What are 10 facts about camels?



Strange information about sentences

 Camel animal:

  The camel is a mammal that belongs to the order of artiodactyla, which belongs to the camelid family.

It is distinguished by its long legs and large snout, and is famous for having a fat-storing hump on its back called a hump.

 The sentences include two main types, as shown below:

Where do camels live?

What does the mean?

What are 10 facts about camels?
?What are 10 facts about camels

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 Dromedary :

 (Dromedary camel) is a species that has one hump.  Bactrian camel is a species that has two humps.

 The camel adapts to the desert environment through its use of fats stored in the hump when water and food are not available.

It also has a third eyelid and two rows of long eyelashes that protect its eyes from the sand،  It can also close its nose to prevent sand from entering it.

  Strange information about sentences :

 The most prominent information about the camel animal is the


  He can drink 0.18 m³ of water at once.

The camel maintains its humidity in the desert by drinking large amounts of water when the opportunity allows it to do so 

It can drink approximately 0.18 m³ of water at once.

  Its numbers exceed more than 14 million camels.

There are more than 14 million camels in the world.

Most of them can be found in Asia, Australia, and the Middle East.

What is special about camels?

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 His body can lose 25% of water without becoming dehydrated

 All mammals, including humans, can lose approximately 15% of their body water before becoming dehydrated, but camels are the only mammal whose body can lose 25%  of water before it becomes dehydrated, so it is able to live for a long time without water.

ragraph about camel

Adaptation of camel

 A camel spits when it feels threatened :

 Some people believe that sentences spit only for fun, but this is not true, as sentences spit when they feel threatened, and therefore others must treat them kindly in order to treat them the same way.

Words used by the Arabs on the horse

 The wild-humped camel is one of the harshest types:

  The wild-humped camel is a very tough animal to handle, and it is the only type of camel that has not been domesticated or tamed, Less than a thousand camels currently live in the wastelands of East Asia. 

Management of camel

Camel in desert 

  Its hair reflects sunlight :

 The camel maintains its body temperature through its hair that covers its body.

Although it appears to be a dense cooper, it can reflect sunlight, making it an ideal cover in the desert environment.

 It can run at a speed of 64.37 km/h:

  The average speed of a natural camel is 40.23 km/h, but it can run very fast for a short period of up to 64.37 km/h.

Bactrian camel

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 Baby camels are born without a hump:

  The period of camel birth is the only period in which camels can be seen without a hump, as young camels are born without a hump, and when they reach an age where they can eat solid materials, the hump begins to grow gradually.

  Water is not stored in its hump:

  Many people believe that a camel stores water in its hump, but on the contrary, it does not store water in its hump, but rather uses it only to store fat, 

Which transforms when water and energy are needed to enable it to survive, as a camel that stores a large amount of fat in its hump can keep it alive for two weeks without water or food.

Information about camel 

 Benefits of camel hump:

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 Camel hump:

  The camel is nicknamed the Desert Ship, and it is one of the few animals that can adapt and live in the desert for long periods without the need for water or food, due to the composition of its body, 

The camel has a water storehouse at its stomach, and on its back is a hump in which food is stored in the form of grease.

It is worth noting that the use of hump grease has emerged in folk medicine to treat many problems،  Which we will explain to you in this article.

  Benefits of camel hump :

 There are many benefits of grease extracted from camel hump on the human body.

 as they can be included in the following points

  Pain relief for hemorrhoids, as this is done by applying a quantity of camel hump fat to the hemorrhoid after dissolving it.

 Treating intestinal problems and disorders, and getting rid of the only worm that may be present in the intestines.

 If the melted camel hump fat is applied to the body, it moisturizes it and treats its dryness.  Getting rid of sagging in the body, especially for postpartum women in the abdominal area, in addition to sagging resulting from losing excess weight, in the hands, neck, etc.areas.

 Treating joint pain and rheumatism, in addition to muscle tension, because it works to relax them and get rid of cramps in general.  Lighten skin color and make it white before, without the need to use chemical lightening creams or products.

 Increasing sexual ability in men, as it increases erection and sexual desire.

 Treating respiratory infections, specifically asthma, by eating it on an empty stomach.

 Treating cracking and dryness problems in the feet, especially the heel area.

 Camel hump grease is considered one of the natural home remedies for multiple hair problems, because it works to nourish the hair from the roots to the ends, and thus it becomes stronger and stops falling out or splitting.

 Increase in hair density and softness, in addition to treating baldness problems, specifically in men.

It is used after melting it over a low heat, and massaging the hair twice a week, This is half an hour before showering.

  After marriage and childbirth, some women suffer from the problem of widening the vaginal opening, as the hump grease narrows it, by applying it to the area for 20 days.

 It is recommended for people who suffer from thinness and want to gain weight to eat hump grease.  Recipes for camel hump lard.

Camel lard is included in many recipes, including:

  Camel hump recipe for asthma:

 Mix an amount of melted hump fat with a little honey, eat it on an empty stomach, and before going to sleep on a daily basis, and it is possible to replace honey with an amount of cress.

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 Camel hump recipe for hair:

  Dissolve an amount of mountain tallow over a low heat until it becomes like oil, and then mix it with a little olive oil or coconut oil, It can also be mixed with any favorite hair cream for hair treatment, as it is applied to the month twice a week, until the desired result is obtained.   

Camel hump recipe for fattening: This is done by mixing equal amounts of melted hump fat and flax seeds with sesame and peanuts, and twice the amount of almonds, with an appropriate amount of melted chocolate.

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