Information about the snake



Information about the snake

 Snake classification :

 The snake is one of the types of reptiles, including vertebrates that do not have limbs or external ear openings.

Its body is covered with scales, and it has been classified with lizards.

This is because the snake is originally a lizard,

  But its structural shape has evolved and diminished, but it cannot be said that all reptiles are snakes.

  Below is a table showing the classification of the snake:

  Kingdom Animals Division Chordates Sect Reptiles Order Squamata Ordinal Snakes.

Information about the snake
Information about the snake

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  Snake feed:

  Snakes are carnivorous animals, and their types have varied and the food of each type varies.

Some of them are preyed upon by rodents, rabbits, and birds, and some of them feed on insects, frogs, fish, and worms 

Eggs as well, and in most cases snakes eat animals such as mice, rats, gerbils, and rabbits completely.

  It is preferable not to provide live prey to the snake; So that the prey does not suffer while being chased by the snake, and so that it does not harm the snake if the prey bites it before eating it by causing it a serious infection.

  In fact, the breeder is not forced to kill prey for his snake; Because of its ability to provide prey more easily depending on its availability in stores, whether it is frozen or recently killed

 If the snake in the forest does not have a breeder, he will take care of its prey himself.

  He feeds on what the surrounding environment provides him.

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What does snake do?

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 Environments in which the snake lives :

 The environments in which the snake settles are diverse.

It lives in forests, swamps, grasslands, and in water, whether fresh or salty, and some of them are active day or night.

 Since snakes are cold-blooded, they must be transported to a suitable environment to regulate their body temperature.

Snakes cannot tolerate extreme summer heat for more than 20 minutes, and are rarely found outdoors.

Snake game

Paragraph about snakes

Type of snake

  Types of snake :

 There are many types of snakes, reaching 3,000 species in the world.

On every continent there are several species except Antarctica, and the following is an explanation of the two main 

types of snakes:

  Thread snake:

  The threaded snake is called the worm snake.

It is characterized by being small in size, its body color is pink, it has smooth, smooth scales, and it is characterized by the presence of a hooked front.

Its scientific name is (Leptotyphlops macrorhynchus)،  This snake lives in agricultural areas and feeds on termites.

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  Real snake :

 The true snake is inclusive of all other snakes.

It is a cold-blooded reptile with an elongated body, no limbs, but edges on its body, and it is believed that they represented its limbs that had disappeared.

  The true snake is spread on all continents, except Antarctica, and is found in various lengths ranging from 10 cm for small snakes to several meters for large snakes.

This snake feeds on meat, such as; Rodents,

 Insects, worms, frogs, and other living organisms.

Sea snakes

Snake wikipedia 

  Characteristics of the snake:

  The snake is characterized by formal and behavioral characteristics that are unique to all other animals.

 The following is an explanation of these characteristics

  Formal characteristics of the snake :

 The snake has its own morphological characteristics.

  Below is an explanation of it:

  Possess skin with scales; They may be soft or swollen.

 It has thicker scales on the abdominal side compared to the scales on its sides and back.

 It does not have limbs, nor does it have moving eyelids.

 It does not have ear openings, although it does have an ear bone that can detect sound wave vibrations around it.

 The snake relies mainly on its senses of smell and touch.

It breathes through its forked tongue, and the snake recognizes odors through an organ in the roof of the mouth.

 Non-venomous snake teeth consist of two rows in the upper jaw and one row in the lower jaw, and the teeth are curved backwards; To help him preserve the prey that tries to escape from him when he preys on it.

  The tusks of the venomous snake have openings; To be used to inject poison into prey.

 The snake's skull has joints; To allow it to swallow large prey internally.

 The snake's body contains many ribs; To support its length, these ribs are so flexible that they allow prey to move inside it.

  The snake has long, narrow internal organs; To fit its inner body cavity.   Behavioral characteristics of the snake: The snake performs several behaviors of its own. 

Black snake

Nokia snake game

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  The most prominent of them are as follows:

  The snake moves alone in search of food, or for mating.  Most snakes are active during the day, while a few move at night and rest during the day.  The snake remains lethargic and lazy for long periods; Because of the cold or hot weather, or because of its limited food supply.  The snake stays in very limited areas.

  The snake gets rid of its skin almost once a month.  It lays eggs in most snakes, except for the eel, which gives birth.

information about the snake

  Snake reproduction :

 Female snakes emit a distinctive scent through which the snake realizes that this female is ready to mate.

Once the snake picks up the scent, it continues to search for its owner and other members of its species, and the matter may even lead to quarrels between them،  The strongest is the one chosen by the female. 

 The snake begins flirting with its female by wrapping around her so that their bodies intertwine.

The female raises her tail when she is ready to complete mating, so the snake rushes to search for its female organ to mate, During the mating process, the snake fertilizes the eggs that are still present in its female’s uterus, and this process extends from an hour to a full day. 

  After a month of mating, the female lays her eggs, which she allowed to grow inside her, and works to cover them with mucus.

To stabilize the eggs, prevent them from rolling, 

It is worth noting that many snakes leave their eggs as soon as they lay them.

Accordingly, God created small snakes equipped with all the propellants that help them survive.

  The general characteristic of snakes is that they lay eggs, but snakes have been found that give birth to their young, such as: Eel, and this is done while the eggs do not fully grow while inside the mother,

 The mother hatches the eggs inside her and gives birth to them while she is ready to lay them.

In most cases, females that give birth to small snakes alive eat their young.

information about the snake

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 Benefits of snake :

 The benefits of the snake are many, some of which are specific to the environment and the other part is specific to humans.

  Below is an explanation of each of them:

 The benefits of snakes for the environment, most notably the following:

 The snake maintains balance in the ecosystem.  It helps get rid of toxic herbs by eating them.  Cleans fields of harmful insects.  It pursues mice and rodents, limiting their increase.

  The benefits of a snake for humans: The snake has multiple benefits for humans.

 Below is an explanation of some of its benefits:

 Snake-drop skin is used in human drug trials.  Snake skin treats skin disorders and gallbladder disorders.

 Snake skin treats high blood pressure and cramps.

 Snake skin is used to get rid of eye inflammation and dark circles surrounding the eye.

 Snake skin is used in ointments to treat stiffness and relieve pain.

 Snake skin treats sores, boils, psoriasis, and scabies as well.  Snake skin is used to treat hemorrhoids.

  Snake venom is used in the manufacture of the best treatment drugs for heart failure, heart attacks, and high blood pressure.

 Snake venom is used in the manufacture of antivenoms.

  Cobra poison is used to treat joint pain, inflammation, and inflammation in general.

  Snake venom is used to treat opioid addiction.

information about the snake

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