Gray wolf



Gray wolf

 About the gray wolf:

 It is the largest wild member of the Canidae family.

  Fossils show that gray wolves lived on Earth approximately 300,000 years ago, at the end of the Pleistocene, 

Thus, it is considered one of the animals that survived the mass

extinction event that occurred in the late last ice age. 

Why is the gray wolf special?

Gray wolf
Gray wolf

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 The gray wolf belongs to the genus Canis, which includes between 7 and 10 species of canids.  These animals are one of six species called "wolf," while the others are: the red wolf (Canis rufus), the Indian wolf (Canis indica), and the Himalayan wolf (Canis himalayaensis), 

The eastern wolf (Canis lycaon) and the Abyssinian wolf (Canis simensis), 

Although debate still exists about whether some of these animals should be considered or maintained as a subspecies of the gray wolf, or whether they constitute an independent species.

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 Physical specifications:

 The sizes and weights of wolves vary greatly across their habitat, but both increase the further north the subspecies lives, as Bergman's Rule states".  The height of the wolf ranges from 0.6 to 0.95 meters (24 to 37 inches) in total, while its weight shows the difference more clearly.

European wolves reach an average weight of 38.5 kilograms (85 pounds)،  North American wolves reach 36 kilograms (79 pounds), while Arab and Indian wolves reach an average weight of 25 kilograms (55 pounds).  Some unique individuals of these animals, weighing up to 77 kilograms (170 pounds), have been documented in Alaska, Canada, and the former Soviet Union.

Are gray wolves aggressive?

gray wolf

 Reproduction and life cycle:

 Wolves usually mate in the period between January and April.

It is noted that the farther north the population is in its habitat, the later mating occurs.  One litter of puppies is often born in a wolf pack, unless the dominant male mates with more than one female.  During the mating season, wolves court each other greatly, waiting around the time of the female's monthly dominant cycle, and the level of tension in the herd then increases, Every adult wolf has a strong reproductive instinct and feels an urgent desire to mate.

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Gray wolf

 Social structure:

 Wolves generally live in a group called herds, but individual wolves can sometimes be found in the wild, but herds remain more common.

  Lone wolves are often elderly individuals who have been driven from the pack, or young ones searching for an area of their own.  Wolf packs in the Northern Hemisphere tend to be less compact and uniform than herds of African wild dogs and spotted hyenas, but they remain more stable than herds of coyotes.

 The herd usually consists of a dominant male, female, and young, making the herd a "nuclear family".  The size of the herd changes over time, either by increase or decrease, according to certain factors, including the quality of the habitat and the degree to which it meets the needs of wolves, the personality of the individuals belonging to it, and the stock of game.  The herd usually contains between two and 20 wolves, and the typical herd often consists of 8 individuals.

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 Herd dispersal:

 Breeding couple puppies remain in their maternal herd for a temporary period of their lives as adult wolves.  During this period, a number of important roles are played in the life of the herd, such as helping in hunting, imposing discipline, and raising the young, The controlling couple ensures that their children carry out these tasks by suppressing their reproductive instinct and preventing them from mating with any other individual.

Thus, the puppies explode their repression and energy through other things, This applies even if there are other wolves in the herd that are not related to the main individuals, as what applies to them applies to the children. 

  Libido drives many "submissive" wolves to leave their pack in search of a partner.  The recent departure of adult wolves from their herd is called "dispersal," and it occurs at any time of the year, and is usually carried out by individuals who have reached sexual maturity earlier than the previous mating season.

Red wolf


Northwestern wolf

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 Wolves, like other canids, teach anything they seize, from the territory to the game, with their scent.  Breeding wolves teach more than others, and males do so more than females.  Urine is the most common method used by these animals to teach what they have, and the controlling couple sprays their urine after raising one of their hind legs, while the rest of the herd members urinate by squatting, 

Urine is sprayed on the borders of the estate, food storage areas, and game previously caught by the herd.

Dire wolf

Tundra wolf

European wolf


 Gray wolves feed mainly on medium-sized or large ungulates, but they remain opportunistic animals, and will feed on any available source of meat, including non-hoofed animals, carrion, and garbage.  Eating brown sex is not rare among wolves, as a few cases have been documented in periods when food stocks were low, or a herd member died,

Or when a rival wolf was killed during a territorial dispute.

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 Relationship with other predators:

 Wolves usually dominate other canid species with which they coexist.  In North America, wolves do not accept the presence of coyotes in their possession; After it was reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park in 1995, wolves caused the

percentage of coyotes in the park to decrease by about 50%  By preying on them and competing with them for food sources.  Some reports indicate that wolves dig up coyote burrows to catch and eliminate their puppies, and wolves usually do not feed on the coyote they kill, although this may happen.  There are no reports of Coyotes killing wolves, but they are known to have gathered against them and skirmished with them if they were more numerous than them.

With my best wishes



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