




Elephant :

It is considered the largest wild animal, and its size does not exceed its size

 in all living organisms except some types of whales.

It is the second longest type of animal after the giraffe.

The elephant is also distinguished by its distinctive nose, which is the long proboscis that the elephant uses as one of its limbs, as it uses it to eat and drink.


Poisonous and non-venomous snakes 

The elephant also has a strong sense of smell.

Very much, the elephant uses its long proboscis to examine the air and smell things around it, and the elephant has the largest ear among all animals .


Description of the elephant:

The elephant is a very strong and highly intelligent animal.

The elephant can carry the trunk of a tree and walk with it using its fangs and trunk.

The elephant weighs about 6 tons and the height of the elephant reaches 3.5 meters.

The elephant is a plant animal that feeds on tree leaves and herbs ، Because of its huge size, the elephant feeds on very large amounts of food, to the point that the time the elephant eats its food throughout the day exceeds 16 hours a day, as the elephant eats approximately 300 kilograms of greenery.

The elephant’s skin is thick and wrinkled and the elephant’s eyesight is weak

 The elephant's feet are round and wide and end with thick slippers.


It has four toes on the front legs and three toes on the back feet.

The elephant has two ivory tusks .

 The average lifespan of an elephant is 90 years, and the female elephant’s gestation period is about 22 months, which is the longest gestation period for any wild animal.

The young elephant weighs about 100 kilograms in the valley.

It is worth noting that the baby elephant is blind during the first years after birth.

The elephant is the closest animal to a human in terms of Feelings: As we said, the elephant is the smartest type of animal, the weight of the elephant’s brain reaches 5 kilograms and it has a great ability to express About his feelings, as the elephant shows signs of joy and sadness, as studies conducted by scientists have proven that the elephant’s brain has a part of the brain responsible for emotion and feelings .

Why are elephants so special?

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 The elephant is also similar to a human in that when a whistling elephant is born, it does not have teeth like a human.

Then the elephant’s sleep duration appears daily from two to three hours only a day, and it spends the rest of the day searching for and eating food.

It is also strange that when the elephant dies, the rest of the

members of the herd By digging a large hole in which they place the elephant and showing signs of sadness due to the death of one of the herd members,

The elephant herds consist of 10 individuals, and there is the elephant leading each herd.

The elephants communicate with each other through sounds, and the elephant can hear the sounds of other elephants from several kilometers away thanks to its large, sensitive ears, which are able to hear the most accurate sounds.

It has brown teeth and falls out, and strong teeth grow after that .

What are 4 facts about elephants?

The importance of elephants:

Elephants perform important natural functions; For example, they help transform tree areas into open areas because they are fed by trees and other plants.

Many animals prefer to live in open environments.

Elephants also dig dry riverbeds until they reach the water below the surface, and this provides drinking water for other animals.

As elephants move through tree areas, they work to form corridors used by other animals, such as rhinos and zebras.

What are 5 things elephants eat?

Anaconda is the largest and heaviest snake in the world

Elephant body: 

The internal anatomy of the female African elephant.

And some of its internal organs that resemble the organs of other mammals, but are much larger than them.

For example, the size of an elephant’s heart is five times the size of a human heart and fifty times heavier than it.

What does an elephant do? 

Skin and hair

Elephants have thick, soft, gray skin that sometimes hangs in the form of flabby folds.

The thickness of the skin of a fully developed elephant is about 3 cm, and it weighs about 900 kg.

Some insects, including flies, can bite it.

The elephant's skin does not contain sweat glands, and therefore it must cool its body by other means.

It may get rid of its body heat by relaxing its huge ears or sprinkling water on its body.

Elephants' bodies also remain cold after wallowing in the mud, as this mud dries up on the skin.

Then it blocks the sun's rays.

At birth, the body of elephants is covered with scattered brown, black, or brown hair that tends to red, then gradually disappears as they grow older.

A fully developed elephant is almost hairless except for dormouses around the ears, eyes, and mouth.

There is also a dense bundle of hair at the end of the tail.

Where elephant live

Paragraph about elephant

Asian elephant

African elephant

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The elephant's proboscis consists of a strong, bone-free mass of parenchyma, consisting of a nose and an upper lip.

The length of a fully developed elephant's proboscis is about 1.5 meters and weighs 140 kg.

The elephant smells and breathes through its trunk.

It also uses it to eat and drink.

It sips water and sprays it over its body to bathe.

A fully developed elephant can draw about 6 liters of water with its trunk.

The elephant holds things with its trunk in almost the same way that a person uses his hand.

The hose can carry a weight of up to 270 kg.

The elephant can also pick up small things with its trunk, such as a piece of currency, for example.

The elephant also uses its trunk as a means of communication with other elephants.

