Follow information about the polar bear




Follow exciting information about the polar bear


  Polar bear warms quickly:

 You'd think that with all this diving into Arctic waters, a polar bear might get cold from time to time, but since the bear's body tolerates extreme cold on a regular basis, 

In fact, it faces the opposite problem, as the bear heats up very easily, and the bear is more likely to die from heat than it lives in, Two layers of fur and a solid layer of body fat (up to 4.5 inches thick) maintain a constant metabolic rate when temperatures reach -34 degrees Fahrenheit, 

It can run at speeds of up to 30 miles per hour if necessary.

Follow information about the polar bear
Follow information about the polar bear
The polar bear cannot spend a lot of time chasing its prey for fear of its temperature rising, as the bear's body can rise in temperature if the bear moves too quickly  

On the ground, it usually walks at three miles per hour, and its main hunting technique involves staying still for hours or days at a time

waiting for a seal to emerge from the ice to breathe.

polar bear

What are 5 interesting facts about polar bears?

What are details about a polar bear?

  Polar bear mating with grizzly bear:

 In addition to changing its travel patterns, climate change is changing the love life of the polar bear.

Since the polar bear crossing the ice is forced to spend more time in the tundra, 

Its ranges have begun to overlap with those of grizzly bears, and in some places the two species feel more comfortable with each other, leading to emotional outcomes, 

In Alaska and western Canada, grizzly bears and polar bears reproduce more, resulting in hybrid offspring.

polar bear

What polar bears eat?

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  Polar bear grows a lot in the first few months:

 At birth, the polar bear weighs approximately 16 to 24 ounces, and the newborn polar bear is blind and toothless, and is only one foot long, 

But by the time he first came out of his den about four months later he had become significantly larger, weighing between 22 and 33 pounds, and in addition to breastfeeding, 

He starts eating solid food around that time, and by 8 months he will weigh 100 pounds or more.

Are polar bears special?

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   Polar bear has huge feet:

 In order to balance the ice, the polar bear has giant feet, can reach 12 inches in diameter, and works like snowshoes to distribute its weight over thin ice and deep snow, 

Rugged papillae (such as those on your tongue) on foot pads help hold ice, preventing it from slipping,

It also has long, curved claws that can reach approximately 4 inches in length, which helps it catch slippery seals.

information about the polar bear

  The polar bear does not hibernate:

 While black bears, grizzly bears, and other bear species spend each winter hiking, giving up eating, drinking, moving, defecating, and urinating for months on end, the polar bear remains active throughout the winter, 

The polar bear does not need to sleep during the winter, because there is a lot of food available to it in the colder months, and the only exception is during pregnancy, when the female polar bear digs a den and stays inside it, 

They survive their fat stores until their young grow old enough to survive outdoors.

Polar bear cartoon

Why is the polar bear Endangered

  Polar bear loves to nap during snowstorms:

 The polar bear may not hibernate, but it is happy to lie on the ground when bad weather occurs, and during the winter it digs shallow holes in the snow to protect itself from the wind, 

Sometimes it remains there for days as snow accumulates on top of it like a warm blanket, and sometimes, it digs through the tundra down to permafrost during the summer to avoid overheating.

information about the polar bear

What polar bear eat

Polar bear

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  Polar bear is very difficult to track:

 Given the distance that the polar bear travels in walking and swimming over the course of a given year, you can imagine how difficult it is for scientists to track the polar bear, and by its nature, it spends a long time alone in remote places, 

Scientists use boats, helicopters and low-flying aircraft to monitor it, but this only works in good weather and in certain locations, and recently, polar bear monitoring has turned to satellites, Scientists have installed non-surgical radio collars for the bear and tracked it through high-resolution satellite images, which is cheaper than sending a helicopter,    

Which allows researchers to identify polar bears even in remote areas of the Arctic.

What are 5 interesting facts about polar bears?

  Polar bear's nose closes while swimming:

 The polar bear does not have to worry about water reaching his nose.

When he swims, he closes his nose to prevent him from breathing in the water, as he can swim at depths of up to 15 feet،  While he usually dives for only a few seconds, he can hold his breath for more than two minutes, enabling him to sneak up on seals resting on floating ice, and in 2015،  Scientists reported observing the polar bear diving, breaking the record of 3 minutes and 10 seconds, and the hungry bear chased three seals from afar،  It swims approximately 150 feet underwater without floating on the surface to catch its breath or to redirect itself to the seal site before emerging from the water where one of the seals was resting.

What are details about a polar bear?

What polar bears eat?

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  Polar bears can turn green in captivity:

 Although the polar bear is sometimes known as the white bear, it is not white, and its hair is colorless and hollow،  It only appears white because of the way light spreads through its fur (under that mass of hair its skin is as black as its nose) when a bear is exposed to warmer temperatures in captivity،  However, it can take on a little green due to the polar bear's infection with algae and not just on the outer layer of its fur, and colorful algae grow inside the hollow tube of each hair،  This green growth thrives in humid climates such as Singapore where the bear does not live normally.

Are polar bears special?

  A polar bear will never meet a penguin:

 Although you may see polar bears and penguins together in some ads, the

 two species never mix in real life, as they live in opposite areas on either end of the Earth, 

Although they spend their days in icy waters, polar bears live exclusively in the Arctic, and penguins only live in the Southern Hemisphere, But they can only meet at the same zoo.

Adaptation of polar bear

Polar bear habitat

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  Europeans have kept the polar bear in captivity since the 13th century:

 The captive polar bear has aroused public curiosity since the Middle Ages, when bears were sometimes given to European kings by Viking traders, and in the 13th century when Henry III kept one in London،  He was gagged and chained but allowed to fish and swim in the Thames, and in the 17th century, Frederick I of Prussia kept a deformed polar bear with its claws removed،  He conducted public battles between the bear and other large mammals for 

public entertainment.


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