Indian gray mongoose



Indian gray mongoose


What are the predators of the Indian GREY mongoose? 

Indian mongoose :

It is a carnivore that feeds on many types of prey, ranging from mice to snakes.

The mongoose is a skilled hunter and actively searches for its prey using its strong senses of smell and sight.

It eats anything it can catch.

The Indian mongoose usually eats small mammals such as mice, as well as Eggs and a variety of

arthropods, including scorpions 

What is the Indian name for mongoose?

Indian gray mongoose
Indian gray mongoose


The Indian gray mongoose is a carnivorous mammal and belongs to the mongoose family.

It is also known as ” Asian gray mongoose ”.While it lives in the Indian subcontinent and West Asia, where it is found in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh .

What is the lifespan of the Indian GREY mongoose?

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The Indian gray mongoose is found in open forests, shrublands and cultivated fields.

It is often close to human populations, while hiding in burrows, among shrubs, and among rocks.

It also hides in tree cavities to escape the midday sun .

indian grey mongoose lifespan

indian grey mongoose pet

indian grey mongoose in tamil

His whereabouts

The Indian mongoose is found from the Central and Eastern Arabian Peninsula, through Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.

It has also been shown in Japan and Peninsular Malaysia.

The habitat preferences of this mongoose have not been well documented, but in India it has been recorded in disturbed areas, forests.

Dry secondary and thorny forests, and is found near human settlements.

It is also said to be found in open areas, and its shelters are in hollow trees ، And holes in the ground or in cracks in rocks

Indian gray mongoose shape

The length of the mongoose is 36 – 45 cm, and weighs 0.9 – 1.7 kg .

It has coarse and thick gray – silver fur .

The body is elongated, the legs are short, and the tail is long .

It has five toes on the front and back feet and sharp, curved claws .

It can distinguish between four colors, more than most other mammals .

The Indian gray mongoose is a carnivorous mammal and belongs to the mongoose family.

It is also known as the "Asian

gray mongoose" . 

indian gray mongoose facts

indian grey mongoose habitat

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The Indian gray mongoose is active during the day, and can be seen early in the morning and early in the evening.

It is known for its bold and curious nature, but it is always cautious.

It rarely ventures away from hiding places, while it usually lives alone or in pairs.

Males determine their areas using urine and anal glands.

The secretions of the scent glands are very strong and can smell a large distance, such as skunk secretions . 

indian grey mongoose sound

indian grey mongoose drawing

indian grey mongoose size

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Food and predators

It is considered a carnivore, as it feeds on mice, rats, and lizards.

And on snakes, beetles, insects, scorpions, birds and their eggs.

It also feeds on fruits such as berries and some plants, while cheetahs are its most prominent predators . 

indian grey mongoose diet

indian grey mongoose predators

indian grey mongoose in hindi

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Brilliant snake hunter

The Indian gray mongoose is distinguished by its skill in hunting poisonous snakes in a battle that may last for a full hour.

It follows a very clever tactic, as it works to exhaust the snake, pushing it to carry out multiple attacks, which the mongoose avoids with skill and speed.

When the snake gets tired, the mongoose pounces on it.

He bites his head with his 40 sharp teeth, destroying the snake's skull .

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Breeding of the Indian gray mongoose

It mates throughout the year, and the female gives birth 2 – 3 times a year, and the male mates with more than one female.

After that, the pregnancy period begins, which lasts 60 – 65 days, and the female gives birth to her young in burrows or between rocks and gives birth to 2 – 4 young .

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Caring for children

The young are born blind and helpless, and the mother alone takes care of the young.

They stay with their mother for about 6 months, and reach sexual maturity after 6 – 9 months.

While the Indian gray mongoose can live 12 years in nature .

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Facts about the Indian gray mongoose

It has coarse hair, thick skin and special ” acetylcholine ” receptors, which make it resistant or immune to snake venom .

Although he can climb trees brilliantly, he is rarely seen in the trees and does most of the hunting on the ground .

Thanks to his great skill in hunting snakes and rats, he was introduced to many regions, such as: the Hawaiian Islands, Jamaica, Cuba, and Puerto Rico .

Not afraid of a scorpion sting, they simply pick up the scorpion and repeatedly throw it on a hard surface to break it and then eat it . 

indian grey mongoose images

indian grey mongoose vs snake 

It is a common animal, often available throughout its range, and is not an endangered species .

The Indian gray mongoose is an active animal mainly during the day.

It may also feed on plant materials such as fruit.

It feeds on garbage and carrion.

This species often kills and eats poisonous snakes.

It is agile and fast enough to avoid being bitten.

A small number of mongoose species can be introduced.

Including the Indian gray mongoose to new areas in order to kill mice and snakes

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With my best wishes


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