



 Characteristics of arhino:

  The rhinoceros is a huge animal.

Its five species were previously widespread in Asia and Africa, but these species are currently threatened with extinction.

The rhinoceros is distinguished by its thick skin and nose, which is topped with a horn, or two horns,

 It has short, sturdy legs and wide feet made up of three toes.

 It is considered a herbivore as it is active at night and in the early morning hours.

During the day, it prefers to lie in the shade.

It has good sense of smell and hearing, but its ability to see is weak.


What does it mean to be called a unicorn?

  Rhino classification :

 Rhinos, or what is known as rhinos, are classified as follows:

  Kingdom: animal.

  Subkingdom: bilaterians.

  Division: Chordates.

 Shuaiba: vertebrates.

 Order: Jawdiya.

 Sect: Quadruple.

  Category: mammals.

 Subcategory: Brutalities.

  Order: Finger vocabulary.

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  Physical description of a rhinoceros:

  The rhinoceros takes a unique shape and is considered a huge animal, but it is capable of running at a speed of 64 km/h.

The word rhinoceros does not mean that all its species have one horn, as some have two horns،  It is worth noting that rhinos protect their sensitive skin from the sun's rays by diving into mud, and their hearing is strong،

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  Below is the physical description of the rhinoceros:

 The size of the white rhinoceros is the largest species of rhinoceros, as its body length ranges between 3.7-4 m, while its shoulder height from the ground starting from the hoof is 1.8 m

 As for its weight, it weighs approximately 2,300 kg.

  The Sumatran rhinoceros is the smallest species of rhinoceros, as its body length ranges between 2.5-3 m, and its shoulder height from the ground starting from the hoof is 1.5 m،  Its weight reaches approximately 800 kg

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  Unicorn horns:

  Rhino horns are composed of keratin and contain calcium and melanin, which make them strong and protect them from the sun's ultraviolet rays.

 The rhinoceros horn grows curved backwards because the keratin in the front of the horn grows faster from the back, which explains its curvature.

  The size of the horn varies depending on the species, ranging between 20-130 cm, as the Indian rhinoceros horn grows to reach 20-61 cm, 

While the length of the Java rhinoceros horn reaches 25 cm. White rhinos, black rhinos, and Sumatran rhinos grow two horns.

The length of the front horn of black rhinos ranges between 51-130 cm, while the length of the back horn is about 51 cm,

 The horns of the white rhinoceros are slightly smaller than those of lions, and the length of the front horn of the Sumatran rhinoceros ranges between 25-79 cm, while the length of its back horn reaches a maximum of 7 cm.

  These pods are coveted by hunters, as they use them to make dagger handles, and sometimes they are presented as trophies or decorations.

They were also used in traditional Chinese medicine after grinding them and placing them as powder in foods and tea

 Thinking that this powder activates sexual potency and treats headaches, fever, rheumatism, gout, and s 

Unicorn animal


Unicorn Cartoonome other diseases.

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 Rhino species and their habitats :

 There are five species of rhinoceros: The white rhinoceros The white rhinoceros is scientifically known as Ceratotherium simum, and its skin color is gray and not white as its name suggests.It lives in Africa,

  Specifically in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Botswana, Namibia, and Kenya, its weight ranges between (1800-2700) kilograms.  The average lifespan of the white rhino in the wild is between (35-45) years, and it may sometimes reach fifty years, and its numbers in the wild increased until they reached (20,170) individuals

  However, he is still exposed to poaching.

Unicorn drawing

Winged unicorn 

  Black rhinoceros:

  The black rhinoceros is scientifically known as Diceros bicornis.Its skin color is grey.It lives in Africa.

Its weight ranges between (800-1350) kilograms, and it lives between (30-40) years،  It is an introverted, shy, and more aggressive animal than the white rhinoceros.  The numbers of black rhinos decreased from 65,000 individuals in 1970 to less than 5,000 individuals, and they are currently spread in Namibia, South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe.

