Species of kite



Species of kite


What category is a kite? 

1-Black kite bird

The kite

The black kite is a medium-sized bird of prey that is widely spread on four continents.

It is believed to be the most abundant type of bird of prey in the world.

These birds are generally dark in color, and the upper feathers are brown, but the head and neck tend to pale, and the spot behind the eye appears darker, and the feathers The outer flight is black in color and the feathers have dark, mottled cross lines at the base.

The lower parts of the body are pale brown, becoming lighter towards the chin, The body's feathers contain dark columns

 that give it a striped appearance, and the nostrils and mouth are yellow, but the beak is black, the legs are yellow, and the claws are black.

Species of kite
Species of kite

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Males and females have the same feathers, but females are taller than males.

The black kite is found in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia.

The birds of Europe and Central Asia are migratory and move to tropical regions in winter, but populations in more areas do not migrate.

The black kite lives in a variety of habitats from wetlands, river edges, Coasts, grasslands, open savannas, shrubs, and woodlands to large cities.

However, these birds try to avoid dense forests and high mountains, The black kite is a carnivore and garbage eater.

It is an opportunistic hunter that preys on fish, small mammals, birds, bats and rodents.

It will also eat household waste and carrion.

The black kite is considered a social bird of prey, and in winter it forms large mass roosts.

These birds are hunted during the day and are often seen sliding and flying in hot air currents while searching for food.

They will pounce with their legs lowered to grab small live prey or carrion, a behavior that is known as It has the name of a malicious hawk, and the Indian population adapts well to living in cities and is found in densely populated areas، Large numbers can be seen rising in temperatures over cities, and in some places, they will easily pounce and snatch food held by humans.

The black kite is a very noisy bird, communicating with a distinctive loud whistle followed by a quick neighing call.

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2-Red kite bird

The kite

The red kite has reddish-brown feathers on its back and chest with a gray-white head.

Looking at the red kite, you will see a large portion of white feathers on the underside of its reddish-brown wings.

The lower part of its forked tail is also covered with white feathers.

This bird has legs.

Bright yellow and a hooked beak of the same color, the forked tail is not only interesting but also used to rotate easily and quickly in the air, This bird can dive, rotate, and fly easily. 

This bird is 24 to 26 inches long, weighs 2 to 2 and a half pounds, and has a wingspan of 69 to 77 inches.

The red kite's diet contains fish, small mammals, and insects.

It also eats carrion that it finds on the road.

It has great eyesight and agility.

Therefore, it can dive and sweep its prey off the ground fairly easily.

Spring is the breeding season for the red kite, where it lays The female lays one to four eggs in mid-April, and the eggs of this bird are creamy with light brown spots، The incubation period for their eggs ranges from 31 to 32 days.

The chicks leave the nest at the age of 48 to 50 days, but each young usually stays around the nesting area for another two or three weeks.

The chicks’ parents help feed their young and continue to care for them during this time.

The red kite sexually matures at the age of two to three years.

The total age of this feathered creature is 25 years.

What kind of bird is a kite?

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3-White-tailed kite bird

The kite

The white-tailed kite is a small bird of prey found in the Americas.

It is basically white in color and has black wing tips and shoulders.

The head of this bird is white, the eyes are red, and the hooked beak is black.

The white-tailed kite was found in western North America, Central America, and parts of America.

South, these birds live in coastal areas, swamps, river valleys, grasslands, savannas, and treelands، It can also be found in urban areas and in the countryside.

The white-tailed kite is a social bird, outside the breeding season, and often roosts collectively in groups of up to 100 individuals.

However, during the breeding season, it becomes very territorial and may engage in aerial combat on the edges of its territory.

The white-tailed kite is diurnal.

It hunts during the day and patrols or hovers over scrubbing lowlands or grasslands in search of prey.

When prey is spotted, the bird turns on it with its claws.

When the white-tailed kite feels threatened, it issues a call when fighting other birds.

The white-tailed kite is a carnivore and feeds mainly on rodents.

Other prey items may include gopher, rats, mice, shrews, and rabbits.

It may also eat birds, insects, lizards, snakes, and frogs.

what do kite birds eat

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4-Mississippi kite 

The kite

The Mississippi kite migrates long distances, spends the winter in southern South America, migrates in herds, and is sometimes seen in very large concentrations in Texas and Mexico.

It hunts many large flying insects in the air in agile maneuvers, often holding them with one foot and eating them while flying.

It also flies Low to catch prey on or near the ground, and pursues bats and flying birds (such as swallows and fast birds) into the air.

Sometimes it hunts insects that have been expelled from the grass by herds of grazing animals or by fire.

It also sometimes eats animals killed on the roads.

Most of the prey are large insects, including cycads, grasshoppers, catechins, beetles, and dragonflies.

It also eats moths, bees, and other insects, especially large ones.

In addition, it eats smaller numbers of frogs, snakes, bats, rodents, small birds, and turtles.

The female Mississippian kite lays 1-2 eggs, and incubation by both parents lasts up to 29-31 days.

Both parents care for the young, training them in cold weather.

Both parents bring food to the young, and at first the young may feed the insects mostly.

The young may climb from the nest to nearby branches at the age of approximately 4 weeks, and may make their first trips in about 5 weeks، Adults continue to be fed for at least 8 weeks after hatching.

Red Kite

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about kite

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5-Black-winged kite 

The kite 

The black-winged kite, also known as the black-shouldered kite (not to be confused with the closely related Australian species of the same name), is a small diurnal bird, usually hovering over open grasslands.

This arctic species has sometimes been combined with The white-tailed kite of North and South America, which together form a superspecies.

The black-winged kite is distinctive and has long wings, white, gray and black feathers, and forward-facing owl-like eyes with a red iris.

Owl-like behavior is more pronounced and is seen mainly in the plains, but it is sometimes seen on the grassy slopes of the hills in the highlands of Asia.

The black-winged kite is not migratory, but appears migratory in response to the availability of weather and food.

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6-The hook-billed kite 

The kite

The hook-billed kite is a bird of prey found in woody streams and rainforests throughout much of Latin America, with a small number of individuals arriving in southern Texas along the Rio Grande.

It searches for snails within tree canopies, using its curved beak cotted to break shells.

Males are elegant gray at the top, with the underparts and tail down, and females are brown on the back with a chestnut color except for the lower 


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The hook-billed kite is distinctive in flight with wide, rounded black-and-white wings.

The hook-billed kite is fairly common across most of its range, but is often inconspicuous as it searches for tree snails hidden in the canopy.

Finding one in the United States is difficult, and the best area is along the Rio Grande between Falcon Dam and Santa Ana, and wherever you look for it start early in the morning to listen to its call, and by mid-morning it may be high in the sky، The presence of a pile of fresh snails is also a good sign of its presence.

The hook-billed kite has a wonderful beak, but in most areas you will find that its beak comes in two sizes, some of which have a very large beak, and others are smaller.

What is strange is that the size of the beak is not related to the bird’s gender, age, or color change، Two different beak sizes can reduce competition for food by allowing some individuals to feed on small snails (sometimes completely different species) and some on larger snails.

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