snakes sense An animal approaches it because the ground vibrates, and snakes can also sense the body heat that emanates from some animals.

Land turtles and some lizards feed on plants, but the majority of reptiles eat other animals, and small reptiles hunt insects and other invertebrates, but large reptiles can kill any animal that approaches them, and reptiles, in turn, constitute food for other animals that are often other reptiles. 

Predatory birds hunt reptiles skillfully, as do some types of mammals, such as raccoons and foxes.

Snakes with their sharp fangs can resist, and cobras can spew poison on their enemies, while other reptiles may resort to terrorizing the enemy.

The Australian frilled lizard blows skin folds around its head, appearing as if it is larger than it is.

And more terrifying.

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Types of reptiles 

History and development of reptiles:

When four-legged vertebrates appeared on Earth about 400 million years ago, semi-aquatic amphibians were the first to evolve.

This semi-aquatic lifestyle was reflected in their shape and behavior, but many advances in lungs, bone structure, and egg formation enabled early reptiles to move away.

About water, the first clear signs of reptiles appeared in the fossil record about 310 to 320 million years ago, and at that time، Most of their territory was covered with swamps, and reptiles characterized by the absence of a hole in the back of the skull were among the first reptiles to develop.

Reptiles with two holes near the back of their skull include modern reptiles and almost all reptiles from the past 250 million years.

Over millions of years, the class of reptiles continued to undergo much evolution and change, and archosauromorphs, which include dinosaurs, crocodiles, and birds, first appeared in the fossil record around the late Triassic period just over 200 million years ago, and flourished and became particularly prominent in the Jurassic period.

Primary turtles first appeared around the same time and have maintained the same body shape ever since,

 Squamata may

 have evolved in the Middle Jurassic period about 160 to 170 million years ago, but true snakes did not evolve until about 100 million years ago.

Part of this evolution has been driven by sudden massive changes in the ecosystem, including the mass extinction that occurred 250 million years ago that killed about 90% of all species on the planet, and of course the asteroid impact and volcanic activity that drove all flightless dinosaurs to extinction.

About 65 million years ago, and since then,

Reptiles evolved to a smaller size and began sharing the ecosystem with birds and mammals (which had already separated from early reptiles about 300 million years ago).

Types of reptiles


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 Snakes are a type of reptile:

Snakes are reptiles with long, thin bodies and no legs.

There are more than 3,000 species of snakes in the world, and they live everywhere except Antarctica, Iceland, Ireland, Greenland, and New Zealand.

There are some lizards that resemble snakes because they do not have legs, but the way to know The difference between them is that lizards have eyelids and snakes do not, and almost all types of snakes are covered with scales, which serve two main purposes، They help trap moisture in arid climates, and

reduce friction as the snake moves.



Reptiles meaning

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Crocodiles are a type of reptile:

Crocodiles include a group of large reptiles, including oligosaurs, crocodiles, caimans, and gharials.

They are ferocious predators and can be found all over the world.

Larger species are able to devour large mammals from antelope to bison, others prey on small animals, and some feed on fish.

There are two types of crocodiles depending on the environment in which they live: freshwater crocodiles and saltwater crocodiles, and the saltwater crocodile is one of the largest reptiles in the world، Alligator species are found mostly in the Americas, while crocodile species are found in Africa, Asia and Australia.


Gray animal and Hippo

 Chameleon is a type of reptile:

Chameleons live mostly in the rainforests and deserts of Africa, and many chameleons are able to change their color, which helps them attract mates, regulate their body temperature, and keep out intruders, including bearded chameleons that live up to eight years and can reach 24 inches in length.

You will be happy to hear that the bearded chameleon is not close to extinction and this means that we can expect to see these wonderful reptiles around it for many years to come، It has a very distinctive appearance because it has a pointed head, but what makes this even more interesting is that it uses this structure to direct water into its mouth.

One of the most wonderful things about bearded chameleons is that they can change their color.

How wonderful?

 This makes chameleons one of the most common types of reptiles, as many of us find that the changing color of nature is captivating, and these reptiles are able to change color through a lot of pigmented cells in their skin.

