Poisonous and non-venomous snakes(1)



The most famous and non-venomous types of snakes(1)


The king cobra is a type of poisonous snake:


No one disputes that the king cobra is among the most venomous snakes in the world, and for good reason, not only does it inject an average of 400-1000 mg per bite, but its venom is strong enough to kill approximately 11 people in one bite, and the king cobra is found In South Asia, it reaches 10-13 feet in length, and is much longer than any other venomous snake، Research indicates that king cobra bites can kill a person in less than 30 minutes, due to the high level of neurotoxins and cellular toxins present.

In addition, due to the long length of the snake, it often bites higher than the body, and many cobras provide a unique defensive position.

It causes it to rise into the air, the hood to expand in a threatening manner, and the king cobra is no exception.

These snakes often bite and hold on to everything that might threaten them.

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Poisonous and non-venomous snakes(1)
Poisonous and non-venomous snakes(1) 

 A living tree snake from poisonous snakes:


The tree snake lives in trees in most parts of Africa, especially in Swaziland, Botswana, Namibia, Mozambique and Zimbabwe.

It undoubtedly has an incredibly strong bite, as only 1-8 mg are injected at a time, and it only takes one bite to kill a person.

It is one of the most dangerous poisonous snakes.

The tree snake is famous for its ability to bite humans and the lack of harmful side effects, at least not immediately، Many victims of snakebites assume that they have been bitten dry or in a non-lethal dose, however, side effects come too late, as snake venom prevents blood from clotting inside the body, leading to internal bleeding and even bleeding in vital organs.

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 Russell's snake is a poisonous snake:


Given the fact that 40-70 mg of Russell's snake venom is enough to kill the average person, the bite of this snake is particularly dangerous, and in fact, Russell's snake kills more people in Sri Lanka, Burma, and India than any other snake, and this snake has been found In the open grasslands across the Indian subcontinent, it hunts in densely populated areas، This not only makes Russell's viper dangerous due to its proximity but it also has a strong bite to support it, and local swelling and bleeding are common with Russell's viper bite.

Poisoning this snake can have harmful side effects for up to two weeks, depending on its severity.

Statistics of untreated bites show that more than 30% of victims die from kidney failure if they do not seek medical care.

Given the fact that Russell's snake is extremely strong And aggressive, it is better to be careful of it.

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 The black mamba snake is a poisonous snake:


You may have heard of the black mamba in terms of its dangerous qualities and frightening reputation, and it is completely worthy.

The black mamba is found in sub-Saharan Africa, and not only does it have a bite to rival any other snake on this list, but it is also huge.

It is the largest poisonous snake in Africa, and often It reaches a height of 10 feet.

In addition, it can raise its body in the air like a cobra, and often stings more than once، They pick up quickly before fleeing at

 speeds of up to 12 miles per hour, and when talking about the black mamba bite, this snake has a very deadly type of poison in its fangs.

While 100-400 mg of venom can be injected into a single bite, the average person dies within 6-14 hours of being bitten, and in fact, most symptoms begin in less than ten minutes, making this snake particularly frightening.

The black mamba bite also has analgesic factors, making its victims feel as if they have not been bitten, or perhaps the bite was not as severe as it actually is، It is truly one of the most dangerous venomous snakes in the world.

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Information about the snake 

 The inner taipan of venomous snakes:


The inner taipan is arguably the most venomous and deadly snake in the world, and the inner taipan bites deliver 44-110 mg of venom per bite, and it also has the ability to sting repeatedly.

However, despite this effectiveness, the inner taipan is seen as Easy to obey, and if bitten by this taipan, searching for an emergency medical center is a must، There are enough powerful neurotoxins in this snake's venom to kill a fully developed person in less than 45 minutes.

Symptoms include paralysis, muscle damage, internal bleeding, and kidney failure.

Just like all the other venomous snakes on this list, it is always important to maintain respect for the inner taipan.

All types of snakes prefer to be left alone, and you probably want to keep them that way too.

The most famous types of non-venomous snakes:

 Rat snake is a non-venomous snake:


The rat snake is a group of medium to large holding snakes found throughout the world.

Eastern rat snakes, Texas rat snakes, and yellow rat snakes are probably the most famous species in North America.

As the name suggests, they feed primarily on rodents.

When threatened, they can wag their tail in an attempt to mimic the more dangerous rattlesnakes and deceive potential predators, however، Despite their fairly large size, the rat snake is somewhat harmless to people, some of these species are docile, and the rat snake, which can reach six feet in length, is one of the most popular reptiles in the pet trade.

Anaconda is the largest and heaviest snake in the world 

 Nile snake from non-venomous snakes:

King snake

non poisonous snakes names

Boa Constrictor


The Nile viper, covered with a dark bluish-black sheen, is native to the southeastern United States, Central America, and South America.About five species have been identified, but the eastern Nile viper is likely the most famous, and is the largest non-venomous snake species throughout North America.

It is likely to reach a length of 9.2 feet, and the eastern Nile viper can be found in forests, hardwood or flatwood forests, meadows, and coastal dunes، Freshwater swamps and ponds, but numbers have declined in some areas due to habitat loss, accidents, and hunting, and all different types of prey are eaten, including rodents, turtles, lizards, small birds, and their eggs.

The royal snake is a non-venomous snake:


The Royal Snake is a family of about 10 species, ranging in length from one foot to seven feet, and they are among the most common snakes throughout North America, residing in river valleys, forests, fields, hillsides, rocky outcrops, and pine forests.

They vary widely in color scheme and patterns, making them difficult to recognize, but generally tend to have some type of dark ring or line along the body, and for this reason، It's easy to mistake some of these species for a venomous coral snake, but in reality, the royal snake kills and eats other venomous snakes, including rattlesnakes, copper snakes, and cottonmouths, and it eats lizards, rodents, birds, and eggs.

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 Boas are non-venomous snakes:


The boa is a family of large tropical snakes found mostly in South America, Africa, and South Asia.

While the holding boa and the green anaconda are the most well-known species, all 49 members of this family kill their prey by constricting, and by wrapping their body around it will eventually undergo Prey suffocation, and its preferred hunting strategy is to sit and wait for the prey to pass so it can ambush it، Rodents, bats, monkeys, pigs and deer are key components of their diet, and one of the most surprising facts is that the jaws can expand significantly to consume an entire animal at once, and then it takes several days to digest food.

Indigo snake

Green Snake

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