What is the mating system of birds?



                                    mating between birds  


 Birds are distinguished by having feathers that cover all parts of their bodies.

They are considered warm-blooded vertebrates, in addition to having a heart consisting of four chambers, and the forelimbs are wings that enable them to fly،  While its hind limbs are feet that enable it to sit, in addition to the presence of a beak that helps it catch food.It is worth noting that most birds can run, swim, and dive, as the ostrich is the largest bird،  While the hummingbird is the smallest in size, and birds give birth by laying eggs.They are incubated by the mother until they hatch inside the nest.

What is the mating system of birds?
?What is the mating system of birds

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How do birds mate?

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 Bird mating season:

 The mating and breeding season of birds is linked to the length of daylight hours, as physiological changes occur to prepare birds for reproduction as daylight hours increase starting in the spring, so birds begin to search for a location where several conditions are met؛  Such as the abundance of food, the presence of suitable places for nesting, and the place must be protected from predators at the same time, and in the meantime, females begin to choose mating partners from among the males،  She is keen to choose someone who shows a lot of strength and vitality during courtship and courtship performances, and in birds she shows several forms of mating, which are as follows

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 Multiple marriage:

 Among its forms are the following: Polygamy:

  In it, the male mates with several females, and examples of birds belonging to this species include the red-winged blackbird.


 It is a very common condition among birds, as one female mates with several males, and an example of a bird belonging to this species is the tricolored florop bird.



  Monogamy appears in more than 90% of bird species, where both the male and female have one mating partner during certain periods, which are as follows:

  One nesting period:


  Domestic ostrich.

 One mating season:


 Most passerines.

 During several successive mating seasons:


  American thrush, tree swallow, and mourning dove.

 Throughout life:

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  Albatrosses, petrels, swans, geese, and others.

 Flirting :

 The male often flirts with the female and begins to display his bright feathers to convince her of his health and strength, and that he is the ideal parent from whom she can obtain healthy chicks, and thus greater chances of survival،  In the end, it is up to the female to accept or reject the male who is flirting with her, but things are reflected in a few other bird species, where the female is the party that flirts with the male؛  She displays her colored feathers in front of him to convince him to mate with her, and the male returns to accepting or rejecting the female, and after that he, not her, must incubate the eggs, protect them, and take care of the chicks after they emerge from the eggs،

 Among the forms of courtship in the world of birds are the following:


  Feather review.

  Amazing flight offers.



  Nest building

 Most bird species build nests to lay eggs in, and the nests are built on the ground, on trees, in burrows, or on the sides of slopes of natural materials, such as: animal fur, grasses, and tree leaves،  Clay, lichens, or industrial materials, such as:

 Plastic, threads, and leaves.Some bird species simply lay their eggs in a simple slit in the ground instead of building their own nest.

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 Mating and egg formation :

 Female and male birds lack external reproductive organs, but they do have cloaca; It is an internal chamber that ends with an opening through which sperm and eggs rush, in addition to waste from the urinary and digestive systems،  During the mating season, the cloaca swells and protrudes slightly outside the body.When mating, the male jumps on the female so that his cloaca can touch the female’s cloaca.The female helps him and moves her tail feathers to the side to expose her cloaca،  The sperm move from its cloaca to its cloaca to fertilize the eggs.

  How does mating occur in birds:

 The process of meeting both male and female is necessary to produce fertilized eggs.

Below is some information about mating in birds: 

 Actual mating occurs when the male and female meet each other.

 The female bends forward until she gives the male bird the opportunity to balance by climbing on top of her.Mating is completed when sperm are transferred from the male to the female, so that the duration of this process is a few seconds.

 Some birds remain in contact with each other for a period of time after completing mating.

 Birds remain ready for reproduction, have active hormones for a week, during which they can repeat the mating process to ensure egg fertilization.

 Eggs are laid within days, and may last for eggs several months; The eggs are ready inside the nest, incubated and raised. 

