Do cats have advantages?



?Do cats have advantages

Follow the most famous types of cats and the advantages and disadvantages of

 each type

types of cats

 Turkish Van cat:

 The Turkish Van cat is a type of strong cat.

Its body is somewhat rectangular and resembles the Turkish Angora cat in many ways,

 Despite its beautiful shape, it has muscular shoulders, an erect head, and a long nose that ends with a colored tip, and its ears are large and covered with pink hair on the inside,

  The eyes of the van cat are yellow and round, its tail is hairy, the tail is reddish in color, its hair is thick and soft, and the hair color is white.

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 The van cat is familiar with living in homes and is a type of calm, intelligent cat.

In addition, it is a skilled swimmer, and the female van cat gives birth to four kittens each time on average،  The female van cat takes care of her children until they mature. 

 The Van cat is an active and athletic cat that loves to jump, climb, and explore.

The Van cat is a slow-growing cat whose growth is complete and reaches maturity after 5 years.

It is a generally healthy and long-lived breed, 

They are about 17 years old.

They are large cats that weigh about 9 kilograms and reach a length of about 75 cm.

Regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the Turkish van cat, they can be summarized in the following points:


Characteristics of the Bombay cat

  Features of the van cat:

  Van cats are affectionate and friendly cats

  Van cats are fun, attractive and very active

  Van cats handle other pets well

  Van cats love water and are skilled swimming cats

  Van cats are healthy and do not suffer from genetic problems 

  Van cats are one of the easiest cats to train


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  Disadvantages of the van cat:

  Van cats are not the cats that like to cuddle

Van cats cannot be left alone for long periods or they will cause disasters

  Van cats do not cope well with young children, especially when they are harassed

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 Abyssinian cat:

 Scientists disagreed about the origin of this type of beautiful cat, whether it originated in Egypt or in Abyssinia.


 have noticed that the pictures of cats found in Pharaonic temples resemble the Abyssinian cat, and the people of Abyssinia were the first to display the Abyssinian cat in England for the first time, But in any case, the Abyssinian cat is considered the oldest cat breed in the world. 

The Abyssinian cat’s hair color is red or copper, striped with dark red, and its hair is short and thick like a rabbit, 

One of the characteristics of Abyssinian cat hair is that the hair color at the beginning is light in color and at the end it is dark in color.

The average weight of an Abyssinian cat is 2.7 - 4.5 kilograms

 Its length ranges between 30 - 40 cm, and its average age is about 15 years.

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 The body of the Abyssinian cat is long and thin, with a long tail.

The eyes of the Abyssinian cat are described as the largest among cats and the most innocent.

Its color may be green or yellow.

One of the most important characteristics of the Abyssinian cat is that it loves pampering and caressing,

 It is one of the active and intelligent types of cats, and despite this, it is considered one of the most difficult types of cats to raise.

It has stubborn personalities among cats, 

Despite this, it is a type of shy cat that is involved with strangers.

Regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the Abyssinian cat, they can be summarized in the following points:

Persian cat


Tabby cat

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  Features of the Abyssinian cat:

  The Abyssinian cat does not need much care

  The Abyssinian cat is a playful cat with high levels of energy

  The Abyssinian cat is friendly to children and other pets

  Disadvantages of the Abyssinian cat:

  The Abyssinian cat needs to make time to exercise and play

  The Abyssinian cat does not like cuddling as much as most other types of cats

  The Abyssinian cat needs a lot of attention 

  The Abyssinian cat is not suitable for small apartments

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  Siberian cat: 

 The Siberian cat is a type of domestic cat that has lived in Russia for centuries.

It is a long-haired cat،

 One of the characteristics of this type of cat is that it is very affectionate with its owners, in addition to being friendly most of the time with strangers.

The Siberian cat is a very smart cat that is easy to train 

The average lifespan of the Siberian cat is 11-15 years.

It is a medium-sized breed weighing between 5-11 kilograms, but it is a slow-maturing cat that reaches adulthood after 5 years. 

 The Siberian cat is characterized by activity and fun and loves to play very much.

It also enjoys combing its hair while sitting on your lap,

 The Siberian cat has a strong build and good health, except for some problems that it may face from myocardial hypertrophy.

Sometimes, the Siberian cat loves water, and surprisingly, it loves drinking directly from the water tap. 

 Regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the Siberian cat, they can be summarized in the following points:

Munchkin cat

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  Features of the Siberian cat:

  The Siberian cat is a caring, fun cat that loves to play

  The Siberian cat reacts well to children and other pets

  The Siberian cat handles cold weather well and loves to play with water

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Disadvantages of the Siberian cat: 

  The Siberian cat meows a lot

  The Siberian cat wants to go out constantly

  The long-haired Siberian cat requires greater care than other cat species

  Savannah cat:

The Savannah cat is considered a type of hybrid cat and is the largest breed of domesticated cat.

The Savannah cat is distinguished by its tall stature and thin body, and the size of the Savannah cat in general depends heavily on its generation and gender,

 A comparison is often made between savannah cats and dogs in terms of their loyalty to their owners, because savannah cats are cats that follow their owners around the house and can also be trained to bring some things,

  Savannah cats are generally loving, playful cats that are a good addition to any family.

