What is the name of animal A to Z?



Names of all animals in the world 

: Animals

 The name given to all types of multicellular organisms is a very large and diverse group of creatures that are very different in shape and size from each other.  Some of them also have completely different capabilities and features from others.

The animal kingdom does not include any type of bacteria, and they belong 

to a more large group of organisms called "eukaryotes" .

What is the name of animal A to Z?
?What is the name of animal A to Z

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 Animal species

 It is estimated that about 9 or 10 million species of animals live on planet Earth; The exact number is unknown and all estimates are approximate.  Because it is difficult to estimate the number of animals on planet Earth, this is because counting them by number is impossible and very difficult.  Every year, scientists register hundreds or thousands of new species around the world, and documented and known animals increase over time.

According to some estimates, the number of organisms living on land may range to 86% and 91%  Of the living organisms in the sea, they may not yet be known to humans.

How many animals are in the world?

 Classification of animals

 It is possible to divide the animal kingdom into two main groups: the vertebrate group (which has a vertebrate column) and the invertebrate group (which has no vertebrate column).  From these two groups, scientists made further divisions of animals, according to their common characteristics .

 Animals were divided based on six main classifications, from general to specific, as follows: phylum, sect, rank, family, genus, and species.

This classification was invented by the scientist Carlos Linillas.

 Names of animals belonging to the invertebrate group :

 Invertebrates of various types represent 97% of all known animal species,as 

including the following :


  It includes more than 5,000 known species.


They include approximately 11,000 species, examples of which include: Sea anemones and jellyfish.


  It includes approximately 25,000 known species, examples of which include: tapeworms and trematodes.


 It includes about 15,000 species, the most famous of which are the earthworm, leech, and many-ciliaed worm.


 Echinoderms include approximately 7,000 living species, including starfish, sea chrysanthemum, sea lily, sea urchin, sand dollar, sea cucumber, and brittle star.


It includes approximately 112,000 species, including: Snails, oysters, octopuses, and squid.


 Arthropods are the largest phylum of animals, examples of which include; Ticks, spider, grasshopper, lobster, crab.

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 Roundworms or nematodes:

 It includes more than 20,000 species, examples of which include:

 pinworm, ancylostoma worm, and hairworm.

  Names of animals belonging to the vertebrate group :

 Vertebrates include the most famous animal species, as scientists have been able to identify most of their species, so comprehensive lists of species can be found in the five vertebrate classes, which include fish, amphibians, reptiles, and birds, And mammals.

  Names of animals belonging to the fish class :

 The class of fish includes 3 orders, which are as follows:

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  It includes primitive fish with a mouth that lacks a jaw, and its species include lamprey and mucous eel.

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  Cartilaginous fish:

 Fish whose skeleton consists of cartilage, and their species include the shark, the ray or rays, and the fairy fish.

 Bony fish:

 Fish with a skeleton, examples of which include the following:

  Barracuda fish or agam.

  Balloon fish.  Gruntfish.

 Spearfish.  Grouper fish.

 Leafy sea dragon.  Tilapia fish.

 Parrot fish.  Piranha.  Seahorse fish.  Sergeant fish.

  Names of animals belonging to the amphibian class :

 There are about 5,400 species of amphibians in the world, and among these species are the following:

frog.  Toad.  Salamander.  New or salamander.  

Caecilians, or blindworm.

  Names of animals belonging to the reptile class:  

There are about 7,984 species of reptiles in the world, the 

most famous of which are the following:

  Wild turtle.  Sea turtle.  Crocodile.  Caiman.  Alligator.  Tuatara or totara. 

Iguana.  The hard ones.  Chameleon.  Gecko.  Lizard.  Blind lizard.  Legless lizard.  Skink or sandfish.  Worl.  Worm lizard.  The snake, which is one of the most dangerous animals in the world.

 Names of animals belonging to the bird class :

 There are about 9,000-10,000 species of birds in the world, including the following:

  Obesity bird.  Sparrow.  Cardinal bird.  Flamingo duck.  Goose bird.  Ostrich bird.  Rhea bird.  Seagull.  Turkey bird.  Partridge.  Grouse bird.  Pheasant.  Tam bird.  Shouting bird.  Penguin.  Heron or heron.  Stork.  Swan bird.  Cormorant bird.  Camel bird.  Frigate bird.  Goshawk.  Eagle bird.  Mite bird.  Eagle bird.  Falcon bird.  Crane or rahu bird.  Water chicken bird.  Oak bird.  Cat bird.  Pigeon bird.  Dove bird.  Parrot bird.  Hoatzin bird.  Banana-eating bird.  Cuckoo bird.  Owl bird.  The nightjar or the lizard.  Oil bird.  Butoh bird.  Swift bird.  Hummingbird.  Kko-roller bird.  Kingfisher bird.  Woodpecker bird.  Toucan bird.  Hornbill.  Hoopoe bird.  Crow bird.  Bulbul bird.  Swallow bird.  Tangerine bird.  Shrike bird.  Wren bird.  Hawzag bird.  Bird of paradise.

  Names of animals belonging to the class of mammals:

  Mammals include 5,000 species of animals distributed into 3 main groups: live-track mammals: These are mammals that reproduce with eggs and do not give birth.

