Polar bear



 Polar bear


 Polar bear:

  A type of bear found in the Arctic region, Alaska, Canada, Russia, Norway, and Greenland and their environs.

It is also known as the white bear or northern bear .

It is considered an endangered animal.

Polar bear
Polar bear

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There are no accurate statistics on the total number of polar bears in the world, but some estimate its numbers at about 22,000 - 25,000, and about 60% of them live in Canada .:

 The polar bear has a superior ability to estimate depths and distances, has a strong sense of smell, and can run at speeds of up to 55 km per hour, 

All of these qualities, in addition to the white color of the bear's scalp, which gives the ability to hide above the snow, make the polar bear a skilled hunter .

 Polar bears are carnivores of large animals such as seals, and are prepared to live in an icy environment, 

It has five long, curved claws that help it not slip, and it has fur cushions on the soles of the feet that help warm the feet .

 The polar bear is one of the most skilled bears in the field of swimming.

It is smaller in size than large brown bears and has a smaller head, but its neck is longer and thinner than most other


polar bear

Where polar bears live?


  His homeland :

 It is currently considered an endangered animal in the United States of America due to the decline of its habitat due to global warming. There are recent studies that reported that survival rates for young polar bears have decreased compared to what they were 20 years ago, and researchers attribute the reason for the decline in survival rates to a rise in temperature  Earth, which led to the melting of large parts of the ice masses off the coast of northern Alaska, reducing the area where bears search for food at the edge of the ice masses .

 According to Seymour Laxon of University College London, Arctic ice thickness has shrunk by about 40% over the past 50 years.

Most ecologists believe that shrinking ice seas threatens the polar bear's environment .

How rare are polar bears?

 Names of the bear:

 There are many names for bears in the Arabic language, including Al-Falhas, Abu Juhayna, and Abu Qatada, and the plural of bear is bears, bears, and bears.  His female is called Al-Jahbar, Al-Jahizah, and Al-Dabbah, while his son is called Al-Jarru, Al-Dasim, and Al-Hajras, while his voice is called Al-Sahif and Al-Qahqa.  It is called the burrow bear house.  In Arabic proverbs, a proverb is used about a bear in terms of ghee and acumen, and it is said that he is superior or more intelligent than a bear .

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 Polar bear reproduction :

 The polar bear mates every 3 years.

The male leaves the female after mating, and the mother spends the winter in her snowy house, 

She breastfeeds her young with very creamy milk that helps them maintain warmth, and when the young are 3 months old, they leave the snowy house with the mother in order to learn new skills, 

The young remain with the mother until they are about 28 months old .

 The family is separated during the second summer after birth, when the mother leaves her young to face life alone . 

 In mid-2006, two American explorers (Lonnie Dupree and Ariel Larsen) traveled a distance of 1,100 miles on foot, 

Using a light boat across the Arctic Ocean to test the depth and density of ice during the summer with a mission that lasted the summer months in the Arctic, with the aim of collecting information about the habitat of the polar bear, which is considered a victim of global warming.  The two explorers called their scheme the '2006 Thin Ice Project Saving the Polar Bear' which began in Canada, then to the North Pole and then to Greenland.

Are polar bears the biggest bear?

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 Physical characteristics of the polar bear :

 The polar bear is the largest predatory mammal in the world, and it lives in the Arctic regions, which are characterized by freezing temperatures, so the shape of the polar bear develops to adapt to the cold environment in which it lives.

 The most important physical characteristics of the polar bear are the following:

 The size of a polar bear The size of a male polar bear is 3 times the size of a female, as the weight of the male ranges from 350 kg to more than 650 kg, 

While the weight of the female ranges from 150 kg to 250 kg, and her weight reaches 500 kg during pregnancy.[ 2] As for the length, the length of the male polar bear ranges from 2.5 to 3 meters, and the length of the female ranges from 1.8 m to 2.5 m.

It is worth noting that the largest polar bear weighed 1,002 kilograms, Its length is 3.7 metres.

  Polar Bear Color Polar bears can appear in several colors depending on the season and time of day.

Including yellow, orange, grey, and green, and the reason for this is that their fur is transparent and hollow,

When light falls on the outer fur, a little of it is absorbed and the rest is scattered away.

 Therefore, the fur at sunrise is white; It disperses white daylight, and we find it gray on a cloudy day, and at sunset it turns reddish-orange, 

The different colors of their fur help them adapt and hide in their environments.

  We find polar bears in zoos in green; They make small holes in their fur as a result of their movement on concrete floors in cages.

Algae enter and multiply inside the bears’ fur, turning them green.

Is polar bear called ice bear?

