Eurasian jay



Eurasian jay


What are some interesting facts about Eurasian jays? 

Comprehensive information about this bright bird and its environmental importance

 Eurasian jay shape

It is a relatively small crow, and the pair are similar in shape, and the female

 is often larger .

The length of the 34 – bird is 35 cm, and it weighs an average of 170 grams .

Its body is covered in reddish-brown color, and the throat is white with a black mustache on the face .

The tail is black, and there are complex, shiny feathers on the wings.

They are prominent blue in color with black and white spots .

The Eurasian jay belongs to the passerine order in the Corvidae family.

It lives in a wide area extending from Western Europe and northwest Africa

Eurasian jay
Eurasian jay

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The Eurasian jay belongs to the order of passerines in the Corvidae family.

It lives in a wide area extending from Western Europe and Northwest Africa, to the Indian subcontinent, the eastern coast of Asia, and Southeast Asia .

eurasian jay call

eurasian jay habitat

eurasian jay bird


The Eurasian jay prefers to live in densely wooded forests, where trees are vital to their tree lifestyle.

While this bird has the habit of burying oak fruits in the dirt, oak trees are an important feature of its habitat.

It also prefers pine forests, which provide it with the best nesting places . 

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The Eurasian jay is active during the day and is primarily a tree bird, but it also feeds on the ground.

While it is considered a non-migratory species, which lives in groups.

The jay makes many sounds, and the most distinctive call is the high call that is used when seeing predators.

It is also famous for imitating the sounds of other birds in its environment, such as the voice of the eagle and the northern goshawk . 

eurasian jay range

eurasian jay wings

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Ant pigeon

The Eurasian jay bathes “ ants” when the appropriate type of ants is available.

The bird jumps on a large flock of ants and rubs its body, tail and wings to the ground so that the ants cover the bird’s entire body.

While the reason for this behavior is to clean its feathers from insects and parasites.

Ants secrete fluids containing chemicals such as formic acid, which can act as an insecticide for lice and a fungicide ، And bactericidal .

eurasian jay uk

eurasian jay folklore

eurasian jay japan

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Eurasian jays are carnivorous and opportunistic birds that eat almost everything they can find.

They feed on insects, worms, lizards, small rodents, small birds and their eggs.

They also feed on carrion, fruits, seeds and nuts . 

Burying oak fruits

Oak fruits make up the bulk of its diet.

In the fall, the Eurasian jay buries oak fruits.

These birds rely heavily on food stored from May to July when they feed their young.

One bird can hide from 4,500 – 11,000 acorns and use its memory to determine their location after 10 months . 


Many animals prey on the Eurasian jay, including cats, birds of prey, and small predatory wild animals.

Cats and birds of prey eat eggs and young.

While adult birds are mainly hunted by birds of prey .

Where are Eurasian jays found?

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eurasian jay female

eurasian jay male 

Eurasian jay breeding

It reproduces once a year in the spring, usually in the months of March and April, and the male chooses one female who will be his partner.

The male begins to dance and make tones to attract the female, and also provides food to her.

When the female accepts it, both spouses participate in building the nest.

It is built in the tops of trees, and is in the form of a cup made of sticks and lined with animal feathers and hair .

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Eggs and care for young

The female lays 3 – 6 pale olive-brown eggs covered with fine dark spots.

Both parents lie on the eggs for 18 days.

After that, the eggs hatch and the young emerge naked and blind, and they are able to leave the nest after 23 days.

But they still depend on their parents, as they become independent from their parents after 40 days, and reach sexual maturity after two years . 

eurasian jay feather

eurasian jay male female

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Facts about the Eurasian jay

The oldest bird in terms of age, it was recorded in Britain at the age of 16 years and 9 months .

He imitates sounds according to his emotional state in which he first heard the sound.

When threatened, he imitates the warning sounds made by a magpie or owl, but when relaxed he may imitate the sounds of birds or human whistles .

It performs many functions that benefit the ecosystems in which it inhabits, as it contributes to the spread and distribution of oak fruits when it buries them and leaves them in the ground . 

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eurasian jay map 

eurasian jay diet

Choose to collect and bury viable and undamaged oak.

They also prefer to store oak in places where sunlight reaches it

A study was conducted in Sweden on the role of the jay in spreading oak fruits.

The study concluded that if the role of this bird in spreading fruits is abandoned, this will cost them about 125 thousand – 751 thousand US dollars, for each garden with an area of 27,000,000 square meters that is grown by humans .


With my best wishes


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