What is the average age of a domestic cat?



Average age of domestic cats according to their breed 

 Are you thinking about adding a cat to your little family?  Below is the average age of some of the most common breeds:

 Average lifespan of a Siamese cat:

 Siamese cats live from 12 to 20 years, depending on care and place of upbringing.

How old do different cat breeds live?

What is the average age of a domestic cat?
?What is the average age of a domestic cat

Characteristics of the Bombay cat

Calico cats:

  This breed lives from 12 to 15 years, if it is a good breeder.

 Average lifespan of a Bengal cat:

 From 14 to 16 years.

 Burmese cats:

  From 16 to 18 years.

 Savannah cat:

  The savannah cat is considered a long-lived type of domestic cat, as its average lifespan is from 12 to 20 years.

 Average lifespan of a dolphin cat:

  From 15 to 18 years.

 Russian Blue Cat:

  From 15 to 20 years.

?How do you take care of a Shirazi cat

 Average lifespan of a Pharaonic cat:

from 10 to 15 years, if it is a good breeder.

 Manx cat:

  From 8 to 14 years.

What cat breed has the longest age?

How rare is it for a cat to live to 20?

 Shirazi cat:

  Shirazi cats are calm cats and do not like hunting and movement much, so their lifespan is relatively long compared to other breeds, as the average lifespan of a Shirazi cat is from 10 to 17 years.

 Main Con cat:

  The Maine Coon cat lives from 10 to 13 years if it is well cared for.

 Munchkin cat:

  From 12 to 15 years.

 Himalayan cat:

  It is a mixture of Shirazi and Siamese, and its average lifespan is from 12 to 15 years.

 Egyptian Mau Cat from 12 to 15 years.

 Norwegian forest cat:

  This breed of cat is cute and loves to play with water.

This breed lives from 12 to 15 years.

 Average lifespan of the American shorthair cat:

 From 15 to 20 years.

 Cat they bought:

  This breed lives from 10 to 15 years.

 Devon Rex cat:

 The average age of these cats is from 10 to 16 years.

 Korat cat :

 These cats are one of the rarest types of cats and can live for 15 years.

 Siberian cat:

 These cats are lucky cats with a stunning appearance.

This breed can live for 20 years.

 Somali cat:

 He can live from 8 to 13 years.

 Ragdoll cat:

  Of cats with soft fur and distinguished by the color of their picturesque eyes, this breed lives from 8 to 10 years.

 Cornish Rex cat:

 This breed is one of the cutest types of cats and is characterized by its curly hair.

This breed can live from 12 to 15 years.

 Turkish Van Cat:

 It is one of the most beautiful types of domestic cats and requires a lot of attention and care.

These cats can live from 12 to 17 years

 Scottish folded cat:

  These cats live from 12 to 15 years.

Factors that control the average lifespan of cats

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 Do you want your kitten to live longer than average?  You

should read some of the following tips:

 Medical care:

  If you want to increase the average lifespan of your kitten, you should always conduct courses and a comprehensive examination of your cat approximately every 3 months, in order to ensure that it does not suffer from diseases, in addition to vaccinations and other preventive measures.


 For cats, food is considered a source of energy and health, so you must provide the best types of food for your little cat, whether it is home food, or from some well-known brands such as Royal Canin or Gozera, 

But you have to choose the right and useful food for your cat that helps build their muscles and strengthen their immunity.


  To increase your cat's life expectancy, you should always play with it and increase its movement so that it does not suffer from diseases such as obesity or diabetes.

 Prevent boredom:

  Boredom or depression can cause many diseases that negatively affect a cat's age, so we advise you to play with it, introduce new toys into its life, and provide climbing opportunities such as cat towers or wall-mounted options.

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 Constantly notice your cat:

 You can do this by doing a weekly mini physical examination yourself, as well as noticing changes in food intake, loss of appetite, breathing, coat quality, cough, physical abilities, And even personal care habits.

 What happens as a cat ages?

 The cat aging process is accompanied by many physical and behavioral changes, which are as follows:

 When cats grow older, their immunity gradually decreases and they are exposed to many diseases, especially geriatric diseases.

 The skin of large cats becomes thin and more susceptible to bacterial infections.

 Older cats take care of themselves less effectively than kittens, which sometimes leads to cracked hair, skin odor, and inflammation.

 Hearing loss is common in cats of advanced age.

 Aging is also accompanied by many changes in the eyes, as lens blur becomes a common disease in older cats, so we advise you if you see changes in your cat’s eyesight and do not see her food clearly, 

You should go to the vet immediately so that you do not go blind.

 Dental diseases are very common in older cats and can hinder eating, cause severe pain, and the formation of fungi and bacteria that affect the digestion process.

 Although many different diseases can cause anorexia, decreased sense of smell in healthy big cats may be partly responsible for a loss of interest in eating.

 Kidney diseases that affect your cat's life.

 Degenerative joint disease, or arthritis, is common in older cats, although most cats with arthritis do not become noticeably lame, However, she may have difficulty accessing the sandbox and her plate of food and drink. 

 Hyperthyroidism often leads to increased activity.

 High blood pressure, diabetes, and cancer are among the most common diseases in big cats.

 In humans, we notice the appearance of aging diseases in the elderly, such as Alzheimer's or changes in personality and behavior.

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With my best wishes



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