It can mimic the color to which they change their surroundings or confirm their dominance, in other words, show others who is boss, This makes this type of reptile unique.

Respiratory system in reptiles

Circulatory system in reptiles 

Water turtles and land turtles are reptile species:

Water turtles and land turtles have been around for nearly 200 million years, and not much has changed about them at the time.

Although they look similar, turtles usually live on dry land and have round, curvy legs.

On the other hand, water turtles spend a lot of Their time in the water, many of them have adapted webbed feet to help them swim in ponds and rivers, and in fact، The foot is a useful way to distinguish the aquatic turtle from the terrestrial turtle.

The feet of the terrestrial turtle usually look like the feet of a young elephant.

While semi-aquatic and aquatic turtles have webbed feet, only the sea turtle has true fins.

The Indian star turtle is another common type of reptile that can be found in Asia.

They can live up to 80 years and can only travel less than one mile per hour.

This means that it is very slow, and this turtle, like many other species, is very popular in the animal trade.

Exotic pets, so you can expect a lot of people to have turtles as pets in their homes.

 Lizards are a type of reptile:

Lizards are one of the most common types of reptiles, as there are more than 6,000 species around the world, and many lizards live on land, but there are also some species that live in trees, and others underground, such as the worm lizard.

The lizard’s diet usually consists of Insects and other small animals, and some lizards enjoy plants.

However, there are larger lizards such as the monitor lizard, which preys on deer-sized animals، Similar to snakes, lizards shed their skin.However, unlike snakes, their skin usually peels off in large pieces, not all at once.

Reptile habitat:

Reptiles can be found on most continents except Antarctica.

In Britain, for example, common reptiles include Britain's only venomous snake, as well as grass snakes and lizards.

There are six native species of reptiles in the United Kingdom, three snakes (grass snake, smooth snake, snakes) and three lizards (common lizard, sand lizard, and slow worm lizard), and there are some species introduced to the United Kingdom.

Reptiles can be found in a variety of habitats, from compost heaps to forest areas, and in Britain it is easy to see reptiles basking in sunny areas, and it is likely that if you see a snake as a reptile it will enjoy the sun's rays to warm itself.

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Reptile body temperature:

Unlike birds and mammals, reptiles do not maintain a constant body temperature, do not have fur or feathers to keep warm, or sweat glands and the ability to gasp to help them cool.

For this reason, they desperately need to look for sunlight or shade to help maintain their body temperature.

This makes them cold-blooded animals with slow metabolism.

Reptile reproduction:

The most common form of reptile reproduction is egg laying, but there are some notable exceptions.

About 20% of all lizards and snakes, including the boa, produce live young instead of eggs.

These newborn reptiles have a non-mammalian placenta or some other means by which they are transported.

Nutrients from mother to offspring and vice versa for waste، The main advantage of giving birth to live young is that they protect the eggs from predators in a hostile environment. 

Only three species of reptiles, including the three-toed yellow skink in Australia, actually combine both eggs with live birth methods.

The skink's offspring begin life covered in eggs, like any other reptile, but as the fetus grows, the egg begins to thin until All that remains when it is born is a small membrane، The main problem with this method is that the thin eggshell does not contain enough calcium to feed the offspring, and mothers seem to compensate for this by secreting calcium from the uterus so that it can be absorbed by the developing fetus.

Evidence suggests that the skink can choose to lay eggs before A few weeks if there appears to be less risk to the offspring، In harsher climates, the mother will keep her offspring inside her body longer to protect them.

Asexual reproduction is also very rare, although it is more common than the method of live birth.

About 50 species of lizards and one type of snake participate in this method of reproduction.

Evidence indicates that these reptiles may adopt an asexual lifestyle out of necessity because they are genetically isolated from other groups.

The problem of asexual reproduction lies in the lack of genetic diversity, as offspring inherit the same susceptibility to diseases as parents, But asexual reptiles appear to maintain genetic variation by initiating the reproductive process twice the normal number of chromosomes.


With my best wishes


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