What are the characteristics of monkeys and their behaviors?




 What are the characteristics of monkeys and their behaviors 

What are 5 characteristics of a monkey?

The monkey lives all over the world and comes in different shapes, sizes and colors.

As one of our closest relatives, the monkey is one of the very intelligent mammals and has the opposite thumb, which allows it to use tools and play games,

  There are more than 260 different species of monkeys, and they are separated into two main categories: New World monkeys and Old World monkeys.

What are the characteristics of monkeys and their behaviors?
 ?What are the characteristics of monkeys and their behaviors

New World monkeys live in the Americas, while Old World monkeys live in Asia and Africa،  One difference between the two categories is that Old World monkeys do not have grabable tails, and New World monkeys do.

What is the behavior of a monkey?

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Old World monkeys have special bags on their cheeks where they can store food, and Old World monkeys have a meat cat on their rump, but New World monkeys do not، 

The nostrils of Old World monkeys are small, curved, and close together.

Most New World monkeys have round nostrils spaced apart, and monkeys vary in shape and size like humans,

  The smallest monkey in the world is the American marmoset, according to the University of Wisconsin.

The monkey weighs about 4 ounces (113 grams) and is only about 5 inches (12.7 cm) long, 

The largest monkey in the world is the mandrill.

The monkey weighs about 77 pounds (35 kilograms) and is about 3 feet (1 meter) high.

Monkey behavior :

 Monkeys are characterized by behaviors that distinguish them from other animals, and the most important of these behaviors are the following:

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  Motor activity :

 During the day, with the exception of some species called owl monkeys or night monkeys.

This is a monkey

Paragraph about monkey

rhesus monkey social behaviour

What are the social characteristics of monkeys?

 Use problem solving method:

  These animals are considered to have a high IQ.  Living in groups.

Groups consist of females born within the group, their young, and one or more males.  Monkeys communicate with each other through the use of body language and sounds, which appear as screaming, barking, or squawking, which can be heard 5 km away. 

Social communication among monkeys :

 Monkeys live within social groups, in which repetitive activities and interactions that achieve the public interest are coordinated, so that group members develop belonging to achieve continuity versus aggression to keep the group from threats.

  Social life is characterized by the fact that it requires showing competition and conflict at times, and it may also require the participation of food resources, water resources, and sleeping sites, taking into account the existence of a hierarchical arrangement of the dominant individuals in the groups

  Which has the right to access limited resources.  Through social communication, the group of monkeys protects itself from predation and exposure to sources of danger, and communication allows for an increase in the circle of companions, 

Social communication is also a reason for the transmission of social behaviors necessary for survival from one generation to another within the animal group, and being in groups is a reason for reducing rates of tension and conflict, and maintaining the greatest possible amount of group security.  Monkeys use hidden calls as a communication behavior, as one monkey begins to issue a voice and a message for others from the group to join.

The most important of these hidden calls is the sounds that male monkeys use as a means of attracting females،  Or to draw attention if present alone, or to warn about the threat to the group, and what is worth noting here is that females do not respond to voice messages sent by

strange males outside the group to which they belong.

monkey behaviour study

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  Social groups :

 Monkeys create groups with relatively small numbers compared to other animals, as they are animals that depend on fruits and plants for their food, and therefore the number of the group is proportional to competition for food resources

  Monkey groups consist of two main categories:

 Single female :

 Its offspring, this type of social group, is rare among primates, in which the female is present with her female young in particular for long periods.

If male children are present, she moves away upon puberty and reaches sexual maturity,

  With the possibility of gathering during mating periods, these gatherings are within places designated for females.  Monogamous family group:

  This form of group exists among Asian monkeys and New World monkeys.

This group consists of a male and a female with their children, and this form can be likened to the shape of the nuclear family in humans,

 This form of group is rare, and the most famous species of monkeys that create this group are the gibbons, siamangs, titi monkeys, indris, tarsiers, and butohs.

monkey behaviors

monkey characteristics in humans

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  Polyandros Family Group :

 This group includes the world's smallest monkeys; Marmosets and exercise.

The formation of these groups begins with monogamous groups, with males, females, and children, 

Then a new male joins the family and provides assistance services in the process of raising and caring for the children.