When two elephants greet each other, Each of them places the tip of his trunk in the other's mouth.

The mother wipes her young with her hose to entertain them.

Young males play wrestling with hoses، The elephant also protects its trunk during a real fight by wrapping it under its chin.

Information about elephant

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Fangs and teeth

Elephant tusks are long, and their hooked upper teeth are called incisors, and they are made of ivory.

Two-thirds of each tusk extends outside the upper jaw, and the remaining part remains inside the skull.

Elephants use their tusks to dig in search of food as well as in combat.

The tusks can carry and lift a weight weighing about a ton.

One metric.

A newborn elephant has brown fangs, each of which does not exceed 5 centimeters.

These fangs fall when the elephant reaches two years of age, and are replaced by permanent fangs throughout the animal’s life.

Elephants also have four molars (back teeth).The length of the molars in a fully developed elephant reaches 30 cm and weighs 4 kg.

These teeth have serrated tips that help grind food.

There is one molar on each side of the jaws, while the rest of the molars are located behind the mouth.

The front molars gradually wear out.

Then they fall out, causing the back molars to rush to take their place.

The elephant grows six sets of molars during its life stages. Each group consists of four teeth.

The last group appears when the animal is about 40 years old.

Baby elephant

Indian elephant

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Legs and feet

The elephant's legs resemble the shape of columns, while its feet are circular.

Each foot has a beast pad.

The foot expands under the influence of the elephant's weight, but shrinks when it raises it.

The elephant may dive deep into the mud, but it is able to pull its leg easily because the feet become smaller when raised. 


The proboscis provides a unique sense of smell, on which the elephant relies more than other senses.

Elephants from time to time raise their hoses high in the air, to pick up the scent of food or an enemy 1.5 km away.

Elephants have a good sense of hearing, and their huge ears pick up the sounds of other animals at a distance of more than 3 km.

An elephant's ears stand up if a sound triggers it.

The sense of touch is located at the sensitive end of the elephant's trunk.

The elephant can determine the shape of objects if they are smooth or rough, hot or cold.

Elephants have weak eyesight, are color blind, and their eyes are small relative to the huge size of the head.

An elephant cannot completely turn its head; Therefore, he sees the things that lie in front of him and on his sides, and he must rotate completely until he sees what is behind him. 

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Types of elephants 

The differences between the African elephant and the Indian elephant.

These two main types of elephants differ in size, mood, and body composition.

The African elephant, for example, has a larger body, is more ferocious, and is characterized by two larger tusks.

The drawing shows the various physical differences between the two types. 

African bush elephant (savanna)

It is larger in size than the Indian elephant and is distinguished by the shape of its larger ears, which resemble the continent of Africa.

It can also be distinguished by its slanted back and not convex like the Indian elephant.

African elephants are more ferocious and therefore not easy to train.

There is also another reason, which is that the African elephant did not receive attention in order to train it as well.

The Indian elephant enjoyed it،

In Africa, the large female leads the herds, not the males, as she leads the way from places of food to places of drinking, food, and salt, which are extremely important to animals, and other herds join the herd, bringing the number to hundreds.

The elephant is distinguished from other animals by its long proboscis, which is an extension of its nose and acts as an arm for humans, because its upper and lower limbs are muscular appendages that work like fingers, so much so that the elephant can hold a small grain "with its fingers" metaphorically.

Elephants are also distinguished by their ivory tusks, which may reach sizes.

Large, which is considered expensive, and therefore elephants in Africa have been exposed to the risk of extinction due to hunting them in order to obtain their tusks.

Indian elephants

Characteristics of the Bombay cat 

Indian elephant 

It is found only in South and Southeast Asia.

It lives in the forests and jungles of some countries such as Burma, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam.

The back of Indian elephants is somewhat convex, slightly higher than the shoulder and rump.

The height of the male Indian elephant at the shoulders ranges from 2.7 – 3.2 metres.

It weighs about 3,600 kg.

The length of the largest Indian elephant reached 3.3 metres, while the height of the female Indian elephant is about 2.5 meters and weighs about 3,000 kg.

Most Indian elephants have pale gray skin, perhaps interspersed with pink or white spots.

The Indian elephant has two humps at the front of the head and directly above the ears.

The ears of the Indian elephant are half the size of the ears of the African elephant and do not cover the shoulders.

Most male Indian elephants have tusks that grow up to 1 – 1.5 metres.

However, some male Indian elephants are called macaws without tusks, and most females without them, some females have very short tusks. 

The skin of the Indian elephant's proboscis is softer than the skin of the African elephant's proboscis, and there is one fleshy protrusion at its tip in the form of a finger.

Most Indian elephants have five toes on each front foot and four on each back foot.

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