  Indian rhinoceros :

  The Indian rhinoceros is scientifically known as Rhinoceros unicornis. 

At the beginning of the 1990s, the number of Indian rhinos did not exceed two hundred, 

However, thanks to the efforts made to protect and multiply endangered species, there are currently (3,333) individuals in wet grasslands in both India and Nepal.  The weight of the Indian rhinoceros ranges between (1800-2700) kilograms, and it lives in the wild for between 40-50 years.

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Unicorn company

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  Sumatran rhinoceros:

   Scientifically known as Diceohinus sumatrensis, the Sumatran rhinoceros is the smallest surviving rhinoceros species and is critically endangered,

 There are only 100 individuals spread throughout Indonesia and Malaysia, due to the increasing demand for its horns and the destruction of its natural habitats.  Its weight ranges between (600-950) kilograms, and it lives in the wild for between (30-45) years.

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 Java rhinoceros :

  The Java rhinoceros is scientifically known as Rhinoceros sondaicus; It is the most endangered species of rhinoceros.

Its numbers do not exceed 50 individuals currently living in

Ujung Kulon National Park"  In Indonesia.

  Female Java rhinos have no horns on their nose, while males have one horn.  It is also characterized by the presence of an elongated upper lip that enables it to pick up tree leaves and branches.

It can also graze grass, and its weight ranges between (900 - 2300) kilograms

 It lives between (30-45) years.

  Unicorn diet :

 Rhinos are herbivores that depend for their food on the plants they choose according to their habitat.

For example, the Sumatran rhino feeds on tropical plants, including fruits،  As for the black rhinoceros, it feeds on grasses and shrubs, and the Indian rhinoceros feeds on herbs and aquatic plants.[ 9] Rhinos spend a lot of time searching for their food, which makes them active day and night on a regular basis, so that they stay close to the water if the weather is hot, and if it is cold, they stay away from it،  The rhinoceros is also visually impaired compared to other animal species, and lives in groups of up to 10 to help resist predators.

  Rhino reproduction :

 The process of rhinoceros reproduction is classified as slow, as the female becomes pregnant once every 2.5-5 years, and the gestation period lasts from 15-16 months, after which she gives birth to one young or twin in some cases, 

his infant feeds on milk from the mother, lives on milk rich in the elements he needs for a week, and then begins eating soft herbs and shrubs.

  The young rhinoceros continues in this state, alternating between breast milk and herbs for one to one and a half years, and then the mother weans it, 

This little boy's body is covered with thick hair, which makes him always warm and protected from the sun's rays, and then he separates from his mother after two to four years.

  The process of separation from the mother depends on the sex of the child.

The female remains attached to the mother for a longer period, while the male prefers early separation،  As long as the baby is close to his mother, she will not be able to give birth to another child, thinking that she will not be able to take care of her baby, and this is what prompts some males to kill their young so that they can mate with the mother again.

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  Unicorn behavior :

 Rhinos live within small regional areas, and these areas are controlled by one dominant male, and one or two male members،

  The nature of the social life of rhinos is as follows:

 The rhinoceros community is characterized by respecting borders and not encroaching on other male areas except in cases of drought.

When some violations occur in order to obtain water, the dominant male determines his area by urinating،  And piles of dung, and he fiercely defends them - even death - when an attack occurs.  Males of the Asian rhinoceros species use their fangs to fight, while the African black and white species lack fangs; So they use their horns to fight.  Female rhinos differ from males in that they are more tolerant with regard to their own areas, and they can roam freely in the areas of other females, and their regional areas are much larger than those of males, One female area can include several male areas.  

 Rhinos communicate with each other using a range of different sounds to express anger, fear, or appeal to other individuals.

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 Among the animals that pose a danger to young rhinos:

 Crocodiles, hyenas, and big cats such as lions, as well as other male rhinos.


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