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 Mating season for birds:

 Mating between birds usually takes place in order to expand their species, and most often males are considered sterile outside of mating time.The most important information about the mating season of birds is as follows: 

 The mating season for birds is generally in the spring, or after the snow melts.

 The higher the temperatures, and the warmer the weather, the more likely baby birds are to grow and raise them easily.

 Spring is the season when flowers grow and insects emerge, and this helps birds eat their food and feed their young.

 When birds begin their reproductive period, their chirps begin to appear, and their sounds are heard more. 


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 Number of mating times in birds:

 The process of breeding birds usually continues for a maximum of a week or two, and after the process of mating and laying eggs, it becomes the parents’ task to take care of the eggs until they hatch, and then provide them with the appropriate food،  And begin to accustom them to leaving the nest and being able to fly.Sometimes birds lay their eggs inside pre-built nests left by a migratory bird, where the nest is built in places close to the availability of food and water. 

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 Laying eggs :

 It takes 24 hours to ovulate and lay eggs, so female birds lay only one egg per day, and the number of eggs laid by female birds at a time varies from one species to another،  Tropical birds lay between 2-3 eggs, while waterfowl can lay up to 15 eggs.The number of eggs in one species varies according to several factors، 

 It is as follows:

  Abundance of food.

  Geographical location (latitude).  Female age.

  The weather.  Time of year.

 The presence or absence of predators in the area.

  Egg incubation :

 Egg incubation is considered a necessary stage for the development of bird embryos, during which one of the parents sits on the eggs until they hatch, with the aim of transferring heat of approximately 37 degrees Celsius from the belly of the adult bird to the eggs،  In some species, such as: penguins, heat is transferred to the eggs through the legs.Shaqban birds also devise a unique way to expose the eggs to appropriate heat by placing them in a pile of decomposing plants؛  The heat of decomposition replaces the heat of the parents.

  Female songbirds usually begin incubating the eggs after laying the last egg; This is so that all the eggs hatch at about the same time, while other birds, such as egrets, cranes, and cormorants, are preferred, 

Birds of prey begin incubation as soon as the first egg is laid, and thus their eggs hatch on different days.

  The incubation period for eggs varies from one type of bird to another, and in general, larger birds need a longer incubation period،

 The following explains the incubation period of some bird species:

  Type of bird:

 incubation period in days

  Canary 13 Muscovy ducks 35 chickens 21 pheasant 24-26 partridge chukar 23-24 pigeons 16-19 quail 16-18 ostriches 42

  Ducks 28 swans 35 geese 28-33 turkey 28   

 Hatching eggs and caring for chicks :

 Birds are divided in terms of their ability to rely on themselves when emerging from the egg into two parts, which are as follows:

  Late-active or long-nursing birds:

 They include songbirds, most seabirds, and birds of prey, as their newly hatched chicks are blind, bare of feathers, and helpless.

They cannot eat alone, and are unable to regulate their body temperature, They depend on their parents to feed and warm them until their feathers appear and they become able to see by the end of the first week of their lives.

Singing birds need to stay in the nest for between two and three weeks, While young birds of prey remain in the nest for 8-10 weeks.

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 Early active birds:

  Early-active birds hatch; Like ducks and most shorebirds, after a long incubation period during which they complete their embryonic development inside the egg, so their newly hatched chicks are open-eyed, able to walk, and have full feathers, 

It has advanced motor and sensory functions compared to late-active species, and therefore it hardly spends any time in the nest, but rather begins wandering with its parents a few hours after hatching.

 Other information about bird mating:

 The reproductive organs differ between male and female of the bird, and the following is some information:

The male bird has two testicles, while the female has one ovary, and when the breeding season begins, the testicles and ovarian follicles swell.

 Most male birds do not have a penis, but rather have an opening through which sperm emerge.

 Testosterone is the hormone responsible for mating, which increases the male's strength and the height of his voice during chirping, and this gives an indication to the female of the male's readiness for the breeding season.

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