What is the most popular type of house cat?



                    ?What is the most popular type of house cat


types of cats

  Oriental Shorthair Cat:

Eastern cats are closely related to Siamese cats, but they have a calmer personality.

These cats have large pointed ears and a curious personality.

They are a type of intelligent and social cat, and will be very attached to their owners, 

Oriental cats can be a loyal and cheerful companion, and these cats can be loud and demanding, and in fact these cats play well with other pets and are also child-friendly.

The average weight of adult oriental cats ranges from 2.3 to 3.6 kilograms, and their average age is about 15 years

 This is despite the fact that they may be susceptible to dental problems and susceptible to a hereditary disease of the liver and kidneys called amyloidosis.

?How do you take care of a Shirazi cat

What is the most popular type of house cat?
?What is the most popular type of house cat

 Regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the oriental short-haired cat, they can be summarized in the following points:

What is the best type of cat to own?

shirazi cat

Do all shorthair cats shed?

  Features of the oriental short-haired cat:

Oriental cats are friendly to other pets

  Oriental cats are sociable and not afraid of strangers

Oriental cats do not need much care

  Oriental cats have a personality that loves to have fun and play

  Oriental cats are a great friend to children at home

  Disadvantages of the short-haired oriental cat:

Eastern cats are susceptible to congenital genetic diseases

Oriental cats are overactive and scratch heavily

  Oriental cats do not like loneliness

Are shorthair cats friendly?

Are shorthair cats cuddly?

Characteristics of the Bombay cat

  American Shorthair Cat:

 American Shorthair cats are sports cats that are descended from the British Shorthair cat breed, but they are larger, more agile, and stronger than their British counterparts, 

American short-haired cats come in a wide range of colors and shapes, and they are very long-lived cats, ranging in age from 15 to 20 years.

Which cat has the shortest hair?

 types of cats

 These American cats are very wonderful with children.

These cats are characterized by good health, and they are very social cats that are very gentle and easy to care for,

 Cleanliness is not a problem with this type of cat, which weighs between 3.6 and 6.8 kilograms, and males are usually larger than females.

The American cat has a calm and friendly personality.

It is ideal for any beginner who has never dealt with cat breeds before.

He is not an active cat, but at the same time he is not a lazy cat that does not move from his place,

  They are also friendly cats with Arabs and do not hide from them, but the American cat does not like to be picked up or hugged by anyone, but it likes to sit next to its owners,

 You can follow this video to learn more about this special cat.

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 Regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the American shorthair cat, they can be summarized in the following points:

types of cats

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  Features of the American Shorthair cat:

  The American cat is a good choice for beginners

  The American cat is cheerful and affectionate

  The American cat tolerates being alone

  The American cat copes well with other pets

  The American cat is easy to care for

Disadvantages of the American Shorthair cat:

  The American cat gains weight easily

Persian cat


Tabby cat

Maine Coon cat

Scottish Fold

  Berman cat:

The origin of this cat goes back to France, and the Berman cat is one of the beautiful, large, long and strong cats with long silky hair, but it is not as thick as the hair of the Shirazi cat. 

This cat is known for its blue eyes and dark spots on the ears, face, legs and tail, and is also characterized by its snow-white paws.

Are Birman cats cuddly?

 It is a cute, lovable cat that loves to play but can stay calm when you are busy, making it an ideal cat for families with children or other animals. 

The average weight of the Berman cat is about 3.6 - 5.4 kilograms, and the average age of the Berman cat ranges between 12 - 16 years.

It is a very healthy breed and does not suffer from hereditary or congenital diseases,

  However, it can get sick like other living organisms, so a visit to the vet can often be continued once a year to ensure that it does not suffer from any health problems.


 Regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the Berman cat, they can be summarized in the following points:

Are Birman cats cheap?

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Features of the Berman cat:

  Berman's cat is a very affectionate and lovable cat

  Berman's cat is one of the sober and flexible cats

  Berman cat can never learn tricks

  Berman's cat gets along well with other pets

Are Birman cats friendly?

Is A Birman cat rare?

  Berman cat flaws:

  Berman's cat is gaining weight easily 

  Berman cat needs a lot of grooming

  Berman's cat cannot be left alone for long periods

types of cats

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   Pharaonic cat:

The Pharaonic cat, also called the Sphinx cat, is not considered completely bald as it appears in the pictures, but the body of the Pharaonic cat has a fluff of soft, pink hair,

 This is what makes it very sensitive to the sun and chemicals, and this sensitivity is considered the reason why the Pharaonic cat is a type of cat that lives only inside the house and does not live in open places, and the Pharaonic cat is warm when touched.

It is a very beloved, lively, active and affectionate cat.

The Pharaonic cat has large, pointed ears and a curious nature, and therefore it is considered an enjoyable addition to any family, whether it has children or even other pets,

 The Pharaonic cat weighs between 3.6 - 6.8 kilograms, but being overweight can cause a serious health problem if there is no control, and the average age of the Pharaonic cat is between 8 - 14 years.

Despite its royal appearance, they are terrifying friends and sometimes act more like dogs than cats.

The Sphinx cat needs to play every once in a while, so if you are busy or absent for long periods, 

He will need another pet to not get bored.

Regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the Pharaonic cat, they can be summarized in the following points:

types of cats

How much does a pharaonic cat cost?