In this case, the female is able to mate with both males in the group, The male role in this group is characterized by its role in the upbringing process, as children are with the father most of the time.

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  A group of one male and several females:

  These groups are characterized by the presence of a male among a group of females, which means that one male mates regularly with females, and lives with more than one female at the same time,  In these groups, although the male may be

dominant, this cannot be generalized.

For example, females of the Galadas breed control the group, even though the male is larger and more aggressive.

  This group takes a different form in the event of an external threat and pressure, as the families come together to form polygamous families, and the male is in control, so that he maintains order and provides protection for the group, 

When male monkeys reach adulthood, they are expelled by the dominant male, while when females reach maturity, they leave the family to form independent families.

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  Multi-male and female group :

 This species is the most widespread species among primates, as the group consists of multiple males and females.

Savannah monkeys, macaques, colobus, and New World monkeys are found in this type of group،  These groups are characterized by a hierarchy of dominance between males and females, which reduces the risk of violence, as the group teaches to whom to submit and submit, and in this type the females remain together as a team throughout their lives،  Especially in the macaque type, to prevent the presence of females who are intruders to their community.

  Fission and integration society :

 It is a society in which the shape, size, and composition of the group change as a result of the multiple activities carried out by individuals.

This is the common pattern among chimpanzees, as chimpanzees enter society and then leave it،  They live alone at times and collectively at other times.  Females in this society may change their membership from one group to another, especially in the mating stage (eroticism), and new groups are established with the aim of searching and obtaining food.

  The behavioral nature of chimpanzees allows for this form of broad relationships in which new groups are established.

It creates external relationships with different neighboring groups that allow change to occur in the form, components, and size of the group.

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 Advantages of monkeys over other animals:

  Monkeys live in many parts of the world and vary in terms of their different shapes, sizes, and colors.

They are also considered among the closest animals to humans.

The following are the most important things that distinguish monkeys

 from other animals:

 The large brain and high intelligence are among the most important characteristics of monkeys over other animals, their large brain and high intelligence, and these characteristics are what make them able to deal and adapt to the different conditions and environments in which they live,

 These features are what make them most similar to humans, and monkeys are also distinguished by their presence and movement in groups, which means that they form relationships with each other.

  Opposite Thumb Monkeys are mammals that have opposite thumbs, and this particular characteristic is what makes them able to use completely different tools, such as humans،  In addition to their ability to practice many movements and games, whether in nature or gardens, monkeys also have flexible hands and feet that help them move and jump on branches،  In addition, it has the ability to walk on its feet like a human, and all monkeys are distinguished by their love of being clean from bugs and other insects.

Facts about monkeys

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  Communication skills:

Monkeys communicate with each other through speech, facial expressions, and body movements.

A smile, or pulling the lip and shaking the head and shoulders forward indicates a sign of aggression in the monkey, 

Female monkeys also breastfeed their young for long periods, which makes there a relationship between the mother and her son, in addition to the fact that they have a menstrual cycle like humans.

It is worth mentioning here that sexual activity is often limited to females mainly, 

That is, during the ovulation period (eroticism).

  Long lifespan: The average lifespan of animals varies.

Some die quickly, some die long, and monkeys are one of them.

Monkeys have a high average lifespan, almost like humans،

 Their lifespan ranges on average around forty years, unlike many animals.

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 Diseases that may affect monkeys:

 Here are some of the most common diseases among monkeys that may be transmitted to humans:

 Herpes B:

 Its symptoms include fever, headache, skin lesions, and respiratory infection, and the infection may be transmitted to humans through contact with the ocular, genital, or oral secretions of monkeys.

Facts about monkeys 


 These viruses may cause fibroids, intestinal cryptosporidiosis, atypical mycobacteria, cystic pneumonia, and others.

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 Is the monkey threatened with extinction:

 While many monkey species are not in danger, some are on the verge of extinction, and for example, there are only 150 snub-nosed Tonkin monkeys،  Another monkey on the list is the red Tana River monkey, and there are less than 1,000 of these monkeys remaining in the world،  Both are included in the list of the twenty-five most endangered primates published by the International Union for Conservation of Nature on natural species from the remaining primate group, and the Hainan black-crowned gibbon is considered one of the most endangered species،  There are only 20 of these monkeys left in the world.

Facts about monkeys


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