Which method is best for fish farming?



Ornamental fish farming

 Ornamental fish:

 Do you know how to raise ornamental fish ?

  Many people have a hobby

 Raising ornamental fish, where they prepare for these types of fish

  The house has water basins designated for raising it, with the aim of adding a sophisticated aesthetic touch to the place in which it is located.

Which method is best for fish farming?
?Which method is best for fish farming

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 But sometimes the person who wants to raise these fish is ignorant of the instructions and conditions that must be adhered to when raising them, which often results in the tunneling of these fish, and their inability to continue living for a long period,

  Therefore, we will write these lines so that they may benefit you, dear reader and amateur, in raising ornamental fish.

Many people prefer to raise fish at home for the purpose of decoration and increasing the beauty of the home’s appearance, or entertainment.

Among these fish are ornamental fish that are distinguished by their beauty and ease of reproduction, as they are easy to reproduce.  Obtaining it at home, but it requires a lot of care to preserve it, and in this article we will present to you how to raise ornamental fish.

fish farming

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 Types of ornamental fish:

 There are different types of ornamental fish, including:

 Gold gold

 Dexas fish:

 It is distinguished by the beauty of its colors and beautiful shape, but it requires suitable water for swimming, medium lighting, and a wide space.


 These fish are social and tend to blend in with other fish, and they can also clean the bottom of the aquarium from the dirt and sediments present in it.

Which fish is best for farming?

 Angel fish:

 It is considered one of the most beautiful peaceful and streamlined ornamental fish while swimming in the water.

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 Viviparous fish:

 These fish are distinguished by the fact that they keep their young in their mouths and are famous for their social nature, because they live with other types of fish, and are distinguished by their ability to devour aquarium waste.

fish farming

 Birth fish

  Among its types:

  Gopi, Molly, Platty. 

These fish are distinguished by not placing their eggs in the tank, but rather by keeping them inside their mouths until they hatch.

 Fish Angel: It is one of the most beautiful ornamental fish, and is distinguished by its blessings in water.

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 What are the specifications of an aquarium :

 To choose a designated aquarium very carefully, there are two types of aquariums:

mega fish farms international

Fry of fish

al-fayrouz fish farm

 Glass basin :

  It is the most common aquarium, known for its heavy weight, and the acrylic aquarium, which is made of a strong, transparent plastic material, 

It is famous for its beautiful shape compared to the glass basin, but it has some disadvantages, such as its high cost and ease of exposure to scratching.

It is recommended to choose a basin that can be covered to prevent pollutants from entering it, in addition to containing a water filter, 

And other tools for cleaning the sink

 Transparent plastic aquarium:

  This sink is nice in shape compared to a glass sink, but it's notoriously easily scratched, as well as expensive..

ghalioun fish farm

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 What is the nature of the plants in the aquarium:

 When deciding to raise ornamental fish, it should also be taken into account that there are plants and herbs inside the tank, which give it a beautiful shape and appearance, along with the fish, It also acts as a line of defense to protect small fish from predation by large fish. 

It is also considered a food source for some fish when food is not available in appropriate quantities in the aquarium 

These plants also take in an amount of nitrate and carbon as a result of the breathing process carried out by the fish in the water, then convert them into oxygen gas for the ornamental fish to breathe.

 How do ornamental fish feed :

 Requires feeding of ornamental fish

Food can be provided for these fish by purchasing them from fish food stores and feeding them some worms once a week.

It is also necessary to avoid increasing the amount of food provided to the fish, 

Because it leads to contamination of the basin and thus its death from contamination with a degree of care and experience, as the amounts of food provided to it must be balanced, so that this does not cause its illness or death,

 Therefore, a set of standards must be taken into account when feeding ornamental fish to preserve their lives,

Types of fish farming

Pond system fish farming

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which are as follows:

 The food allocated to it must be obtained from stores that sell it, and avoid feeding it with home-based foods so as not to cause contamination of the aquarium and cause diseases in the fish.

 Ornamental fish should be fed live worms at least once every week, taking into account that the fish's food is out of the hands of children.

 One individual must feed these fish to avoid a difference in feeding times.

fish farming

Milk fish


 How do ornamental fish reproduce:

 These fish can reproduce in two ways:

 Fish give birth to their young alive through internal pollination or lay eggs from which the young emerge upon completion of the incubation period.

This is called external pollination,

 The first method is characterized by the fact that after birth, children can search for food and swim easily.  As for the egg method, it requires waiting until the children leave in the period between seven and ten days until it becomes fully developed.

 Fish requirements vary in both methods; In the first method, fish can reproduce easily, while in the second method of reproduction, fish need to scatter some grasses or pebbles on their eggs for the male to pollinate them.

 How do ornamental fish take care of their young:

 Fish differ among themselves in the way they care for their young and eggs, as there are fish that do their best to protect their young as much as possible, while there are types of fish that devour all of them and their eggs as well. 

Fish that give.

 birth to small fish are also known to devour them, so these eggs or young must be placed away from the aquarium and transported to another aquarium equipped with food, clean water, and herbs, Then these young can search for food easily, without large fish getting in their way.

Until they come out to life without laying their eggs in the tank, including platy and goby fish.

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 What diseases do ornamental fish encounter :

 These fish can suffer from some diseases or health problems, including:

 Her skin was infected with the fungus:

 The fungus spreads on the skin of fish in the form of spots with a lumbar texture.

This can be treated by using mushroom-resistant salix, applying a mild iodine solution to it, or supplying 1% of the aquarium water%  Of potassium dichromate.

 Her eyes are infected with the fungus:

 The fish's eyes are covered with white mushrooms, and this can be treated by providing its tank with 1% potassium dichromate solution.

 Fish tail corrosion:

 This can also be remedied by placing 10 milligrams of oromycin in an aquarium vase.

 White dot disease:

 Some ornamental fish become infected with this disease, which leads to their loss of appetite, their movement becomes slow, and their stomachs swell.

This can be treated by setting the temperature in the aquarium water at 27 degrees Celsius, 

Therefore, there must be a scale that is used to measure the temperature of the acid.

If its percentage is less than the required degree, a heater is used to raise that percentage to the appropriate degree,

 However, if it is higher than the normal average temperature at which fish live, a cooling device must be used to preserve it to preserve the life of these fish and protect them from cold or heat.

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 Fungal infection

 The fungus appears on the body of the fish in the form of a bite with a lumbar texture, and can be treated with antifungal salix, preparing a light iodine solution, and placing it on its body, or by adding 1٪ 

Potassium dichromate in aquarium water.

 Fungal eye infection

 The fish eye becomes covered with white foam and can be treated by injecting a 1% potassium dichromate solution into its tank.

 Fish tail erosion

 Fishtail erosion can be treated by adding ten milligrams of oromycin to the tank's aquarium.

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With my best wishes



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