Examples include the platypus or the duck's beak.  Marsupials:

 examples include:

  The wallaby.  Kangaroo.  Koala.  Tasmanian devil opossum.  Wombat or sahmur.


They are mammals that give birth to their young and are fully developed.

They include

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 approximately 4,000 species, including:

  Aardvark.  The elephant, which is one of the largest animals in the world. 

Wild cat.  Al-aghouti.  Alpaca.  American bull.  Ant bear.  Antelope.  Chimpanzee.  Gorilla.  Arctic fox.  Wolf.  Armored or armadillo.  Ayay.  Baboon.  Camel.  Badger.  The bat.  The bear.  Beaver.  White whale.  blue whale; Which is the strongest animal on Earth.  Rocky mountain ram.  Bentorong or bear cat.  Hamster.  Red lynx.  Bongo or cans.  Sea lion.  Buffalo.  The water pig, or capybara, is one of the strangest animals in the world.  Reindeer.  Cat.  the cheetah; It is the fastest animal in the world.  Chinchilla.  Squirrel.  Gothic.  Cougars or American lion.  The cow.  Coyotes.  Cape or river mouse.  Deer.  The dog.  Dolphin.  Ass.  The dugong.  Elk.  Nipper or ferret.  Flying squirrel.  Gerbil.  Giraffe.  Goat.  Guinea pig.  The rabbit.  Hedgehog.  The horse.  Hyena.  Indifference.  Tiger.  The lion.  Mink.  The mole.  Monkey.  Moose.  The mouse.  Panda.  Raccoon.  Seal.  The sheep.  Skunk.  Sloth or sloth.  Tiger.  Weasel.  Zebra.  The number of animals in the world makes it difficult to enumerate the names of all the animals in the world.

Scientists have differed in estimating the numbers of animal species that live on planet Earth, 

Some reports indicate that it ranges between 3-30 million animals،

  While other studies indicate the presence of animal species whose existence has not yet been revealed, and their numbers range between 30-50 million species, 

Scientists believe that most of these species are found in ancient tropical rainforests and the depths of the oceans, so it will be sufficient to mention known species of animals.

 Animal names

 These lists include the names of the species of animals written

 Names of predators:

 Name of the animal Female Scientific name Family

 Lion of Pantheraleo feline lioness

 Hyenidae Hyenidae Hyenidae Hyenidae Hyenidae

 The Sundawa wolf, the Sarhana wolf, or the canis lupus canids

 Serpentes serpentes

 Pantherapardus leopard felines

 Cheetah aspergillus Acinonyxjubatus felines

 The fox is a fox or Vulpesvulpes canids

 Bear Bear Ursidae Debbies

 The polar wolf, Canis lupus, is a canine wolf

 Wild Dogs Wild Dog Lycaonpictus Canis

 Crocodylinae Crocodylinae Crocodile

 Spider spider Araneae arachnids

 Falcon falcon falco peregrines falcons

 Eagle or rattle eagle New World vultures

 Scorpiones arachnids

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 Pet names:

 Name of the animal Female Scientific name Family

 Feliscatus cat felines

 Canis lupus familyaris canine dog

 Bull cow livestock

 Equuscaballus horse horse horse

 The donkey is an equusasinus horse donkey

 Rooster chicken Gallus gallusdomesticus chickens

 Duck Duck Anatidae Duck

 Goose Goose Anserini Duck

 Turkey Rummy Chicken Meleagris Chicken

 Pigeons Pigeons Columbidae Pigeons

 Peacock Peacock Pavo Chicken

 The rabbit is a rabbit or Leporidae is a rabbit

 Turtle Tortoise Testudines Turtles

 Hamster Hamster Cricetinae Qadadidae

 Parrot Parrot Psittaciformes Parrots

 Camelus camel camel

 Sheep ewe Ovisaries ruminants

 Goat Goat Capra aegagrushircus Cows

 Mouse Mouse Mus Mice

 Bees bee Anthophila bees

 Names of wild animals

 Name of the animal Female Scientific name Family

  Giraffe Giraffe Giraffacamelopardalis Bovidae

 Zebra zebra horses

 Gazella deer gazella antelope

  Elephant Ethom - Zendabil ? léphant cartridges

  Kangaroo Kangaroo Marsupials

  Anteater Anteater Myrmecophaga Anteater

  Rhinocerotidae Rhinocerotidae Rhinocerotidae

  Buffalo Buffalo Bubalusbubalis Cows

  The Indian deer Cervidae deer

  Hippopotamus Amphibius Barnacles

  Ailuropodamelanoleuca panda bear

  Lemuroidea lemur Lemuroidea lemuridae

  Lazy sloths Folivora sloths

  Monkey marmoset or adulteress Hominoidea primates

 Raccoon Raccoon Procyon Raccoons

 Porcupine Porcupine Porcupine Rodent Porcupine

 Sable Sable Marteszibellina weasels

 Formicidae ant ants

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 Bird names:

 Name of the female bird Scientific name Family

 Undressed Ostrich Struthiocamelus Ostrich

 Kiwi Kiwi Apteryx Kiwi

 Tenamus growths

 Penguin in the Spheniscidae way

 Diver Gavia Diver Submarine

 Albatross Diamedeidae Albatrosses

 Stork stork Ciconiidae stork

With my best wishes



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