





Doves :

A type of bird that belongs to the pigeon family.

The dove has many species and lives almost all over the world.

In the following article, we tell you the most important information about the dove bird.

What is special about dove?

What is the character of the dove?



Information about the dove:

Each type of dove has its own unique characteristics, but together they share many traits regarding appearance, mating, and feeding behavior.

Original home:

There are more than 300 known species of doves, 15 of which live in the United States, such as the mourning dove, which is native to the United States.

The rest of the species live in almost all parts of the world except in places with extreme temperatures such as the Sahara Desert and Antarctica.

You can find doves in forests, in the countryside, and in the city

They are also widely seen on power lines and tree branches.

They are adaptable birds and can fit anywhere they can find food.

What is the description of a dove?


 There are approximately 59 species of doves that are threatened with extinction due to hunting and other practices that threaten the lives of birds.

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Characteristics of the dove bird:

The dove is a small, stocky bird that belongs to the dove family.

The dove is famous for its low cooing sound.

All doves have relatively small heads compared to their bodies, a small, slender beak, and short legs.

It also has a fairly long tail with distinctive color patterns that are useful in identifying the different types of doves.

The most common for doves are shades of grey, white and brown. The dove is known for its fast, powerful flight patterns and the sound its wings create in the air, as the mourning dove can reach speeds of up to 55 miles per hour.

The sound of the dove bird: The dove has a tremendous ability to produce a group of beautiful and different sounds or tones.

The dove uses these tones as calls to communicate with each other to indicate the arrival of a danger.

Males usually have a louder voice than females.  

What do do doves eat:

Why is dove important?

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Some doves eat grains and seeds while others eat mostly fruit.

Those who raise doves must wash their hands after handling, feeding, or cleaning the dove house because doves can transmit chlamydia and salmonella to humans.

Doves need water to survive, and doves have an extraordinary ability to drink water without raising their heads.

Doves feed mainly on grass seeds and grains by walking and tapping on the ground.

Some types of doves also feed on fruit, and white-winged doves eat snails to obtain Calcium.

10 facts about doves

scary facts about doves 

Breeding dove :

Raising doves is not as common as raising pigeons or other birds.

Some raise doves as a pet bird, some raise them as domestic birds to eat, and raising doves is very similar to raising pigeons.

Before you decide to raise doves, you must keep the

following in mind:

You should make a separate nest for each pair of doves.

The doves need a large, spacious cage with a nesting area and space to allow the doves to search for food on the ground.

It is preferable to place the dove cage away from direct sunlight, air currents, or smoke-filled conditions.

 Pigeons and doves eat almost the same food, so you can serve grains intended for eating pigeons or doves, which you will find available in places that sell poultry supplies, and do not forget to provide the doves with clean, fresh water at all times.

features of dove bird

white doves

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Yamam hunting:

 Dove birds are considered one of the important prey that hunters search for in particular because they are one of the preferred species for training beginners in hunting.

Therefore, special trips are organized to hunt doves in areas where they tend to search for food and nest, such as: forest edges and agricultural areas, specifically those where sunflower plants are grown، The summer season is the preferred season for hunting doves, especially between the end of August and the beginning of September, which is the period in which crops are harvested.

Doves can be searched for at different times of the day, as they can be found in the early morning hours near water sources, as doves prefer Open areas، In the middle of the morning, doves can be found in places where they search for food, especially fields that contain sunflowers, wheat remains, or wild herbs.

They can also be found in shady places in the middle of the day, and in places where trees abound.

It has open branches in the evening, which is the period when the doves return to sleeping places.

dove characteristics personality

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How to catch doves

Most experienced hunters prefer to hunt doves using a rifle with a caliber ranging from 12-20, while novice hunters are advised to use a.20 caliber rifle, provided that it is light, weighing no more than 3.4 kilograms, and its barrel length does not exceed 66 cm, to feel comfortable during use.

The beginner is also advised to use single-shot rifles at first and then switch to multi-shot rifles when his experience increases in order to maintain his safety، It is worth noting that using a well-trained recovery dog can make it easier for the hunter to bring the dove after hunting it, especially since wounded doves tend to hide under vegetation in the place where they fall.

 About the dove: The dove belongs to the dove family and differs from the dove in that its size is slightly smaller and its tail is longer.

  There are several types of doves, including the following:

 Laughing dove or stet:

Yamama lives south of the Sahara in Africa, the Middle East, and the Indian subcontinent, and its feathers in the lower neck region contain a distinctive pattern of red and black dots.

 Lunar or turtle dove:

A type of dove that lives in Europe.

Its numbers witnessed a decline of 74% between the years 1980-2011 AD as a result of many factors, the most important of which are habitat loss, diseases, and unsustainable hunting during migration.

One of the proposed solutions to solve this problem is self-regulation of hunting until the number of individuals increases.

facts about doves eyes

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 White-winged dove:

Yamama's native habitat extends from the southwestern United States through Mexico and Central America to some Caribbean islands, and it is an important type of game.

Therefore, there are serious attempts in both Texas and Mexico to provide suitable areas for them to nest and provide protection for them in their breeding areas.

Information about the dove bird through the content website: The dove is a type of medium-sized bird, belonging to the same family as the dove and similar in shape , There are more than three hundred species of it and it is considered one of the most widespread bird species in the world

Eurasian collared dove:

 Yamama's native habitat extends from Asia Minor and Central Asia to the back of India, but thanks to its ability to adapt to different conditions, it has been able to expand and spread across many regions.

What is the character of the dove in the Bible?

Information about dove eggs:

 Some types of doves mate with one partner for life,Others take a different partner in each mating season.

Male doves bring the necessary materials to build the nest,while the female undertakes the task of building the nest on her own.

The female usually lays one egg or Two eggs, and continues to incubate the eggs for between eleven and thirty days,The male shares the incubation of the eggs for some time . The male and female share in caring for the young and bringing them food after hatching.

The young doves are able to leave the nest after a period ranging from ten to forty days

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How do you describe a dove?

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Ways to raise doves at home :

The dove is one of the beautiful small wild birds and is from the same family as the dove, but until now man has not been able to domesticate it like the dove.

The dove is a first-class wild bird and it is difficult to raise it at home, as it never returns to its place and is always on the move, unlike the dove, which always returns to its home.

However, there are lovers.

For the dove bird, they love raising it at home due to the beauty of its shape and sound.

For that day, through the Ghiya platform, we will explain the methods of raising doves At home in detail

What is the Behaviour of a dove?

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Preparing the place for raising doves at home:

The dove, by its nature, is a wild bird that does not like to be locked in a cage.

When the dove bird is locked in a cage that does not lay eggs, and if it ovulates, it may break the eggs.

Therefore, it is preferable to raise the dove in a herd, meaning that you may be able to raise it in a room, such as raising sleeping pigeons while making eyes for the chick, but some people put it in Cages of large, wide size.

dove characteristics personality

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dove characteristics bible

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Buying doves for breeding at home:

The process of purchasing doves is a difficult process, as the difference between a male dove and a female dove is not clear, but it may appear from the large size of the male

Feeding doves at home.

Doves depend for their food on small grains such as wheat, summer corn, 

lentils, and rice.


With my best wishes


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