What are 10 facts about cats?





 Domestic cats:

  The usual cats are known as domestic cats, and they are a member of the feline family, as they are the smallest member of this family, and they are also considered a type of carnivore 

Cats first appeared in the early Paleocene era.

House cats are characterized by their low, drooping bodies and long tails that help them balance.


What are 10 facts about cats?
?What are 10 facts about cats

Characteristics of the Bombay cat

Cats also have a great ability to hunt,

 The reason for this is due to their specialized claws and teeth, which help them catch prey.

Cats are also known for their agility, strength, and speed of movement.

The average weight of cats ranges from 2.7 to 4.5 kg,

The average length of males is about 71.1 cm, while the average length of females is about 50.8 cm.

Below, we will talk about methods of training cats.


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 Cat breeds :

 Before talking about methods of training cats, cat breeds will be identified, as the International Cat Association recognizes the existence of 71 unified breeds, while the World Cat Organization recognizes the existence of only 44 breeds, 

The International Cat Federation recognizes the existence of 43 breeds, and below some cat breeds will be mentioned:

applaws cat 

 Breed Country Hair Length

 The Aegean cat of Greece is almost long 

 American pigtail cat USA long or short

 American poptail USA long or short

  Aphrodite's giant cat Cyprus is long or short

  Australian Mist Cat Australia Short

 Bengal cat USA short

 Berman France is almost long

  Bombay USA short cat

  Burmese Burmese short cat

 British cat uk long

 Egyptian Mau Egypt Short

 Maine Coon USA is long

 The UK Manx breed is long or short

How many cats left? 

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  Cat reproduction :

 Cats reproduce by birth, and the mating season for cats begins with the beginning of spring and ends with fall.

The male cat attracts the female by sound or fights with other males to obtain her،  The average gestation period for cats is 64 to 67 days, and the female cat gives birth to one to six young at a time.

The young cats are completely blind and furless, and the mother takes care of them and breastfeeds them. 

Within approximately ten days, the eyes of young cats open and hair begins to grow on their bodies and they begin to move away from their mother.

At the age of six to seven weeks, the young separate from their mother and begin their lives independently. 

A person can take her to live in his home after feeding her against diseases, 

It can be sterilized to limit its reproduction, or the person who took it does not want to perform future births, or to engage in undesirable behaviors related to reproduction.

The average age of cats is from 20 to 30 years. 

It is a good companion for the elderly; Because how to raise cats is an easy thing that many people may master. 

What is a pet cat called?

Why are cats called cats?

?What is the proper way to raise a cat 

  Cats as pets :

 Before talking about methods of training cats, we can talk about cats as pets, as cats are among the most popular animals among humans, as they have an independent personality in addition to their soft texture and clean bodies,

They are also known as friendly animals and have wide attractiveness.

Cats are usually curious but not adventurous, and cats are known as animals that do not prefer routine fluctuations،  She enjoys accompanying and raising other cats with her from a young age, but when strange cats are introduced into the house suddenly, tension, aggression, and many behavioral problems can arise against foreign cats,

  The behavior of cats also varies depending on the gender of the cat and the breed from which it descends, as some breeds are known to be calm while other breeds are known to be active and mobile.

  How to raise cats:

  Cats can be raised as pets inside the home and cared for with ease because they are animals that are not afraid to approach humans, and after choosing the appropriate and preferred type of cat.

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  The following steps can be followed to learn how to raise cats as pets as


 1-Before starting to explain how to raise cats, it is necessary to talk about vaccinating cats against infectious diseases before bringing them into the home, and the necessity of having a vaccination card with them to know the upcoming vaccination dates.

 2-Choosing a calm and clean cat is better than choosing a ferocious or aggressive cat, and this is important for the safety of children and furniture inside the home.

 3-Paying attention to the cat’s food and feeding him appropriate foods, such as meat and some vegetables.

There are ready-made dry foods that are sold in pet stores and which must be chosen in proportion to the nutrients that cats need.

 4-Place a box of dirt or healthy sand inside the house, and train the cat to use it to get rid of its waste instead of defecating anywhere he finds inside the house. 

Training cats to use specific scratching areas at home instead of using carpets and curtains, which cats do to clean and sharpen the claw.

 5-Maintaining the cleanliness of cats by washing them with the soap and water designated for them and drying their fur once a week, as they are among the animals that maintain the cleanliness of their bodies by constantly licking themselves.

