What is a tufted deer?



Tufted deer


Tufted deer :

It is a type of small deer that is characterized by prominent black tufts on its forehead.

This animal is found in central China and is considered a shy animal.

Therefore, it is usually solitary or lives in pairs and prefers camouflaged places where it is well hidden.

Do tufted deer eat meat?

What is a tufted deer?
?What is a tufted deer

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Description of the deer with fangs:

It is a type of small-sized deer, which is characterized by a distinctive tuft of black hair on their forehead.

They have male horns, which are small protrusions on the top of the head, which rarely protrude behind the tuft.

However, the sign that distinguishes this type of deer is that it has Fangs.

The deer's body color is characterized by overlapping colors of brown color on the upper parts, the body color is white on the bottom, and the back hair is rough, along the spine, which gives it a somewhat shaggy appearance.

The tail is white on the lower side, which appears when the deer runs and holds its tail.

What do tufted deer use their fangs for?

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Locations of deer:

This type of deer lives in southeastern China in the Tibet region, and also in northern Myanmar.

It lives in high humid forests close to the tree line, and evergreen plants that are characterized by large amounts of fresh water.

These deer also like to lick salt from Places where there is salt in their environment.

What strange adaptation does the tufted deer have?

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Habits and lifestyle:

 Deer are most active at night and during the evening, and are shy creatures during the day as they live, in pairs or live solitary lives.

 This deer moves using fixed roads within their lands, and males defend the lands under their control, as well as fight with other males.

They prefer to live in places that have good cover, so that they are camouflaged and unclear to the aggressor or intruders.They feel easily disturbed, and When they feel threatened, they make a warning sound before escaping.

Its white tail, with each jump, shows its white color, and the movement of the tail disperses the enemy, making it difficult for the deer to follow it.

The deer also makes sounds during the breeding season to

choose and communicate with partners.

tufted deer skull

tufted deer diet

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What are the most prominent behaviors that characterize the tufted 


The tufted deer is a unique deer that is difficult to see except in eastern Asia in particular.

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 What are the most prominent behaviors that characterize this type of 


 The behavior of the tufted deer in coexistence

The tufted deer is considered a type of deer that is distinguished by its wonderful appearance.

It is distinguished by its long wool because it lives in the rainforests of East Asia, specifically in China.

These medium-sized deer can be identified by their two fangs that emerge from their mouths.

Two fangs can be seen emerging from both ends of the mouth as if they were predatory animals resembling tigers, lions, wolves, and hyenas.

However, their shy behaviors indicate otherwise, as they are very shy animals and do not have the ability to confront other predatory animals.

These deer are also characterized by a tuft of hair on the front of the head, which It was named after her by this name.

This type of deer is characterized by the fact that it lives in isolation, like other deer that coexist, eat, and graze collectively.

Some studies indicate that it can coexist in the form of two pairs even after the mating process takes place.

These wonderful deer follow one pattern in the process of obtaining food.

They go and return from the same path, making them exposed to other predators.

They are diurnal animals and usually resort to grazing early in the morning and at sunset.

why do tufted deer have fangs

tufted deer size

tufted deer predators

 Tufted deer behavior in obtaining food:

There is no doubt that this type of deer is a herbivore that lives by eating grasses and tree leaves.

Its fangs that come out of its mouths do not mean that it eats meat or that it is able to hunt other animals.

It only eats grass and usually tries to hide in the rainforests away.

From the eyes of predators who see it as an easy meal.

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Mating habits of these deer:

This deer is polygamous, with adult males mating with many females during the mating season, and this season lasts from September to December. 

Males make sounds to attract females, and pregnancy lasts about 6 months.

Immediately after birth, newborns have the ability to stand, and the mother provides care and attention to them so that she can rely on herself, and the age of reproductive maturity in deer is between the ages of eighteen months to Two years.

tufted deer behaviour

where do tufted deer live 

Threats facing the canine:

The main threat is hunting them by the population, in order to obtain meat and fur, which is the main danger that thousands of people do every year.

This type of deer also suffers from cutting down trees and removing trees and plants from forests, which threatens its habitat. 

According to statistics from the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, there are no reliable estimates of the size or numbers of fanged deer, but there is an assumption that the number of deer ranged between 300,000 – 500,000 animals in 1998, and that the number of deer is currently declining and they are classified as Of endangered animals.

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In conclusion :

The tufted deer is considered one of the shy deer that coexist on the Asian continent in China specifically.

It is characterized by the presence of a lock of hair above the forehead area with two fangs emerging from both ends of the mouth.

Despite this, they are herbivores that coexist in broad-leaved rainforests.

Feeding system

These deer are considered herbivorous animals, which feed on leaves, herbs, branches, fruits, and other types of plants.

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