  Polar bear limbs :

 The polar bear's body is characterized by the fact that its back part is higher than its shoulders, because the hind limbs are longer than the front limbs, and it has large feet that help it adapt to the icy environment in which it lives.

  Its large paws distribute its weight as it moves over the snow.

The polar bear's sole also contains skin protrusions and hair between the fingers, to prevent it from slipping while walking.

  The polar bear has round front paws and five toes with thick, curved claws to catch prey and enable it to climb on ice.

The head of the polar bear The head of the polar bear is rectangular and small compared to the size of its body, and its nose is wide, arched, and black in color.

It has 42 teeth that it uses to hunt its prey, and it has large incisors to cut the prey’s meat into smaller pieces, 

He swallows food without chewing it.

  As for the polar bear's eyes, they are close to each other, dark brown in color, and face forward, and its ears are relatively small compared to the ears of other bears. 

This is a form of adaptation to the icy environment in which it lives.

It helps him maintain his body temperature.

What polar bear eat

Polar bear معنى

Polar bear habitat

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  Polar bear tail :

 Polar bears' tails are short and small, measuring 7-12 cm in length and this helps them adapt to the icy environment.

The short tail prevents heat loss and maintains the maximum possible warmth.

  Polar bear hair :

 With the exception of its nose and footpads, the polar bear's body is covered by two layers of fur, the thickness of the lower layer ranges from 2.5-5 cm, forming a dense and insulating layer, covered with a thin layer of hard and shiny outer hair, 

Which reaches a length of 15 cm.

 In addition to the fact that the hair of polar bears is transparent and colored according to the surrounding conditions, it is also characterized by being oily and water-repellent, so it is not exposed to getting wet with water or ice at low temperatures, 

Polar bears completely replace this fur annually, in May or Jun Why is the polar bear Endangered

Polar bear cartoone, and hair loss lasts for several weeks.

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Polar bear skin 

 The polar bear's skin on the nose and foot pads appears black; It is one of his most important means of adaptation.

It absorbs the energy of sunlight to warm its body.

  The presence of fur and fat layer :

 The polar bear has a layer of fat located directly under the skin, which protects the body from the cold, and fur that insulates moderate air between the bear and its surrounding areas, and maintains body temperatures, 

It has an oil layer that protects it from low temperatures and maintains its humidity.

  Behavioral characteristics of the polar bear :

 In addition to the physical characteristics of the polar bear, it has also developed behavioral characteristics to adapt to its

environment, and the most important behavioral

Adaptation of polar bear

Polar bear size

The polar bear is

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characteristics of the polar bear are the following: 

Oscillating activity during the day: Polar bears are at their peak activity in the first third of the day, while their activity decreases in the last third, and the female polar bear spends 19% in the spring%  Since their time with their cubs, they hunt seals, and about 38% in the summer, while males spend about 25% of their time hunting in the spring, and about 40% of their time in the summer.

  Polar bears spend the rest of their time sleeping and relaxing, and when the lack of ice prevents them from hunting seals, their sleep rate may reach 87%.

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  Walking and jogging :

 Polar bears can stand on their hind feet and walk straight; But for short distances, the usual pattern of walking is on the soles of their feet, with their heels touching the ground and their front paws swinging outward, 

They also swing their heads from side to side.

  Bears walking can be described as 4 strokes, as follows: the right front foot touches the ground, followed by the left back foot, then the left front foot, followed by the right back foot.

  Polar bears use more than twice their energy to move at a certain speed; This is due to their massive body building and swinging walking.

The average walking speed of a polar bear is 5.5 km/h, and it can run at a speed of 40 km/h/ The clock is short distances to chase and hunt prey.

polar bear

 Living alone :

 Polar bears often live primarily alone, but they are found in only two social units; The first consists of adult females with cubs.

This is the most stable social interaction between polar bears

  The second consists of breeding pairs that mate several times, remaining together for a week or more.

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  Small mammals resort to hibernation during times when food is scarce.

They store body fat when food is abundant, to use it during the hibernation period.

As for polar bears, they do not enter a deep hibernation, 

But females, especially pregnant women, enter a state of inactivity, and this continues from October or November until

March or April.

polar bear

  Attack on humans :

 Polar bears pose a danger to humans when they lose their habitat in sea ice, so they shift their habitat to land areas, causing them to collide frequently with humans, and this poses a danger to them because polar bears are large predators.

polar bear

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  Where polar bears live:

Polar bears live in and around the Arctic, as polar bears are

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ound in five countries:f

United States (Alaska), Canada, northern Russia, Greenland, and Norway (Svalbard), 

The life of polar bears depends on sea ice for hunting and reproduction, as the sea is their main source of food, and the place where they spend most of their lives.

 But as sea ice recedes away from the coast, polar bears are forced to navigate to access vital food sources.

With my best wishes



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