Herbivorous animals



Herbivorous animals


 Grass eaters:

  They are animals or insects that feed only on plants, such as herbs, fruits, vegetables, leaves, follicles, and roots, 

Herbivores feed on things that need photosynthesis to survive, with the exception of insects, spiders, fish, and other animals 

Some parasitic plants that feed on other plants are also herbivores .

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Herbivorous animals
Herbivorous animals


 Types of herbivorous animals :

 There are many different types of herbivores, many of which feed on a variety of plants, while others feed on only one type of plant, Animals that feed on only one species have their own classifications, for example, animals that feed mainly on fruit are called fugivores, such as fruit bats and flying foxes, 

Animals and insects that feed primarily on leaves are called

folivores, such as pandas, caterpillars, giraffes, and koalas .

What do herbivores eat 7 examples?

 Animals that feed on wood:

  They are called xylophages, like termites and longhorn beetles.

Contrary to popular belief, beavers are not xylophages.

They feed on wood as well as leaves, roots, and aquatic plants .

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  Size :

 Grass-eating animals can be very large, or very small, and the largest grass-eating animal in the world is the African elephant, 

It can grow until its length from foot to shoulder reaches about 2.5-4 meters, and its weight reaches 2268-6350 kg, according to National Geographic, 

An adult elephant can eat up to 136 kg of plants, which include fruits, roots, herbs, and bark, in just one day .


Why are herbivores animals?

 The smallest herbivores in the world :

 It is a feather-winged beetle, which measures about 0.325 mm in length, according to Discovery.

The beetle feeds on mold and fungi that it finds in moisture, and it also feeds on organic materials such as compost piles، 

Animal dung, decaying tree pieces, and seaweed on seashores and under tree leaves .

What is herbivorous example 20?

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 More than half of mammals are plant-eating animals, and they chew all parts of the plant, from roots to grasses, bark, sap, buds, flowers, and fruits.


 Larger meals:

 Unlike meat, plants are difficult to chew and digest, and they contain fewer nutrients.  This explains the reason behind the long period that herbivores take to eat food compared to carnivores.

The herbivore is usually characterized by wide, flat-edged molars called mills, which it uses to chew and chop food. 

It is also characterized by a long jaw and strong jaw muscles.

Rats, field mice, and other rodents are characterized by long, chisel-like front teeth that they use for biting and digging.

Carnivorous animals

Omnivores animals


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 Poet-eating animals

 The green leaves and roots are characterized by fine, hard grains that make them difficult to grind.

Therefore, the American bull spends 20 hours a day chewing food.


herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores

 Leaf-eating animals:

 A giraffe can extend its tongue 18 inches (36 centimeters) to wrap it around tree leaves.  The elephant feeds on approximately 330 pounds (148.5 kilograms) of food daily.

Midnight appetite:

 The small river mare that lives in forests is like a river mare, but it feeds on a more diverse range of foods than a river mare, including algae, ferns, branches, and fruits .

The same meal every day:

 A small number of plant-eating animals have a limited diet.In Australia, koalas prefer to feed on eucalyptus or gum trees.

  In China, the giant panda bear feeds largely on bamboo trees, but it also eats worm jaundice, bird eggs, and even carrion between meals.

Anaconda is the largest and heaviest snake in the world

Specialized herbivores:

 Grass-eating animals feed only on grass, and these animals include zebras, hippopotamuses, and many types of elk.  As for leaf-eating animals, such as giraffes and camels, they tend to feed on branches and tree leaves, and some large, hoofed plant-eating animals swallow food in the first part of the stomach, Then swallow it to chew it again, meaning that it chews completely undigested food before swallowing it again, and, performing this process is necessary.

These weeds are difficult to digest once, 

Ruminants (which digest their food twice) include deer, antelope, camel, giraffe, and cattle. 

Difference between the digestive system of herbivores and carnivores :

 The digestive system of both herbivores and carnivores is very different.

Carnivores have one gastric cavity and a simple digestive system,

Grass-eating animals often have several gastric cavities and a longer digestive tract, such as camels, deer, sheep, giraffes, and cattle, and are called ruminants .

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Plant cells are solid, and cellulose, which forms the cell wall, is difficult to digest, so digestion begins with the teeth.

Herbal animals have large, flattened teeth that grind plant materials،  Unlike carnivores, they have sharp, pointed teeth that tear the meat.

Once they chew plant material, special bacteria in the intestines of herbivores and the long digestive tract break down

plant material .

Examples of carnivores

Herbivores examples

Wild animals

 Ruminants burp nutrients and re-chew them to aid in the digestion process.

After swallowing this ruminant food, it moves to the second cavity of the stomach،  After the food becomes soft, it returns to being chewed a third time and then moves to the third cavity of the stomach, according to Nashiona Geographic .

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