





God Almighty said:

The bird inspected and said, "I do not see the guidance, or it was from the absent," {20}.I will punish him with severe torment, or I will slaughter him, or he will bring me a clear bowl." {21} Then he stayed away and said, "I put a lot of wheat with you.".

معنى hoopoe

Hoopoe pronunciation

Upupa epops


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 God Almighty mentioned the hoopoe in the Holy Quran:

 In the story of our master Solomon with the famous Queen of Sheba, Bilqis, the hoopoe was used to deliver the messages of our master Solomon to the people of Sheba, and carrier pigeons were not used, for example.

This is because the hoopoe is more powerful than pigeons to fly long distances, and it can fly alone and defend itself.

He endured hunger and thirst, in addition to his intense intelligence and cunning. 

Among the reasons why birds are introduced to all animals are the


Most birds feed on insects from which the children of Adam are harmed

If the birds had become extinct, these insects would have spread and this would have harmed us

His flesh is food for man in this world and the hereafter, as God Almighty mentioned

It brings a person comfort whenever he sees it in its dazzling colors

It was used to transmit messages in the past before modern means of transportation

It is strange that modern inventions mimic what exists in nature, and among these inventions is their invention of airplanes, as they mimic the creation of birds in their heads and wings, how they fly, and how they land 

Birds are nations, groups, and types, some of which are migratory, some are sedentary, some are predatory, and some are not predatory

Birds are used to refer to what flies in the sky

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Hoopoe spiritual meaning


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It is a type of non-injurious bird.

It is characterized by intelligence, speed, and evasion.

It has the ability to know and distinguish directions.

It is distinguished by its distinctive way of flying.

It is a bird famous for its erect, reddish-pink beak, and its feathers end in black and with its curved beak.

The feathers of the head and neck are reddish-pink, and the robe tends to Brown.

The back, shoulder, and wings are striped with wide black and hazel areas.

The sacrum is white, and the tail is black, intersected in the middle by a wide white stripe.

Its length is 25-26 cm, its surface is 44-47 cm, and its weight is 51-80 grams.

Its beak is long and curved to the lowest.

It feeds on beetles, worms, spiders, and insects.

The female lays 4-8 eggs, which she incubates for 15 – 19 days.

The chicks leave the nest 22-28 days after spawning.

The hoopoe is considered a very useful bird that must be protected.

His names:

 Al-Hudhud, Al-Hadahid, Al-Nabah, Abu Al-Akhbar, Abu Sajjad, Abu Thumama

What are 5 facts about Hoopoe?

What is the difference between African hoopoe and European Hoopoe?

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 This species lives and moves between Asia, Europe, and North Africa, and is scientifically called Paleo-E-Pope.The Eurasian hoopoe is considered less diverse in colors than other species.

2-The African hoopoe:

Which is found in the African desert.


It is characterized by its high sound and diversity of colors, and is found in Madagascar. 


The hoopoe is usually a quiet bird whose voice is not heard much except during the mating season in the spring and summer, when it invents its song, which it sings in a tidy, repetitive voice to attract the attention of females.

The hoopoe lives in burrows, whether rocky burrows or tree burrows, and old narrow buildings, and marries only once.

The marriage does not last more than a year، The female lays between 4-7 eggs, and the incubation period remains between 12 days and two weeks, during which the female remains sitting on the eggs to warm them until they hatch, and the male brings her food.

The father and mother bring food to the young in the nest for 26 to 32 days, then the young chicks become birds that can rely on On herself.

What is the real name of the Hoopoe?


The hoopoe, like Abu Qardan, is considered a friend of the farmer.

It does not feed on crops, but rather protects them.

It feeds on insects, larvae, pests, and earthworms.

It relies mainly on digging with its long beak in the ground to search for worms.

When the hoopoe hunts an insect, it hits its body in the ground until it removes the wings.

And the legs, then he throws them into the air and picks them up with his beak to eat them.

There are certain types of hoopoe, which is the African hoopoe، It can feed on reptiles such as lizards, small snakes, and frogs, and it can also feed on some types of seeds and berries.

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The hoopoe can live safely, as it has the ability to keep any ferocious bird or animal away from it, its nest, and its children.

It also has an amazing ability to detect places of water underground.

It is distinguished by its ability to fly at high speed.

It fights its enemies through a spray that it sprays on them.

It has a texture.

Oily, black in color, and has a foul odor, which is secreted by a gland located at the end of its tail, which works to keep its enemies away from it immediately، Even young children can defend themselves in this way if they sense danger. 

The environment in which the hoopoe lives:

The hoopoe is distinguished by the fact that it can adapt to all environments, different climates and temperatures, but it prefers to be found in temperate green areas.

It is spread all over the world, but the places where it is most widespread are African forests and jungles, where there are vast green spaces.

It is widely found in Morocco and Senegal.

The hoopoe bird cannot always be in one place، But he is distinguished by his frequent migration every once in a while in order to search for a more suitable and abundant place for food. 

The danger to the hoopoe:

The hoopoe can live for up to ten years, but the number of hoopoe birds in Europe is constantly decreasing, and this is due to farmers spraying chemicals on agricultural lands, which leads to poisoning of the land.

When the hoopoe comes to dig in the ground to search for food from worms and pests with its beak.

He and his children are exposed to poisoning.

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His homeland :

The hoopoe bird is found widely in Europe and Asia, all the way to the Middle East and South Africa.

It was also found in the north of the latter, in addition to the island of Madashqar.

These birds can live in different environments, but they particularly prefer orchards, open lands, steppes, and forest savannas.

Grape and olive groves, edges of villages and forests, Al-Barah ، Bare lands with short grass, but it is necessary for them to be located in areas with trees or slopes for breeding .

Lunch :

The diet of these birds depends mainly on insects, as they feed on grasshoppers, beetles, worms, caterpillars, cockroaches, crickets, locusts, burnt animals, ants, and leth afrin, in addition to berries and seeds.

Rarely, some species add lizards and invertebrates .

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The male hoopoe flirts with his female:

There are some slight differences between the sexes in hoopoe birds, but in general, the male is distinguished from the female by being larger than her and makes the process easier when observing birds during the breeding season, in light of the lack of clear differences in the external appearance of the hoopoe .

It begins in the period between May and June, but may vary depending on where the bird lives, as these birds build their nests in the cavities.

Anti lays between 5 and 9 eggs, the color of which ranges from gray to pale white.

The incubation period lasts for a period that may reach 18 days, so that the young emerge from the nest after About 24 days have passed since they were cut.

Al-Hadahid usually lays one to two stomachs per year


With my best wishes


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