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Features of the Pharaonic cat:

The Pharaonic cat is a loyal, loving and cheerful cat

The Pharaonic cat copes well with other pets

The Pharaonic cat is well suited for people who hate cat hair or do not like to deal with it

  The Pharaonic cat is very intelligent and can be trained

- The Pharaonic cat does not suffer from hereditary or congenital health problems in general

Munchkin cat

Information about cats in English

Calico cat

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Disadvantages of the Pharaonic cat:

The Pharaonic cat cannot tolerate cold temperatures

  The Pharaonic cat is vulnerable to sunburn if exposed to strong, direct sunlight for long periods

  The Pharaonic cat is still allergic to the substances it secretes from its skin and saliva

types of cats

The Pharaonic cat has greasy skin and causes dirt in furniture

  The Pharaonic cat is very expensive due to its rarity and its price ranges between 1,500 - 4,000 dollars

  The Pharaonic cat needs to be bathed at regular intervals

  The Pharaonic cat needs a specific diet

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What is the pharaoh cat?

Ragdoll cat:

Owning a Ragdoll cat is about having a piece of happiness, their blue eyes captivate and attract the attention of animal breeders and even people who are not cat lovers alike, they are fun and sweet, social and beautiful, however,

 Everything that shines is not gold, as there are some defects that appear in this breed of cat as well.

The Ragdoll cat was given this name in the 1960s because of its constant relaxation.

The Ragdoll cat is a cute and gentle cat that often follows its owners from room to room,

 The Ragdoll cat is not good at defending itself and should not be allowed to roam the streets alone.

In fact, the cat is very careful not to use teeth and claws while playing, Which makes it very ideal with children

Is Ragdoll a lazy cat?

The Ragdoll cat is good with other animals as well, but it should not be left with aggressive animals due to its lack of self-defense.

The cat’s hair is thick and soft and needs to be cut regularly.

It is one of the largest types of cats, It is also calm, and the 

 weight of the Ragdoll cat ranges between 4.5 - 6.8 kilograms, but an adult cat can reach about 9 kilograms.

 Regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the Ragdoll cat, they can be summarized in the following points:

What are cons about Ragdoll cats?

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  Features of the Ragdoll cat:

  Rajdul cat is a very loyal and passionate cat

  Ragdoll cat is a super intelligent cat

  Ragdoll cat is a cat with a wonderful temperament.

He will enjoy hugging you and sleeping next to you

  Ragdoll cat never needs much care

  Ragdoll's cat, despite its long fur, does not fall off significantly

  Ragdoll cat is a family friendly cat

What is so special about Ragdoll cats?

Are Ragdolls expensive? 

  Disadvantages of Ragdoll cat:

  Ragdoll has never been able to defend himself

  Ragdoll cat is an expensive cat whose price ranges between 800 - 2000 dollars

  A Ragdoll cat may gain weight easily

Ragdoll cat has a loud meow sound

  Ragdoll cat may make its owners allergic

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Short-haired intruder cat:

The short-haired exotic cat resembles the Shirazi cat, as it is characterized by a snub face and a circular ear.

The strange short hair makes the cat more like a doll bear than cats, The short-haired exotic cat is one of the types of curious cats that is full of vitality and activity, but at the same time it is a quiet cat that loves relaxation and reaches the point of laziness. 

The cat is considered one of the best types of cats, 

But not for those who don't have the time or don't have the time to take care of cats.

 The intruder cat is a medium-sized cat that tends to develop strong bonds with its owners, and is compatible with other pets and children.

The intruder cat weighs about 7 kilograms, and reaches a length of about 30 inches,

The intruder cat can live up to the age of 15 years.

Unlike the Shirazi cat, it is easy to take care of the intruder's short hair, as it can be combed once or twice a week, and its hair falls out seasonally,

 Therefore, the intruder cat needs to constantly bathe to prevent his fur from tangling.

Regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the short-haired exotic cat, they can be summarized in the following points:

  Features of the short-haired exotic cat:

  An intruder cat never needs much care

The intruder cat is a beautiful cat that looks very similar to the Shirazi cat

  The intruder cat does not need a lot of exercise

  An intruder cat can handle other pets well

  The intruder cat is a calm, affectionate, patient, and obedient cat

  Disadvantages of the short-haired intruder cat:

  The intruder cat is susceptible to respiratory and kidney problems

  The intruder cat does not have a luxurious coat like the Shirazi cat

  The intruder cat may not be ideally active to play with children

Main Con cat:

The Maine Coon cat is native to Maine, and the Maine Coon cat is considered one of the largest types of domestic cats, with an average size of 8 kilograms, 

Although some Main Kwon cats can weigh up to 9 kilograms, the Main Kwon cat takes 3-4 years to reach full physical maturity, This cat has very thick fur with a waterproof layer, large, wide paws that work like snowshoes to walk easily through the snow, and a long, thick tail that is used to wrap around his face during severe weather. 

The Maine Coon cat is not only considered a widespread breed because of its personality, but it is also a very skilled mouse catcher.

In addition, it is also healthy and strong, and the Maine Coon cat is wonderful with children and other animals

 But its fur needs to be combed from time to time.

Regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the Maine

Coon cat, they can be summarized in the following points:

What are main cats?

What 2 breeds make a Maine Coon? 

  Features of Main Con cat:

  Main Kun is a very affectionate cat

  Myn con cat is not aggressive at all, despite its large size

  Maine Coon cat is great for handling children and other pets

 Maine Coon cat has no problems with constant hair loss

Mainkun is a very intelligent cat

  Maine Coon has few health problems

Mainkun cat is a family-friendly cat


How much is the Maine Coon cat in Egypt?

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 Disadvantages of Main Con cat:

  The Maine Coon cat is a very expensive cat, with a price ranging between $1,000 - $1,200

  A Maine Coon cat needs to buy its own cat tree 

  The Maine Coon cat needs a lot of space to live in due to its large size

  The Maine Coon cat is one of the cats that needs a lot of attention

The Maine Coon cat needs high levels of exercise

  Myin Kun's cat gets bored quickly


With my best wishes



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