Red canary



Red canary



The red canary is a famous type of canary.

It was named after its colorful feathers.

It is the only colored canary that has a red color.

While it was bred for the first time in the twentieth century in Europe, it is the result of hybridization of the Venezuelan red fire ” Red Siskin ” (now endangered), and the local yellow canary .

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What is Red Canary used for? 

Red canary

Red canary

Red canary shape

It is a red bird with a length of 14 cm, and it is raised to participate in competitions and shows.

Therefore, there are many types of feathers that are classified based on the brightness of their color.

They are divided into two categories: soft, shiny feathers and rough, not shiny . 

The red canary is a famous type of canary.

It is named after its colorful feathers.

It is the only colored canary that has a red color . 

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Breeding red canaries

They are raised as pets, and are classified as ” canary color ”, because the focus is on the color of their feathers more than their chirps.

They like to live in large areas that enable them to fly, so it is recommended to place them in the largest cage you can get.

They are also social birds.

If you want to get it, you must buy a pair in order to ensure the happiness of your bird . 

red canary bird

red canary song 

Is there a red canary in nature ?

There is no original red canary at all in nature.

The origin of the red color is the result of the process of hybridizing species whose genes contain red factor or red factor, and the breeder provides the bird with food colorings, whether natural or artificial .

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Beware of scams !!

Some people color the yellow canary with red exterior colors and sell it as a red canary.

While the natural yellow canary can never change its color to red except by dyeing it through dye or coloring applied externally to the feathers and not through feeding . 

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It is usually offered seeds that are purchased from pet food stores.

While obtaining red feather dye requires providing colorful foods containing “ beta-carotene ”, which the bird’s body pumps into the feathers to give it a red color.

Without it, the color of the bird’s feathers is pale or white .

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How to get red

beta-carotene ” is available in many natural foods, for example: carrots, red pepper, sweet potatoes, beets, cherries.

But it is rarely available in natural materials, which prompted major breeders to make a substance containing red dye.

However, it is not recommended to use it in large quantities because it may tire the bird’s liver, and the overdose turns the bird's color dark brown . It is recommended to serve it during the feather replacement period only and in a moderate amount .

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Red canary breeding

The mating season varies from one place to another, and reproduces 2 – 3 times a year.

The male is ready to mate if he is agitated throughout the day, as he does not stop tweeting.

While the female is ready if she begins to respond to the male’s tweets and fluff her feathers . 

Caring for children

The female lays 3 – 6 blue eggs, and lies on the eggs for 13 – 15 days.

After that, the chicks come out and remain in the nest 14 – 21 days, and it is preferable then to keep the male away from the female, and make the food close to the female.

While the red canary can live 10 – 12 years if it is well cared for

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Facts about the red canary

It is the only colorful canary with a red color among all canary species .

It resembles other canaries, but when fed a special diet it can change color to red .

The canary was given this name in reference to its original homeland, which is the Canary Islands in Spain .

It is usually available for sale in large pet stores and bird stores and can also be purchased directly from bird breeders .

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With my best wishes


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