  6-Combing cat fur using a special comb, in order to maintain its arrangement and cleanliness and to increase harmony between the person raising cats and cats.

7-Finding cats in a calm position and their tendency to sleep a lot is evidence that they are infected with the disease.

Taking them to the nearest animal care center and examining them to ensure their health and giving them the appropriate medication is the ideal solution.

 8-There is no need for large expenses while raising cats, as they can eat the home meals provided to them, and this makes how to raise cats easy for all people of different ages.

9-Methods of training cats Researchers have found that cats have accompanied humans as pets for more than 9 thousand years.

However, the process of training cats can be difficult,

 You must have some patience to get a trained pet cat.

  Below we will talk about methods of training cats:

  Methods of training cats to use a litter box:

 Place the litter box in a quiet and nearby place.

 Place the cat inside the litter box shortly after eating.

 Maintaining the cleanliness of the waste box constantly.

 Providing rewards when the cat uses the waste bin when he needs it.

 Do not punish the cat when he secretes waste out of the box.

 Lock the cat inside a room with one litter box if necessary.

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 Ways to train cats not to bite and scratch:

 Withdrawing from playing with your cat when you notice him using his teeth or nails to learn that these behaviors are not desirable.

 Respect the cat's wishes and not disturb him, as he must withdraw if the cat wants to remain alone.

 Providing some toys for the cat, such as balls or a stuffed rodent, such as mice.

  Spray menthol or citrus scents on furniture to prevent the cat from scratching it, as cats hate the smell of these compounds.

 Spray cats with water if they continue to scratch and bite using a spray bottle.

 Ways to train a cat not to jump over furniture:

 Remove different types of food, especially cat food, from furniture and tables.  Keep the cat's plate on the floor when eating food and place it inside the sink when it is finished.

  Place a double-sided adhesive on high surfaces so that your cat will associate these surfaces with an annoying feeling in the future.

 Providing alternatives to climbing by purchasing some cat climbing products that can be placed anywhere.

 Lock the cat in the bedroom or toilet if he continues to climb onto the kitchen surfaces while preparing food.

 Ways to train cats to do tricks :

 Cats can be trained to do many tricks like other pets, but due to the cat's independent personalities, this can be a bit difficult, as it requires a lot of patience and perseverance, 

Below we will talk about ways to train cats to perform a number of tricks:

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  Learn how to train a cat:

  Buy a number of cat stimulating foods, such as chicken, tuna, and dry foods.  Giving the cat a snack to attract his attention, taking care not to force him if he does not want to learn, as it requires patience.

 Train your cat using cat tapping devices or using pens that make a clicking sound, so that the cat performs a trick when he hears the clicking sound.

  Make sure to repeat the training sessions while keeping them short and teaching one trick at a time.

 Make your cat repeat the tricks he learned 5-10 times in a row while giving him snacks every time.

 Do not use words until the cat has mastered the trick, after which he can associate the word "sit" with the trick he has learned, for example.

 Do not punish the cat if he does not learn the trick.

  How to train a cat to sit:

 When the cat is standing on its four legs, the trainer raises a snack in front of the cat’s face and slowly moves it between its ears, where most cats will follow the movement of the hand and lower their buttocks to pick up the meal, 

After sitting there, the coach gives her the meal, and even if she does not, she must give it to her.

  How to train a cat to come when it is called by its name:

 This trick must be taught at usual eating times.

The trainer only has to call the cat by his name and then click on the food bowl.

When the cat comes, he gives him a stimulating meal alongside his food.

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  How to train a cat to shake hands:

 The trainer must sit in front of the cat and gently touch his palm.

When the cat raises his palm from the ground, the trainer grabs the palm and shakes it slightly, thus giving him a small reward.  Diseases that affect cats Knowing how to raise cats requires knowing the diseases that may affect cats, and observing the symptoms that appear in cats, such as red eyes, itching, falling hair, or diarrhea, This is in order to treat cats and take them to the nearest health center for examination by the veterinarian specializing in such matters. 

  Diseases that may affect cats include the following:

  Acute infections.

  Infection with parasites such as fleas.

 Infections with internal parasites such as tapeworms.

  Chronic diseases such as kidney diseases, thyroid diseases, and arthritis.

  Cat influenza, otolaryngitis viruses.

  Cat leukemia.  These diseases can be easily transmitted to humans, so caution must be taken when dealing with cats that show symptoms of the disease.

So that a person is not infected with it.

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With my best wishes



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