However, Savannah cats are not the most natural pets, they can be wild sometimes.

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 The savannah cat is a social cat that is friendly with new people and cats.

The savannah cat is distinguished by its ability to jump high distances of up to 2.5 metres,

 He is one of the curious cats that loves access to all things and often learns how to open doors and cabinets.

The weight of a savannah cat ranges between 5-11 kilograms,

 Its length ranges between 50 - 55 cm, and the average lifespan of a savannah cat is 20 years. 

 Regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the savannah cat, they can be summarized in the following points:

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  Features of the savannah cat:

Savannah cats love their owners

  Savannah cats have a high level of intelligence

  Savannah cats love to play

  Savannah cats are water-loving

  Savannah cats are easy to care for

  Disadvantages of the savannah cat:

  Savannah cats cause a lot of destruction in the home due to their great energy

  Savannah cats are expensive due to their rare breed

  Savannah cats are a relatively new breed and are not domesticated cats like other types of domestic cats

Savannah cats are scary because of their great length, which requires a lot of space to live

  Savannah cats have a hunting instinct so they can be wild sometimes

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  German Rex cat: 

 This breed of domestic cat is medium-sized with thin, medium-length legs, large open ears, and medium-sized eyes with the same color as its hair, which is usually short and soft

 Rex cats

are considered a very friendly type of cat.

They are active, love to play and have fun, are intelligent, and easy to train.

They are very patient and loyal cats, and love to hug.

The weight of the Rex cat ranges between 3 - 4 kilograms, and its average lifespan is between 9 - 14 years.

As its name suggests, the origin of this type of cat is Germany.

 Regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the German Rex cat, they can be summarized in the following points: 

  Features of the German Rex cat: 

  Rex cats are loving and friendly cats

  Rex cats are affectionate and patient cats

  Rex cats are smart and quick-to-learn cats

  Rex cats have surprisingly soft fur despite its shortness

Rex cats coexist well with other pets 

 Disadvantages of the German Rex cat: 

Rex cats need a lot of space to move and play

Rex cats need a lot of exercise

  Rex cats need a lot of toys

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  Egyptian cat Mao:

The Egyptian Mau cat is a type of small to medium-sized short-haired cat.

It is one of the few types of domestic cats that is characterized by the presence of spots of different colors in its body

 The Egyptian Mau is also considered one of the fastest domestic cats due to its long hind legs, reaching speeds of 48 kilometers per hour. 

 The Egyptian Mau is one of the types of cats most sensitive to temperature, as this type of cat prefers warm temperatures

 Its gestation period is also unusually long, with the gestation period reaching about 73 days, while the normal gestation period for other types of cats ranges between 65-67 days, with the exception of the Siamese cat, which increases

 The duration of his pregnancy is another day or two. 

 The origins of the Egyptian Mau cat go back to the Pharaonic era more than 3,000 years ago.

The Egyptian Mau cat tends to hide from strangers, and the weight of the Egyptian Mau cat ranges between 2.7 - 6.5 kilograms،  It reaches a length of 16 inches, and the average lifespan of the Egyptian Mau cat ranges from 12 to 15 years. 

 Regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the Egyptian Mao cat, they can be summarized in the following points:

  Features of the Egyptian Mau cat:

  Mau cats are active and intelligent cats

  Mau cats have strong bonds with their families

  Mau cats do not need much care

  Mau cats are suitable for families with school-age children

  Mau cats can live happily with other pets

  Disadvantages of the Egyptian Mau cat:

  Mau cats are rare and not widely available

Mau cats have common health problems such as cardiomyopathy

  Mau cats need large homes due to their activity and great energy

  Mau cats are sensitive to change and do not accept strangers easily

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  Tiffany cat:

 Tiffany the cat is one of the kind, active and strange types of cats at the same time due to its great attachment to its owners, but this does not happen with other cats that live with it because it is a very jealous type of cat,

 Tiffany's cat's enthusiasm makes him need a lot of time from his friends to take care of him and play with him.

It is not recommended to raise him in small homes, as he needs large areas for movement due to his excessive activity. 

 Tiffany's cat comes with rainbow coats, which come on the list of cats that do not cause allergies to their owners.

Tiffany's cat weighs between 3.5 - 4.5 kilograms,

  The average lifespan of a Tiffany cat ranges between 10 and 15 years, and Tiffany cats are considered the product of crossbreeding a number of different cat breeds. 

 Regarding the advantages and disadvantages of Tiffany the cat, they can be summarized in the following points:

What is the personality of a Tiffany cat?

  Tiffany cat features:

  Tiffany cats are friendly cats with their owners and strangers

  Tiffany cats can be left alone without causing disasters

  Tiffany cats are child-friendly cats and other pets

  Tiffany cats are smart cats and can be easily trained

Are Tiffany cats extinct?  

 Disadvantages of Tiffany's cat:

  Tiffany cats have a constant, annoying meowing sound 

  Tiffany cats need large areas for their excessive activity

Tiffany cats need constant care, especially their fur


With my best wishes


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